Movie tycoon

Chapter 438 Records Are Booming

Chapter 438 Records Are Hot (Part [-])
That night, the 45-minute Chen Xiaotang fan meeting broadcast live by TVB surpassed all the programs on other stations, and won the first place in an upset!

When Chen Xiaotang sang and danced on the screen to show off his original "Moonwalk", the ratings reached an astonishing 53 points!Exceeded the highest historical record of wireless variety shows! ! !
This astonishing phenomenon made Fang Yihua shout: "Chen Xiaotang is simply the lucky star of our wireless!"

ATV, on the other hand, looked like a mourning concubine, and sighed sadly: "That Chen Xiaotang is simply our nightmare!"

That's right, Chen Xiaotang starred in a TV series and took the lead!

Now, after a small fight, a meeting was organized, and the ratings were swept away! ! !
No matter how TVB and ATV reacted, one thing is certain, Chen Xiaotang's fan meeting was a great success, which made some people happy and others sad.

Of course, those who are happy are everyone in Moying Entertainment, as well as those fans and movie fans who really like Chen Xiaotang.The ones who are sad are those guys who are waiting to see the jokes on Chen Xiaotang's record. They start to reflect, have they missed the treasure? !

Soon, their thoughts were confirmed...

"Is it time to release a record?" The second day after the fan meeting, everyone began to ask this question.

"Wait a little longer." Music master Huang Zhan, who was solely in charge of the release of Chen Xiaotang's record, said after thinking for a long time.Huang Zhan, who originally wanted to strike while the iron was hot, taking advantage of the sensational effect of the meet and greet concocted by Chen Xiaotang, gritted his teeth and decided not to release it for now.

This is a very risky decision, because now the fans' emotions have been completely mobilized, and they are asking everywhere where they can buy Chen Xiaotang's "In My Singing" record. If this craze cools down, the release effect may be poor. Not a lot.And maybe it will cause a rebellious mentality, and resist Chen Xiaotang.But Huang Zhan, who has been experienced in the music industry for a long time, still feels that it is better to wait, because Chen Xiaotang's songs are so magical, and he believes that there is still room for the fans' emotions to rise.He wants to take this opportunity to make Chen Xiaotang a superstar beyond Tan Yonglin and Zhang Guorong.

Just like a stock speculator, Huang Zhan doesn't want to sell the stock with a slight profit. He wants to wait for the stock to rise to the highest level before selling.This mentality is already a standard gambler mentality.But Huang Zhan is full of confidence, because Chen Xiaotang in his hand is a natural card to kill big and small.

Facts have proved that Huang Zhan's decision was correct. When Chen Xiaotang's records could not be bought anywhere, the fans did not give up, but pursued them even more fanatically.More phone calls were made to the company, and the wording was extremely fierce. Some even cursed and others issued death notices.At this time, the mood of the fans has gone crazy.

Three days later, when the situation was almost out of control and fans began to go to Demon Shadow Entertainment to demonstrate, Huang Zhan, the master in charge of the album mission, finally made the decision to release it.

During this period, the record production had already been completed, and Huang Zhan ordered all 5 records to be released immediately!

Before Moying Entertainment could speak, those record stores had already rushed over to ask for the goods. In just three hours, almost all the record stores in Hong Kong had Chen Xiaotang's solo album "In My Singing".

But even so, Huang Zhan still underestimated the influence of Chen Xiaotang, the long queues lined up in front of the major audiovisual stores became a spectacle for a while.And soon all the major audio-visual stores called the company, asking for more records, because even though the records were sold out, there were still a large number of fans asking to buy them.

While delighted by this situation, Huang Zhan, Gu Jiahui and others couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

5 records? !Sold out so quickly?That is a platinum sales record only for super singers!Now that there are still shops asking for goods, how big is the potential buying group?

Originally, Huang Zhan was bold enough to release films according to the standards of popular singers, but the supply was still in short supply. Those who thought Huang Zhan's decision to take risks now feel that Huang Zhan's decision was too cautious.

I can't figure it out for a while, but I don't need to think too much. It is reasonable to release more records immediately.After working overtime, a new batch of records was finally sent out immediately, and then they were swept away by the waiting fans.

This sales boom lasted for a long time, and when the boom in Hong Kong cooled down, Huang Zhan was delighted by the news from Southeast Asia and Taiwan, where the audiovisual distributors also requested the distribution rights of this album.

In fact, this phenomenon just shows Huang Zhan's wise decision-making. Originally, only the "Lafite Party" fans were expected for Chen Xiaotang's album, a large part of them are boys and girls, which is also the largest consumer group of popular music.When Chen Xiaotang's records could not be found, people who didn't know Chen Xiaotang at first, or who knew and dismissed them all became interested in Chen Xiaotang. It made them go crazy, and the following live broadcast of Chen Xiaotang's fan meeting brought everyone's enthusiasm to a higher level, so the number of groups who like Chen Xiaotang grew like a snowball.

Huang Zhan's estimation was correct, his estimated circulation was almost the same as the number of fans in this part, but what Huang Zhan didn't estimate was another part of fans, they were not enthusiasts, and they were past the age of star chasing, but they were also attracted by fans. Chen Xiaotang's song was moved.

This part of the people is the majority of white-collar workers.In society, this is a very common class. They are generally highly educated, have high vision, like Western music, and generally dismiss ordinary Chinese popular music.When the Chen Xiaotang trend first started, they naturally laughed it off, but it was just another packaged star.However, Chen Xiaotang's record has been out for a long time, and the madness of the young fans finally aroused their curiosity, wanting to hear what songs can have such a great magic power.And when he heard it, he was out of control.The mature emotion expressed in "In My Singing" just matched their state of mind and moved them immediately.So there will be situations where supply exceeds demand.

It is a shame for them to like a singer like ordinary star chasing teenagers. The words of a young man who was interviewed can express this point. He commented on the young fans dismissively at the camera: I don’t understand music at all, I’m just chasing stars blindly, only people in our class really understand Chen Xiaotang’s music, he and our hearts are interlinked, and what he expresses is exactly what we want to say.” What Chen Xiaotang meant as his spokesperson.

Regarding this situation, the major media naturally have different opinions, among which Li Peter's comments are the most exciting.At the beginning of the comment, Li Peter lashed out at Moying Entertainment's marketing methods, thinking that this kind of tantalizing method is too much, and it is completely irresponsible to the fans.But then the writing changed, and he said in a lamenting tone: "Unfortunately, I have to admit that this method is extremely successful, and after listening to the songs in this album, I have to admit that it really has people The strength of the appetite and the long wait are totally worth it. On this issue, I believe that I have the same mentality as the majority of fans.”

The next step is to analyze from the perspective of music. Li Peter once again showed his keen sensibility. He said: "I once said that Chen Xiaotang will become the most successful performer singer, and I still say the same now, and I want to add , he will be the most successful superstar who combines creation and performance in the future, reaching unprecedented heights. This is not my prediction, but a fact that will definitely appear. From the perspective of music, Chen Xiaotang is not actually a popular musician. It is more inclined to serious music, but with the assistance of Huang Zhan and Gu Jiahui, two super music masters, Chen Xiaotang's music can be accepted by the public, and they will become golden partners."

"It is precisely because of the genius arrangement level of 'Brilliant Two Sages' that Chen Xiaotang's music has such great charm. Chen Xiaotang is elegant, while Brilliance is vulgar, but they can find a meeting point to complete an album together. So , there is no need to discuss whether Chen Xiaotang's song should belong to popular music or what. In a word, he is both refined and popular. Of course, there is also Chen Xiaotang's own voice and singing skills. Regarding this point, I can only say that it has a devilish allure .Unfortunately, I have become completely captivated by this devil."

"Of course, at the end I would like to add one more thing, that is Chen Xiaotang's amazing dancing skills. If Chen Xiaotang's singing voice is the devil, then his dancing skills surprised us. Although I don't know much about dancing, I also I feel that it is a supernatural enchantment that makes anyone who sees him dance enough to go mad!"

This comment won everyone's approval, no one denied the success of the marketing strategy of Moying Entertainment and the magic of Chen Xiaotang's music.

Chen Xiaotang saw this comment because of Huang Zhan.After he read the comment, Huang Zhan said with a smile: "Did you see that? People have said that we will become golden partners. You can't abandon me."

Chen Xiaotang asked very strangely: "Why do you look like you don't want to marry me? A partner is not a husband and wife. As long as we cooperate well, we will naturally continue to cooperate. Will I just give up on you?"

Huang Zhan laughed and cursed at first, and then said seriously: "At the beginning, I entered the music industry purely as a hobby, but luckily, I soon became famous, and was named the 'Brilliant Second Sage' when I was with Lao Gu. ;To be honest, my passion for music is not there now. I used to work hard for fame and fortune, but with fame and fortune, I have no motivation. Creation passion, and you, Ah Tang, you are my new driving force for creation!"

"Don't look at my age, but you have to believe that I can definitely help you leap one step after another! How about it, can you accept me as a loyal servant?" Huang Zhan finally joked.

Chen Xiaotang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Since you are so enthusiastic, of course I can't refuse, all right, go and clean my leather shoes."

Everyone roared with laughter.Half-jokingly, a musical collaboration for posterity was born.

In less than a week, the sales of Chen Xiaotang's solo album "In My Singing" reached an astonishing 10 copies!And 10 copies are precisely the so-called "double platinum" records in the entire Hong Kong music scene!
Incredible!Absolutely incredible! ! !

A singer who released a record for the first time and took care of all aspects of production, publishing, distribution and other affairs by himself, unexpectedly achieved an amazing double platinum!

It’s not that we don’t understand, it’s that this world is so amazing!

A certain music star complained after drinking: "Double platinum, my mother, the sales volume that many singers dream of is so easily achieved by Chen Xiaotang. Tell me, is there any reason for this?!"

When chatting with a friend, a certain music producer envied: "I can't see the market now. Think about it, if a singer can achieve double platinum for the first time with his own strength, then we producers What are you doing? Have an idle meal?!"


In short, Chen Xiaotang slapped some people who laughed at him with his lightning speed, his actual actions, and his astonishing record sales!

Especially those record companies.

Polygram Records Asia Pacific Headquarters.

As the chief executive officer, Bruce no longer had the leisure to smoke cigars and chatted. He walked back and forth by the French windows anxiously.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are wide and bright, reflecting the insignificance of the busy morning and evening ants in the high-rise buildings.But at this moment, Bruce has no intention of laughing at the lives of those damned ants. He is distressed. The head office has sent a questioning letter, asking him what he thinks of Hong Kong singer Chen Xiaotang?
Obviously, the matter of Chen Xiaotang's break with him was exposed.Damn it, if you let me know who's behind it, I'll fuck his ass!Bruce swears.

There was a knock on the door of the office, and Bruce's personal assistant, the replica "Charlie Cao" with a parted hair and glasses, came in obsequiously, handed over the information at hand to Bruce, and said, "Boss, I We have received the definite news, that Chen Xiaotang's record sales have really reached double platinum!"

"Impossible! Damn bastard, absolutely impossible!" Bruce raged, "How can a shit star like him have such a big appeal? Without the sales channels of our record company, how could his record be possible?" The amount of double platinum sold? There must be a problem, there must be!" At this moment, Bruce growled like an old dog whose tail had been stepped on.

The copy of "Cao Charlie" had to lean forward cautiously and said: "Boss, actually you don't have to be so angry. In our Chinese language, that damn guy is just a lucky star. Good luck; in your words It's shit luck! But these are temporary, aren't they? He is just a small star, he can at most influence some ignorant fans, it is impossible to increase his record sales even a little bit! Now It's already the limit, as long as we throw a bomb and blow him up, it's guaranteed to blow him out of his wits!"

After listening to the remake of "Charlie Cao", Bruce's eyes lit up, and he patted the other person on the shoulder.
"Charlie Cao", who is used to being a running dog, is all bones are crisp.

"Okay honey, you're right, that shit guy just had shit luck... oh god, now his luck is up! Hahaha, as for the bomb, I got word that he acted That bullshit moonwalk is probably copied from our American king Michael Jackson, yes, with his appearance, how could he create such amazing dance steps, not plagiarism, what is it? Idiot Chinese, it is impossible to surpass in dancing skills We Americans!" Bruce grinned viciously.


Extra!Extra!Chen Xiaotang created his own "moonwalk" to copy the American pop king!
Big news, big news!Chen Xiaotang's dance performance at the fan meeting was suspected of plagiarism!
Brilliant!Brilliant!The new self-proclaimed "Dancing King" Chen Xiaotang actually copied the American spacewalk!

Following bursts of shocking news, the "Chen Xiaotang wave" that had subsided once again turned into a turmoil.

Those musicians in Hong Kong couldn't sit still.

What are you doing, why is it Chen Xiaotang again?I'm so annoying! ! !Wow, we want to be on the headlines like him!

Did you make a mistake, it's Chen Xiaotang again? !His uncle's entertainment industry is about to let him play alone!

In any case, this is definitely a very negative news.

These messages have only one purpose in the end, to portray Chen Xiaotang as a complete plagiarist!
For this reason, Polygram Records also spared no effort to find the video tape of Michael Jackson's concert in New York in March this year. In the video, Michael Jackson showed off his incomparable "moonwalk", which is amazing! ! !

This time, those fans who were originally proud of Chen Xiaotang and fans of Chen Xiaotang were all sad.They never imagined that the idol they loved with all their heart turned out to be a plagiarist of dancing!
Facing the reporter's interview, a female fan broke down in tears, "It's really hard for me to accept the fact that Laughing's dance is... woohoo!"

A male fan pretending to be strong: "I still firmly believe that Tangtang's dance is his original creation! If the ghost can create a breakdance, why can't we Chinese create a spacewalk?"

A music singer: "I can't comment on this incident. After all, everyone is working hard in the entertainment industry, but plagiarism is very bad and wrong. I think we should at least apologize to the King of Pop!"

A Chinese senior executive of a record company: "Yes, China has always been a country of etiquette. We have to have the courage to admit that we have done something wrong. I think Laughing should bow his head and apologize!"


All of a sudden, Chen Xiaotang, the "false dance king", was asked to call Michael Jackson, the king of pop in the United States, to apologize, saying that his "moonwalk" was plagiarized from the other party.

As the outcry grew louder, even some of Chen Xiaotang's loyal fans couldn't hold on any longer. They also began to wonder if their most trusted idol had really made a mistake...

In short, Chen Xiaotang fell into an unprecedented "crisis of trust".

Seeing that he had succeeded in his treacherous scheme, PolyGram President Bruce appeared in front of the audience as a messenger of justice, and spoke eloquently in front of the camera, and made a statement: "As we expected, a singer in Hong Kong, in order to promote his damn album , even resorted to despicable means to copy the moonwalk of our American dance king Mr. Michael Jackson, and swear that it was created by him! Ridiculous! Really ridiculous! You still think that the world's music world still belongs to your ancient Chinese The era of the four great inventions? No! Open your eyes and see, whether it is disco, jazz, or break dancing, they all originated from us in the United States! If you Chinese want to create an independent dance step, I am afraid that you will not be able to do it in your life. Difficult! Because you Chinese don’t have this kind of creative cells at all! You are not a nation that is good at singing and dancing, and when you are naturalized, you only know how to copy and copy again! There is no originality at all!”

"As an American who came out of the American music scene, I am proud to say that all popular dances are created by us Americans! You, you can only follow! Do you understand, follow behind our ass, dance Thunderbolt, Bounce Chacha... So, now I hope that the guy who said he created a moonwalk will come out and apologize sincerely!!!”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused enthusiastic reactions in the entire music scene.

Those narrow-minded people who are "envious and jealous" of Chen Xiaotang's easy acquisition of "double platinum" record sales are crazy, crazy!

They shouted in unison: "Chen Xiaotang, apology! Apology, Chen Xiaotang!"

At this time, Chen Xiaotang seemed to be a sinner through the ages if he didn't apologize, he would become a national shame if he didn't apologize, and he would be ashamed to say that he was Chinese if he didn't apologize!

Just when everyone was attacking Chen Xiaotang in unison, a video from the United States on the other side of the ocean caught everyone's attention.

Because this video is the speech of Michael Jackson, the most popular pop superstar in the United States today.

coming soon!
Everyone is on high tension.

Look at the fact that Mike has come all the way to collect debts, so don't apologize for making you stupid!
That's right, this time Chen Xiaotang was in a terrible situation, this Michael Jackson hit his nail on the brink!
Alas, Chen Xiaotang, oh Chen Xiaotang, if I had known this day, why bother at the beginning!
Everyone is not optimistic about Chen Xiaotang, with Mike King's video "visiting"...

In short, everyone believed that Chen Xiaotang was dead this time!

This video was finally snatched by TVB. Sixth Aunt Fang Yihua was thinking about whether to broadcast it publicly... After all, Chen Xiaotang is TVB's "biological child". If this really came to collect debts, then wouldn't he...

However, the ratings of the TV station are even more important. As long as this video can be broadcast in the news, the TVB news time slot will definitely explode!

After a slight hesitation in his heart, Fang Yihua put the thought that he might be sorry to Chen Xiaotang behind him.But before the broadcast started, she still called Chen Xiaotang to clarify the matter.Chen Xiaotang's reaction seemed very flat, so let's broadcast it, that's all.On the contrary, Fang Yihua was a little unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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