Movie tycoon

Chapter 130 I want to stand out

Chapter 130 I want to stand out (three more)
In the following time, Zeng Lizhen asked them to discuss and communicate with each other, and she left beforehand.

Don't look at Ren Dahua who seemed mature and prudent just now, but in fact he was a chatterbox. As soon as Zeng Lizhen left, he started nagging.

First, he praised Chen Xiaotang for a while, saying how young and promising he is, and then he said how much he likes acting, and he used to do his best even if he played a trick.I was a newcomer to the studio, working hard, spending 60 Hong Kong dollars a day, constantly changing clothes, changing hair, and painting red ink.He has no regrets about it.

Seeing that Ren Dahua loves to chatter so much, Chen Xiaotang simply bought a dozen beers and leaned against him in the gazebo built for filming, chatted together, and asked him how this "senior" got into this industry in the first place.

Facing Chen Xiaotang while drinking beer, Ren Dahua told him about his situation without reservation.

Ren Dahua was only 19 years old when he applied for the Xiangjiang TVB artist training class.He said that now he only remembers the scene where thousands of people flocked to the examination room, which he could never forget.
"Standing outside the door of the examination room, crowded with people, waiting for the examiner to call your name. All eyes are focused on the door panel—the door sometimes opens very quickly, sometimes very slowly, and when you walk out, Some people cry, some people laugh..."

For all the people outside the door, there are too many hidden things on the other side of the door—sweat, fame and fortune, and future.

When Ren Dahua finally walked in, he realized that it was just an empty lecture hall.The examiner sat in the middle of the lecture hall, and there was a blackboard hanging behind the examiner, on which a line of lines was densely written.

The examiner asked Ren Dahua to go forward and stand in front of him at a place marked with a "ten".

"A lot of people came to that position, and before they could speak, the examiner had already picked up the small bell on the table and shook them with a 'ding' to eliminate them." Ren Dahua said, in those few seconds, the examiner actually inspected them walking posture.

After crossing the threshold of "ding", the examinee has the opportunity to answer the examiner's questions and read the lines on the blackboard behind.

After saying this, Ren Dahua couldn't help asking Chen Xiaotang: "Atang, didn't you also get in the exam, why don't you seem to be very clear about these things?"

Chen Xiaotang smiled without hiding anything, and said, "Brother Hua, I am different from you. You applied for the artist training class. As for me, I applied directly for the host --- the host of children's programs!"

Ren Dahua admired it, and said: "Isn't that even more difficult than mine?"

"It's about the same..." Chen Xiaotang smiled, took a sip of beer, and asked again, "What happened later, how did you do later?"

Ren Dahua smiled wryly and said, "Ah Tang, you've also been a part-timer, so of course you will understand the difficulties of the part-timer..." After finishing speaking, he talked about his own "bitter waters".

It turned out that in the wireless artist training class, Ren Dahua was nicknamed "The God of Black Face". His classmates laughed at his big eyes, thick lips, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

In the past one or two years, Hong Kong TV Station has become popular in costume martial arts dramas and court dramas.Regardless of men and women, all must wear headgear, heavy makeup, and a toga with long sleeves to appear on stage.

For a person with a thin body and a small face, the dress is still eye-catching, but Ren Dahua, who has a "simplicity" face, is "fully armed". The four-word description is "terrible", and the three-word description is "Stove Lord".

With such a "signature face", Ren Dahua can only get supporting roles.

Everyday work is to wait, wait, wait—wait for the pager in my pocket to ring, and then call back and ask: "What time? Where will the assembly be? What show?"

Later on, I didn't even bother to ask about any plays, and I was nothing more than passers-by, A, B, C, Ding.

Most of the time, there is only one play per day.Ren Dahua reported to the studio at 6:2 am and returned home at 20:[-] am the next day, [-] hours only for two or three shots.The director didn't pay attention, and acted a little faster, and cut the only scene where he showed his face.

"To tell you the truth, Ah Tang, although I have a great interest in acting, I was so depressed in those few years that I didn't have time to go home and sleep, and I didn't have time to fall in love. Props..." When Ren Dahua said this, he drank a big gulp of beer in depression, then smashed the beer can, and threw it out towards the trash can beside the gazebo.

Of course, Chen Xiaotang could understand Ren Dahua's mood, after all, he also came from an actor.

Passing another can of beer over, Chen Xiaotang said: "Brother Hua, my old man always said that you can only be a master if you have to endure hardships. Haven't you made it through now? Besides, I watched it just now, and your acting skills are pretty good." Yes, I will definitely make it in the future!"

Ren Dahua smiled apologetically and said, "I'm so far behind you—I'm still playing a supporting role until now, but you've already played the leading role."

Chen Xiaotang smiled and said: "Brother Hua, don't praise me, compared to you, I'm just lucky!"

Ren Dahua said: "You can't say that, sometimes good or bad luck can determine a person's success or failure!"

Chen Xiaotang did not deny his words, after all, Ren Dahua in his previous life was a typical "star of bad luck".

"Let's talk about how you survived, I'm very interested..." Chen Xiaotang changed the subject.

"Hehe, you may not believe it. I couldn't hold on at first, but then I met someone..." Ren Dahua narrated his past.

It is said that the reason why Ren Dahua did not retreat like many other "dragon artists" was because he met Zhou Runfa.

Zhou Runfa is Ren Dahua's classmate in the wireless artist training class. The two graduated in the same period, but when Ren Dahua was still in the circle of guards, kidnappers and passers-by, Zhou Runfa had already started to play the leading role.When Ren Dahua went to play tricks one day, he found that the number one male in front of the camera was his classmate Zhou Runfa.

"A Tang, as you know, the current TVB artist training class implements a 'family system'. The seniors who 'debuted' two years ago, when they meet the juniors on the set, they will 'cover' them and support them. Brother Fa is very grateful to those The juniors are especially enthusiastic, but I think it is very unpleasant, I am a classmate with him, but I am still rolling in a trick, it is impossible to support a person like him." Ren Dahua said.

Chen Xiaotang nodded. He understood this kind of psychology. After all, he had worked in Wireless for so long, so he was already familiar with the situation here.

Like all TVB's early training artists, Zhou Runfa also did "dragon sets" for 25 Hong Kong dollars a day, and he understands the difficulties of "dragon sets".

"Zhou Runfa didn't think he was a big name! He treated everyone on the set equally, whether it was a cameraman, an artist, or an extra, Fa Ge always used 'please' when talking to them, with a smile on his face." Ren Dahua said, " From him, I learned the attitude of an actor, not putting on airs, and being diligent.”

Ren Dahua said that he still remembers that there was a scene filmed in the middle of the night, the actress's makeup was exhausted, and the actor's expression was sluggish and disoriented.Jiao Didi's heroine had already hid in her lounge, but Zhou Runfa was NGing one after another in front of the camera.He didn't complain, he just concentrated on the small movements of his fingers.

Chen Xiaotang no longer knows how many times he has heard people praise Fa Ge for being "benevolent" and "magnanimous", and he keeps supporting and advancing.

Chen Xiaotang has always regarded Fa Ge as the goal of his struggle. For this reason, he is willing to start from a low level, play tricks, play a supporting role, step by step, whether he is ridiculed or looked down upon by others, he never regrets it.

Even now, in order to be able to rise to the position as soon as possible and catch up with Brother Shangfa, Chen Xiaotang created his own script and won the role of the first male lead.With this role, Chen Xiaotang believed that he would be a blockbuster and become one of TVB's most popular niches.But now Chen Xiaotang realizes that he still has a long way to go... It's beyond the scope of his plan.

A real superstar, what shines not only is his light on the screen, but also the energy that illuminates others in private!

Do you have this energy yourself? !
No, I don't have it yet!

Unless you are as red as Zhou Runfa!

Unless you become the number one popular niche in wireless!

Unless you change your destiny and overwhelm the "Five Tiger Generals" who are about to be picked up!
Can you do it yourself?
Relying on this drama alone is not enough...

Chen Xiaotang thought deeply, he knew that the "Carina Year Charity Gala" starting at the end of the month would be a rare opportunity.But what skills do you have that can make you a blockbuster? !Then stand out from the crowd? !
This seems like an impossible task...

Do you just give up?

Do not!I possess knowledge that does not belong to this era!
Knowledge alters your fate!

You must stand out!

I, Chen Xiaotang, will rewrite the history of Xiangjiang Entertainment!
This is my mission and my dream! ! !
Seeing Chen Xiaotang holding the beer can in a daze, his eyes were sometimes confused, and sometimes shot a frightening light... the beer in the can flowed out, and he didn't even know it.

Ren Dahua couldn't help reminding him: "A Tang, what are you thinking, your beer——"

Chen Xiaotang came to his senses, restrained his imminent ambition, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just distracted—by the way, Brother Hua, have you heard of the Carnival Year's Charity Gala at the end of this month?"

"Of course I've heard that, as long as it's wireless, who doesn't know, I heard that when the whole TV station broadcasts the whole process, those juniors and juniors want to show their faces on the stage, and old people like me will be long gone That passion...!" Ren Dahua clicked his mouth when he said this, and said again: "But you are different, Atang, you are now the famous 'king of supporting roles', I am afraid that you will also be on stage to perform at that time Bar?"

Seeing Ren Dahua looking at him expectantly, Chen Xiaotang twitched his lips and said, "The higher ups have greeted me, but I haven't decided what to perform yet..."

"Why don't you perform kung fu—" Ren Dahua suddenly said, "Everyone knows the last time you defeated the master of Xiangjiang Martial Arts. The kung fu is so powerful, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't show it?"

Huh, that's a good idea.

Chen Xiaotang was taken aback.

However, Chen Xiaotang immediately thought that TVB is so big, it can be said to be a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, not to mention anything else, only that there are N masters like "Cheng Xiaodong" and "Liu Xingbo" in the dragon and tiger martial arts team. Can't hold the whole audience.So we have to find another way...

The slowly burning ambition made Chen Xiaotang gradually have the spirit of not admitting defeat. If a "experienced person" still can't compete with the current entertainment industry, he can buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Seeing that Chen Xiaotang stopped talking again, Ren Dahua felt very depressed, this
Brother, why do you like playing "deep" so much? !
"Thank you for your concern, Brother Hua, but I haven't decided what to do now..." Chen Xiaotang explained to him.

Ren Dahua chuckled and said, "I understand. You may not be able to surprise everyone by then!"

Chen Xiaotang's eyes were deep, "I hope so!"


The communication with Ren Dahua was very effective, and the two discussed the script of "Wang Chongyang", to be precise. Chen Xiaotang asked for advice on how to shoot this film, Chen Xiaotang did not hide his secrets, and carefully told him the role played by Luo Jialiang in his previous life, what key points should be grasped, and how to play the role of the prince of the Kingdom of Jin.

In fact, compared with Luo Jialiang, Ren Dahua and Luo Jialiang both belong to the category of "impressive looks", which seems to be very suitable for playing nobles, tycoons, big shots, successful people and other types.For example, Ren Dahua once starred in the drama "The Winner Is King", in which he played the role of Cheng Yifeng, a "gambling evil" who is deeply in the city, and performed a generation of heroes very vividly and in place.

In addition, Chen Xiaotang clearly remembered that Ren Dahua also played the role of the troubled nobleman "Yeluqi" in Andy Lau's version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", fully performing the nobleman's elegance and generosity.

Therefore, Chen Xiaotang believes that this "Hero of the Golden Kingdom" Wan Yanfeng is definitely suitable for Ren Dahua to perform.

Now the script written by Chen Xiaotang is confirmed to be ready for filming, but before that, the wireless company must inform Jin Yong, telling him that this drama is adapted from his "fan works", so as not to be sued by him " Infringement".

The relationship between TVB and Kim Yong has always been very good.In other words, Jin Yong has a good relationship with many film companies and TV companies.Except for "Yue Nv Jian", "Mandarin Duck Sword" and "White Horse Roaring to the West Wind", all of his fifteen works have been adapted for TV or film.

Relying on the profits earned from these copyrights, Kim Yong established such a large newspaper company as "Ming Pao".

At that moment, Fang Yihua called Mr. Jin Yong, and asked someone to send over the script "Zhong Shentong Wang Chongyang" written by Chen Xiaotang.

Two days later, Jin Yong replied, "The film can be filmed, but he wants to meet the person who wrote the script."

Seeing Jin Yong, Chen Xiaotang was stunned.

Please, everyone, support the genuine subscription!Writing a book to support a family is not easy!

(End of this chapter)

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