Movie tycoon

Chapter 184 There Are No Bad Actors, Only Bad Actors

Chapter 184 There Are No Bad Actors, Only Bad Actors (Part [-])
In other words, facing Liu Qingyun's "loyalty", Chen Xiaotang, who had already seen the clue, couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile: "Very good, you not only value love and righteousness, but also are very humble, how about this, if I make new movies in the future, I will Considering you, it shouldn't be a big problem to introduce a few characters to you..."

When Liu Qingyun heard this, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, trying to hold back the joy, and said: "Thank you, Brother Chen, for your love - I am very nervous, but I assure you, I will work harder in the future and will never let you You are disappointed."

The other two people beside him were anxious: "Brother, there are us!"

Chen Xiaotang smiled and said: "Of course I haven't forgotten you two, how about this, if I can still be the leading actor in the future, I will definitely introduce you to play tricks in my play—"

"Ah, why is it still a trick?" The two seemed a little unhappy.

At this time, Chen Xiaotang said something, "Remember, there have always been only bad scripts in this world, but no bad characters! The same is true for bad actors, there are only bad actors, but no bad tricks! When you understand this one day, you will also You can be the hero like me!"

The three looked at each other, shook their heads at the same time and said, "I don't understand."

Chen Xiaotang: "That's right, if you understand now, then I don't have to mess around! In short, you should put on a good attitude and continue to be your trick!" After saying this, Chen Xiaotang turned around and left.

Looking at his back, Liu Qingyun patted his head, "It's a waste of effort, I thought I could play a supporting role, but who knows it's just a trick!"

Tao Dayu: "It's nothing but joy, maybe he didn't intend to help us at all—"

Wu Qihua was silent.He was still chewing on Chen Xiaotang's words in his mind: "In this world there are only bad scripts, but no bad characters! The same goes for extras, only bad actors, no lousy extras!" Gradually, he seemed to understand something.

In fact, compared with Liu Qingyun and Tao Dayu, his performance in his previous life was more bumpy and tortuous.

"Man is doing it, the sky is watching", this sentence is very suitable for Wu Qihua.He was born into a wealthy family with good material conditions. His grandparents and maternal grandparents loved and spoiled him very much, which formed his willful and domineering character; Wu Qihua's parents are actually very strict, but because of their busy work, they don't spend much time with their children. He was not taught the right way, only beating and scolding, which made him even more rebellious.

In order for Wu Qihua to become independent, his parents sent him to a boarding school, but he, who was used to being overbearing, would not be taught obediently, so he became a bully in the school.Because he is taller than his peers and has good skills, Wu Qihua soon became the "big brother" on campus, and he would bully his classmates who didn't follow suit.The students in the dormitory with him were the worst. They had to make the quilt, make the bed, do the laundry for him and do homework. At that time, Wu Qihua's most common catchphrase was "If you let me know and you tell the teacher, I will not let you go." I had no choice but to swallow my breath.

Later, Wu Qihua's parents sent him to England to attend middle school, where he also lived in a boarding school. At this time, he finally understood the truth that "the wicked will be punished by the wicked".Some Europeans look down on Asians, and Wu Qihua is not a good boy, so the two sides have conflicts from time to time.Compared with foreign students, Wu Qihua is like an immature child, who was quickly defeated, so he became a "slave" of a group of bad classmates, cleaning the room, cleaning the toilet and copying notes for them, If you don't obey, you will suffer old punches.The most common sentence used by this class of bad students is "If you let me know that you tell the teacher, I will not let you go."At this moment, Wu Qihua could only smile wryly.

Finally, after graduating from middle school, Wu Qihua returned to Hong Kong to participate in the artist training class because he liked drama. to the film industry.It's just that the film industry is more realistic than TV stations. Apart from luck and personal conditions, interpersonal relationships are very important. Wu Qihua's late stage, not to mention the protagonist, doesn't even have a role with a small role.After being left idle for a long time, a director lobbied him to act in a tertiary film. It was one thing to talk about the conditions at first, but it became another thing when the actual filming happened. He had to pay millions of yuan in liquidated damages, so he had to bite the bullet and continue to shoot.

Years of experience have smoothed Wu Qihua's edges and corners. At this time, TVB beckoned to him again. He happily returned to his "natal home" and filmed many TV series that deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The "Doctor Cheng Zhimei" who always smiles in "The Beautiful Hand" is also quite close to the changed Wu Qihua.

It's just that Wu Qihua met Chen Xiaotang by chance at this time, and Chen Xiaotang accidentally said such a sentence that made him think deeply --- it's the same with tricks, there are only bad actors, there are no bad tricks!
This young man who has always been proud in his heart seems to have realized the key point.

That's right, since you've entered the entertainment circle, put your arrogance into the refrigerator, everything starts from the bottom, and the movie king also started from a trick, didn't he? !Wu Qihua said to himself.


Chen Xiaotang would never have imagined that he would inadvertently quote a sentence from the actor Huang Qiusheng, which would inspire Wu Qihua so much. In the future, this male star who was supposed to act in a tertiary movie would embark on a different path.

At this moment, Chen Xiaotang didn't have time to think about these issues at all.He prepared a fresh fruit basket, and then drove to Cai Fenghua's home.Knocking on the door of the other party's room, it seems that nothing has changed, it is still dirty and messy.Cai Fenghua was lying drunk on the sofa, drinking whiskey while holding a wine bottle.

"It's you, I thought it was those debt collectors!" Cai Fenghua gave Chen Xiaotang a white look.

"Don't drink it, it's bad for your health." Chen Xiaotang snatched his bottle and put it aside.

"If you don't drink, what are you doing?" Cai Fenghua asked with a crazy smile.

"Eat oranges!" Chen Xiaotang took out a big orange from the fruit basket and stuffed it for him.

Cai Fenghua smiled and took a bite of the orange without peeling it.

The orange juice splashed all over Chen Xiaotang's face.

Chen Xiaotang didn't care, then wiped it off and said, "Eat slowly——and, you have to peel the oranges!"

"You think I don't know, I ate it like this on purpose. Do you know——"


"Oranges provide a lot of vitamins."

"I know that."

"Then do you know where the most vitamins are?"

"Don't tell me it's orange peel?"

"Ding Dong, you guessed right, you are really eye-catching!" Cai Fenghua laughed.

Chen Xiaotang took out a tissue and handed it to him.

"Stop laughing, just wipe your face first."

"Hahaha!" Cai Fenghua took the paper towel and wiped it carelessly, then said suddenly: "You did a good job last night—"

Chen Xiaotang was taken aback, "Did you watch the show?"

"I was bored, so I took a few glances, and it happened that you came out——"

"Then how is my singing? Are there any deficiencies?" Chen Xiaotang asked hastily.

Cai Fenghua took a bite of the orange, and said: "The voice is loud enough, and you can still sing, especially the trick of smashing the glass, which is almost as good as acrobatics --- Seriously, did you use your hands?" Cai Fenghua said to Chen Xiaotang His singing skills are well known.Chen Xiaotang didn't need to hide it from him, so he said, "I only moved a little bit, isn't it mean?"

"No, on the contrary, in my opinion, this is your flexible performance? Who stipulated that we must stand on the stage and roar like that when we sing? Who stipulated that we can't do some small movements? Have you seen Magic? ?Everyone knows it's fake, but why is it so popular? Because it's good-looking, exciting, and exciting! This, you did! So you're good!"

Only then did Chen Xiaotang heave a sigh of relief. To be honest, he always felt that his small actions secretly seemed a bit dishonest. Now hearing Cai Fenghua say this, he was somewhat relieved.

"Eat an orange too, to supplement some nutrients, I guess you will be busy in the future—" Cai Fenghua threw him an orange and said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiaotang asked puzzled.

"What do you mean? Haha, in fact, the road you are walking is exactly the one I have walked... After a song becomes popular, there must be many music companies looking for you, saying that they will help you make records and albums, and how much benefits will they give you Wait, what do you do?" Cai Fenghua asked Chen Xiaotang while biting an orange.

Chen Xiaotang tossed the orange in his hand and said with a smile: "I refused——!"

"Ah, what?!" Cai Fenghua was surprised, and hurriedly spat out the orange in his mouth, "You said you refused?"

"It's not like I refused. The TV station felt that it was too hasty to let me release the record so soon! I also felt that I was not prepared enough——" Chen Xiaotang said truthfully.

"Hehe, is this your truth?" Cai Fenghua restrained her surprise, "But there are very few people who can avoid being tempted like you! At least I didn't do it back then!"

Chen Xiaotang smiled wryly, "You think I want to refuse, I know how much I have, if I really want to release an album, wouldn't it be too bad?!"

"Don't underestimate yourself, just because your song "Flastic" is enough to be called a divine comedy. It's just that you set up this mountain too high, and it's hard for you to surpass it, so you feel guilty." Cai Fenghua analyzed road.

When Chen Xiaotang thought about it, it was indeed the case. His song "Exaggeration" was too strong, and it was really difficult for him to surpass it.

"So you have to calm yourself down, be neither arrogant nor impetuous, and regain your position—of course, these things are easy to say, but difficult to do, especially for a newcomer like you... this The storm of the song has just begun, and you will be noticed, discussed, and admired by more people... At that time, whether you can continue to be rational depends on your own ability!"

"The entertainment industry is a very strange place. Fame and wealth are easily available here. If you want, you can even become the king of entertainment! However, you have to pay a certain price for this, that is, you will never have your private life again! You live under the spotlight and in gossip magazines, your every word and deed, bit by bit, will become the appetizers and seasonings in people's lives --- when one day you get tired of this kind of life, but I also found that I have become addicted like smoking marijuana. You can't quit, you can only indulge, and expose all your nakedness to the public. This is the entertainment industry, a kaleidoscope world, a Everyone yearns to come in, but everyone yearns to go out of the siege!"

After Cai Fenghua finished speaking, he sighed, "A Tang, although I am not your master or your friend, the relationship between us is just hiring and being hired, but I still hope you can see this clearly earlier... Now You have embarked on the road of a real star, the road ahead will be more difficult and more bumpy, with many temptations and many traps, I only hope that you can remember what you said today, keep calm at all times, and always greet you with the attitude of a newcomer Daily challenge! This is also the last lesson I will give you!" After saying these words, Cai Fenghua got up, solemnly poured a glass of wine for Chen Xiaotang, handed it over and said: "Come on, no matter how you say it, we have cooperated , just have a drink! After drinking, if you like, we will never know each other from now on, don't worry, I will never tell you about learning to sing with me-I can't teach you Such a good apprentice!"

Hearing these words, Chen Xiaotang didn't know why, but always felt sore in his heart. He understood what Cai Fenghua meant, and he didn't want to hurt himself.

As for Cai Fenghua, because of his own arrogance, he was even less willing to use Chen Xiaotang to promote himself.According to the degree of Chen Xiaotang's popularity now, he can stand up and tell people loudly, he is my apprentice!At that time, I am afraid that all the media will pay attention to him and bring him a great turning point.But Cai Fenghua didn't, he even took the initiative to sever all ties with Chen Xiaotang.To him, fame and fortune in the entertainment industry are all disturbing, and it is not as important as his own self-esteem.

Chen Xiaotang stopped talking, took the wine glass, and lightly clinked glasses with Cai Fenghua.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank in one gulp.

"Okay, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first!" Chen Xiaotang said with a smile, "But before I leave, I still want to say something—thank you!"

"Cho, you're too boring--alright, let's go quickly, don't delay my sleep--ah!" Cai Fenghua stretched her waist.

Chen Xiaotang smiled and went out.

Cai Fenghua waved his hand at him, and then slammed the door shut. He turned his back, leaned against the door, closed his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, this brat really just walked away without saying a word... …

Taking a deep breath, Cai Fenghua walked over, turned on the stereo, and played Britpop. Wearing slippers, he twisted his body, and from time to time he posed in front of the empty house... twisting his body, he picked up the bottle of whiskey again——
Hey, there's something under the wine bottle.

When I picked it up, it turned out to be a piece of paper.

I opened the note, and it said: Although I know it won't be of much help, but this 5000 yuan is my private money saved for the past few months. I will lend it to you first, but don't worry, no interest will be charged! "

A brand new check sits quietly on the house table—
"This brat, you must make me owe him favors!" For some reason, the corners of Cai Fenghua's eyes became moist.

(End of this chapter)

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