Movie tycoon

Chapter 484 Wow, "The First Grandmaster"

Chapter 484 Wow, "The Grandmaster" (one more)
Chen Xiaotang is very satisfied with her makeup skills and acting skills, look, surrounded by paparazzi, she can come and go freely.It can be compared to the ancient hero "Yizhimei", except that "Yizhimei" is for the purpose of robbing the rich and helping the poor, but he is for "stealing incense and jade".

Back at the Magic Shadow Entertainment Company, as soon as Chen Xiaotang sat down, he saw his female secretary Ye Zimei walking in, saying that two people came to him early in the morning and wanted to recommend themselves as the director.

Chen Xiaotang was amazed, amazed, he never thought that the bold words he said at the celebration banquet before, saying that he was thirsty for love and talents, and hoped that people with lofty ideals would come to join him, and not long after he said that, someone came to his door to "take refuge" ".

It's just that cheap is not good, what kind of talents are these two dudes who came out of themselves? !
But soon, Chen Xiaotang knew the answer.

Three minutes later, when Chen Xiaotang saw the two in his office, he couldn't believe it, because one of them was "Grape" Liu Zhenwei, and the other was "King of Sunglasses" Wang Jiawei!

They were not introduced by people inside the Moying Company, but they heard the "wind" by accident. I couldn't get rid of the pot for a month, so I came here in a fart, euphemistically called "Mao Sui recommended myself", but in fact it was to ask for a meal.

Looking at these two "big gods" in front of him, Chen Xiaotang was overjoyed.What is "pie in the sky", this is it!And what fell was a bunch of grapes! ! !

Obviously, these two well-known directors and screenwriters in their previous lives were a little cautious when they saw Chen Xiaotang, and the muscles on their faces were tense as if they had never done a lot of work.

Chen Xiaotang smiled and said to them: "Sit down, don't be restrained!" The two fell off the chair.

Don't look at Chen Xiaotang's amiable, cheerful face.But Liu Zhenwei and Wang Jiawei both know that besides being a singer and actor, this person is also a well-known movie boss, so talented, no matter how talented they think they are, they can't help but be overshadowed , so the two of them didn't dare to show the slightest bit of arrogance, they didn't have the confidence.

"Let's talk about your reason for coming first, so that I can arrange a good place for the two of you." Chen Xiaotang asked straight to the point.

"Ahem, the main reason is this. We heard that the development momentum of Moying Entertainment is very good now, and they are recruiting, so we came to join with a learning attitude. I hope that Mr. Chen will give us a chance and let us be a part of Moying Entertainment. Make a little contribution to entertainment.”

I don't know how long Liu Zhenwei memorized this line, even if he said it like this, he was stuttering.After all, young talents like them seldom have such a low profile.

After hearing this, Chen Xiaotang laughed, poured tea for the two of them himself, and said, "It's my wish that you can join us, Moying. Especially for a director like Mr. Wang, no one can do it on the comedy route." Out of its left and right..."

Liu Zhenwei was a little suspicious, "Ahem, Boss Chen, I don't seem to have said what subject matter I am good at, why are you..."

It was only then that Chen Xiaotang realized that he was talking too fast and almost exposed the bottom of the "grape". "Hehe, seeing you looking chubby is very festive. Wouldn't it be a pity not to take the comedy route?" Chen Xiaotang half-jokingly said, "Besides, Hong Kong movies are now dominated by comedies. People like to watch them and are willing to watch them. We should satisfy everyone's wishes. , isn't it?"

What Chen Xiaotang said seemed very reasonable, making Liu Zhenwei speechless and could only nod.

Chen Xiaotang turned around and said to Wang Jiawei: "As for you, Mr. Wang Jiawei..."

Wang Jiawei, who was secretly wanting to take a sip of tea, hurriedly spit out the tea leaves that reached his mouth, and sat upright, listening to what Chen Xiaotang had to say.

"I'm not very familiar with you, I just know that you are a very good screenwriter, do you think you are competent as a director?" Chen Xiaotang was simply farting.He is not familiar with Wang Jiawei?dick!It was because of the familiarity that Chen Xiaotang felt a headache.

You should know that "King of Sunglasses" also has another nickname called "King of Moji". This drama has been filmed for more than ten years!It can be called the number one dystocia drama in the Chinese-speaking world!There are constant rumors that this movie will be released soon, but wait and wait, until my children are almost seven or eight years old, I haven't seen the shadow of this movie; so much so that even Wang Jiawei himself has to say that this movie is self-deprecating It should be renamed "The Missing Generation".

In this play, Wang Jiawei broke his own slow record and created the slow film with the longest shooting cycle in history. It took 13 years from conception to final presentation.Liang Chaowei said that the fight in the rain for the poster took 30 days to shoot.Zhao Benshan said that he went to the crew ten times and filmed a scene.Zhang Ziyi said that the snow scenes in the film took two years to shoot.
It is said that "The Grandmaster" was actually completed three years ago.At the night banquet, Wei Zai, Xiao Zhang and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.Unexpectedly, after drinking for a long time, Wang Jiawei suddenly seemed possessed by He Baorong, and said in a low voice: Why don't we start over.
Although it is said that slow work produces meticulous work, but slow work cannot produce box office.

Especially freaks like Wang Jiawei, who are extremely tall in art, especially led Hong Kong films to win numerous awards in the international film circle.In terms of box office, it is a dwarf. Few of the films make money. Even the most successful "In the Mood for Love" only had a box office of 3000 million.

You said, how would Chen Xiaotang deal with such a freak?

If you shut him out, then Chen Xiaotang will look stupid. After all, he can't help you make money, but he can help you win awards. In the future, you can shine brightly on the red carpet in Cannes.

What's more, "Grape" Liu Zhenwei has a super close relationship with Sunglasses King. Back then, "Evil and West Poison" by "Moji King" was a big failure at the box office.Liu Zhenwei not only spent eight days filming "East and West" to support Wang Jiawei, but also gave Wang Jiawei the money he earned from making other comedies to supplement.For this friendship, many years later, Gao Lao (Liu's nickname for Wang) called Xiaopang (Wang's nickname for Liu), asked for his bank account number, and wrote a check to he.Since "Days of Being Wild", almost all of Liu Zhenwei's films have tirelessly paid tribute to Wang Jiawei, which shows that the "basic love" between the two is radiant, and it is difficult to describe it in words.Therefore, Chen Xiaotang had reason to believe that if he drove Sunglass King away, Putao would probably leave as well.

Chen Xiaotang would not do such a stupid thing.That's why Chen Xiaotang made a false move and said, "As for you, I'm not very familiar with your directing skills, do you think you are competent?"

This is so skillful. Originally, Wang Jiawei's current identity is mainly a screenwriter, not a director. Chen Xiaotang asked him if it was OK to be a director. How would he answer...

But Wang Jiawei was not reserved at all, "I think being a okay!"

I'm dizzy, what does it mean? !
The answer given by Wang Jiawei made someone very painful.

I originally thought Sunglasses King would be more modest, saying that he would start as a screenwriter, study hard, improve every day, until he has mastered the basic skills before becoming a director.Chen Xiaotang can borrow the donkey from the slope, first arrange for him the position of screenwriter, and keep him in captivity. When Moying is really rich, he will spend tens of millions to play around. Mud will do, as long as it wins an award.But now...

"Ahem, Mr. Wang, I'm deeply surprised by your confidence—but it's okay, just write the script for me to review for yourself if you want to start a play. You will never be given any restrictions on the subject matter, what do you want? Shoot whatever you want!"

Since the "King of Sunglasses" couldn't be prevented from becoming the director and taking a big step towards the throne of "King of Moji", Chen Xiaotang simply let go, "Damn, I'll give you a chance to shoot whatever you want, but you need to write the script. bring it to me!

You must know that the King of Sunglasses is famous for not needing scripts when filming. He can shoot wherever he thinks of.

But in fact, people think that Wang Jiawei does not use scripts in filming, which is a misunderstanding.He just lacked a script to work with, not a complete story.He writes the screenplay from the perspective of a director, knowing the gains and losses, and has already surpassed the traditional film industry formula.At the story level, he tends to find dramatic contradictions in the subtleties of simple things, and his plots are what the artist calls "minimalist" plots.

Knowing this, Chen Xiaotang asked him to bring the "script" for him to read. According to the tradition of Hong Kong film companies, this is not too much.

Wang Jiawei glanced at Chen Xiaotang and nodded, expressing his agreement with his suggestion.With the script as the rein, Chen Xiaotang thinks he can still control this wild horse that likes to run wild.

"But don't worry, I'm recruiting troops to do a big job, and it's an opportunity for you to join Moying." Chen Xiaotang's confident appearance quickly calmed the two of them: "I promise, as long as you stay in Moying for a day, There will definitely be dramas, and they will all have a chance to win prizes!"
Chen Xiaotang's idea is not complicated, he intends to ask Wang Jiawei to open "Carmen in Mong Kok" next year. As for Liu Zhenwei, if possible, he can try to shoot some comedy films first to explore the way.

In addition, Chen Xiaotang also has a grand wish, which is to catch all the future well-known directors in Hong Kong and form a unique director department of Moying. Encircle and annihilate the situation, encircle and annihilate other films.As long as he is given another two years, the company will have enough influence in the film industry.
It's not that he doesn't want to play with these two great people right away, but the time has not come. These two don't have their own style at all, especially Wang Jiawei needs to be more carefully polished.It can be said that everything still needs a transitional process, and nothing can be achieved overnight.

Liu Zhenwei and Wang Jiawei glanced at each other, both were overwhelmed by Chen Xiaotang's impassioned speech.Then Liu Zhenwei said something: "Ahem, boss, I heard you said before that you will reward 1 yuan for anyone who introduces you? Look, Wang Jiawei was actually introduced by me..."

Chen Xiaotang fainted.

Liu Zhenwei is also very shy, not because he likes such a small amount of money, but because he really has no money to cook!

(End of this chapter)

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