Movie tycoon

Chapter 455 "Wesley and Yuan Zhenxia"

Chapter 455 "Wesley and Yuan Zhenxia" (Part [-])
Temporary resting place of the hotel.

Chen Xiaotang hurried into the room, followed by Fatty Wang Jing and others.

"What happened?" This was the question in everyone's mind, and they hurriedly turned on the TV, and sure enough, Yongsheng Entertainment's press conference was being broadcast live.

I saw the crew members headed by Xiang Huasheng sitting on the podium, accepting questions from the media...

The scene of Yongsheng press conference.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Xiang Huasheng, as the person in charge of Yongsheng Company, what type of movie will you be shooting, what is its name, and what is the general story?"

Well-dressed Xiang Huasheng wore gold-rimmed glasses, looked at the camera with a smile and said: "First of all, our drama is a science fiction drama, and the name must be familiar to everyone. It is called "Wesley and Yuan Zhenxia". As for the content of the story, hehe, Then you have to wait until the movie is released to see it for yourself!"

""Wesley and Yuan Zhenxia"? Isn't this the masterpiece of Mr. Ni Box?" A reporter asked.

"Yes, it is the work of Mr. Ni Box. This time we are honored to invite Mr. Ni Zhen, Mr. Ni Kuang's beloved son, to be the screenwriter of this drama. As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog son. I believe Ni Zhen Mister will definitely make this drama a wonderful adaptation!" Xiang Huasheng turned his attention to Ni Zhen, who was also sitting upright and handsome.

Ni Zhen took the microphone very elegantly, and said with a smile: "First of all, thank you Mr. Xiang Huasheng for your love and participation in the production of this drama. Secondly, I have talked with my father, Mr. Ni Box, many times about the script, and I have revised it many times. , In order to bring the content of the story to the big screen, we have also made great efforts. In the end, I can only reveal one thing about whether this drama is wonderful or not. It is absolutely weird, scary, and shocking! Thank you everyone !"

Ni Zhen's elegant demeanor has won praise from many people, and the flashlight even recorded him without hesitation.

Next, another reporter asked: "Xiang Huasheng, as we all know, Mr. Ni Box's masterpieces have always been very popular, but it is also very difficult to shoot, especially in terms of performance. If you want to portray the characters in detail, you need a very skilled photographer. Acting skills, so may I ask, who is the leading actor in this play, and why did you choose him as the leading actor?"

Xiang Huasheng laughed: "Ding dong! You're right on the point—I can tell you right now that the leading actor in our play, Wesley, is played by Hong Kong actor Zhou Runfa! The reason why he was chosen was only Because I believe in him, he will be the lucky star of our Yongsheng drama! Come on, please invite Mr. Zhou to appear——!"

Following Xiang Huasheng's voice, I saw a person walking out from behind, tall and straight, with a handsome face, who is not the popular niche Zhou Runfa? !

Zhou Runfa's appearance confirmed the previous rumors to be true, he has joined Yongsheng's drama as the leading actor!

Crackling, all the cameras were aimed at Fa Ge.

Zhou Runfa's face was slightly pale, but he managed to squeeze out a smile and waved towards the audience for interaction.

"Brother Fa, may I ask why you acted in this play?" A reporter couldn't help asking.

Zhou Runfa sat down on the stage, and then he said with a smile: "Of course it's because this drama is very good, and there is also a warm invitation to Mr. Hua Sheng!"

Reporter: "Then may I ask if you resigned from the movie "God of Gamblers" because of this movie?"

Zhou Runfa's face was a little ugly, "Ahem, that's not correct. Although I signed a contract with Moying, the filming of that movie has not yet started. Just at this time, I came across such a rare and good script as "Wesley", so I decided to give it a try. Will join Yongsheng to shoot this movie... how to put it, it's all fate!"

"Fate? That means you and Moying Entertainment don't have enough fate!" This sentence was quite ironic, which made Fa Ge very embarrassed.

The reporter was very proud, and turned to Xiang Huasheng and said, "Mr. Xiang, you have poached the corner of Moying Entertainment, and you announced the press conference today. It is obvious that you are going against Moying Entertainment. May I ask this What's the reason?"

Xiang Huasheng gave a cold face and didn't answer, but just winked at the person next to him.

Immediately, someone stepped forward to grab the reporter and said, "Excuse me sir, we have something to talk to you about."

The reporter was obviously a young boy who had just debuted, and he didn't know that he had made a fool of himself, "I don't know you... Hey, Mr. Xiang, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Before he could finish speaking, the two had set up him and left, and the reporter realized that something was wrong... Unfortunately, his colleagues were all photographed by the Xiang brothers' despotic power, and no one dared to say anything.

Seeing that the whole situation was shocked by him, Xiang Huasheng couldn't help sneering, stood up, put his arm around Fa Ge's shoulders, and signaled the entire crew of "Wesley" to stand up, and said, "Now I announce that our Yongsheng Entertainment Company The first movie "Wesley and Yuan Zhenxia" is officially launched!"

Crackling, cameras flashing, applause everywhere.

As these words fell to the ground, the first decisive battle between Moying and Yongsheng Movie officially began!

In the hotel lounge.

Chen Xiaotang watched the TV, Xiang Hua Sheng and Fa Ge hooked up, and for some reason, felt a little pain in his heart for his declaration of war.So all along, he has regarded Brother Fa as one of his own, a good brother, a good friend, and a trustworthy person.But Fa Ge slapped himself hard with practical actions.

This slap was neither light nor heavy, but it was not on the face, but on the heart, which made Chen Xiaotang feel a cold heart.

Why is he doing this?
How can I feel sorry for him?

Is it voluntary?Or is there another reason?
Chen Xiaotang couldn't figure it out.

Fatty Wang Jing seemed to understand Chen Xiaotang's mood very well, he patted his shoulder lightly and did not speak.

Liu Dehua and others were also silent, until Chen Xiaotang said: "I'm sorry, everyone, I want to be alone for a while."

Fatty Wang Jing, Liu Dehua and others nodded to show that they understood his feelings, and everyone walked out one after another.

Soon, Chen Xiaotang was the only one in the room, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows stupidly.

In fact, many people know that Zhou Runfa is honored as Brother Fa, a recognized big brother in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, but not many people may know the origin of Brother Fa. In 1986, after the release of "The True Colors of Heroes", the record-breaking myth began. In 1989, "God of Gamblers" was released, and an era of the movie god of gamblers came. It was in 1989 that Xiang Huaqiang and Wang Jing held a press conference for the God of Gamblers , the present stars included Zhang Guorong, Hua, Du Qifeng, Wu Yusen, Mei Yanfang, Zhong Chuhong and several other stars to help out. The present stars and many media called Zhou Runfa Fa Ge, and the high-level image also boosted Zhou Runfa's mythical big brother image The release of "Blood Heroes" in the same year also catalyzed Zhou Runfa's label as the god of acting, which has been used to this day.

Just when Fa Ge was smiling proudly all by himself, news came that he was going to retire.In fact, Fa Ge did not intend to retire in 90 years. In 89, Fa Ge made nearly 90 films, completely overpowering Cheng Long. He was at the peak of his career, but at that time Xiang Huaqiang was forming his own Yongsheng Entertainment Company, and Fa Ge signed a long-term contract with Princess Jin , "God of Gamblers" was all borrowed from Xin Ngee'an's strength to shoot.Xiang Huaqiang wants to praise a superstar of his company, but that superstar is not the star master.Fa Ge's retirement is really not what he wanted, but he can't afford to offend him.It's hard to imagine what would happen to the Hong Kong film industry if Fa Ge hadn't made a movie in 2 years.After filming "God of Gamblers [-]", Xiang asked him to shoot Gambling [-] again. At that time, Zhou Runfa happened to have the Golden Princess contract expired. I just didn't pick up my own sign, so Zhang Jiazhen said that Zhou Runfa found a dead cat in the garden first. After that, Zhou Runfa wanted to leave Hollywood, but before he left, he accepted the filming of the last movie "Peace Hotel".

But why did Fa Ge beat Wei Jiahui's Peace Hotel?At that time, Wei Jiahui was still a newcomer. Wei Jiahui brought his script of the Peace Hotel to Zhou Runfa. Zhou Runfa was shocked when he saw the script. The script is based on Fa Ge's story of right and wrong in Hong Kong.Zhou Runfa was moved by Wei Jiahui's decisiveness and sincerity, and he was still not afraid of offending the Hong Kong entertainment circle to beat the Peace Hotel. Zhou Runfa became the last "killer king" in Hong Kong, and this film also led to Zhou Runfa's formal break with the entertainment company controlled by Xiang Shi.

It was precisely because he was familiar with these anecdotes that Chen Xiaotang wondered why Brother Fa would suddenly team up with Yongsheng to deal with him.

According to common sense, Fa Ge is definitely not such a person!

Just when Chen Xiaotang was in a daze, the phone on the table rang.

Chen Xiaotang mechanically picked up the phone, let out a breath, and then heard a familiar voice from the phone: "A Tang, is that you?"

The person who spoke over there was Brother Fa, Zhou Runfa!
"I know it's you. If you don't speak, are you angry with me?" Fa Ge asked.

Chen Xiaotang smiled wryly: "Is there?"

Fa Ge: "No matter what, I hope you can forgive me..."

Chen Xiaotang: "You are too polite."

Brother Fa smiled wryly: "I said I have my own reasons, do you believe me?"

Chen Xiaotang: "I believe it."

Fa Ge: "It's insincere."

Chen Xiaotang: "I can only do this."

After being slapped in the face, do you still have to force yourself to smile?

Fa Ge sighed: "If I have a chance, I will explain clearly."

Chen Xiaotang: "I'll wait."

Fa Ge was silent for a moment, then hung up the phone.

Rubbing his temples, Fa Ge felt very tired, even exhausted.

He lay on the chair, slowly closed his eyes, and his mind seemed to return to two days ago.

On that day, Brother Fa was about to travel, but he received an invitation call.The call came from Yongsheng, saying that there was a play and I wanted to talk to him.

Zhou Runfa immediately rejected the other party's invitation on the phone, explaining that he was going on a trip and could not participate in the filming of this drama, and his tone was tactful.But the other party's tone was more tactful, saying that it would be good to get together together, not talking about work or drama, just getting to know each other as friends, and then the other party reported his identity-Xin Yi'an Xiang Huasheng.

(End of this chapter)

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