Movie tycoon

Chapter 124 Frenzy

Chapter 124 Frenzy ([-]rd)
Xiangjiang "Ming Pao" Group Company.

In the director's office, master Jin Yong and his good friend Ni Yiduan sat on both sides of the desk. There was nothing else on the desk except a sandalwood chessboard and two boxes of agate chess pieces.

It wasn't long before the game was played, and there were only a few pieces on the board. I saw Ni Yi leisurely picking up a white piece from the Go box in front of him, and knocking it on the "in place" three-sixth road.Jin Yong thought for a while, and responded calmly. Ni Yi didn't stop, and quickly made another son on the "in place" Sanjiu Road. Jin Yong helped his black-rimmed glasses and sighed softly. , and steadily demolished a sub on Qisan Road, "In Place".

But seeing two people coming and going, they made more than twenty moves on the chessboard in the blink of an eye.Ni Yan is brave in his chess style and takes a fierce and fierce approach, while Jin Yong is known for his stability and calmness under the influence of Confucianism and Buddhism, and his moves are quite vigorous.

The two did their best in the layout, and they had to compete with each other, but in the end, it was still Ni Xi who had a slight upper hand in the situation.

"I didn't expect to see you improve your chess skills for so many days!" Jin Yong said with a smile.

Ni Yi was also not modest, and said: "Of course, I have been studying many kinds of ancient chess records recently, so that I can fight with you today!"

"Hehe, what kind of ancient chess records, I have read Xiangjiang's ancient chess records, but I don't think that you are of any kind of kung fu--it is somewhat of the way of 'go master' Wu Qingyuan."

"Wu Qingyuan? Ha, he's not my idol..." Ni Yan said meaningfully.

"How do you say that? Doesn't Wu Qingyuan fall into the eyes of your lunatic Ni? You must know that during the Anti-Japanese War, he was famous in East Asia for defeating Japanese players in Japan with 10 games. He avenged the Chinese nation for the weapon' and proved to Japan that the Chinese are 'excellent', so they are not traitors." Jin Yong, who likes Go, admires Wu Qingyuan very much, thinking that he is the number one Go master in modern times, I once wrote an article specifically for him to narrate his story.

What Ni Yi likes most is to be against Jin Yong, the more Jin Yong likes someone, the more he belittles him.

Seeing that Ni Yi coughed at this moment, he took the time to say: "That's wrong, Lao Jin. It is said that Wu Qingyuan's Jufan chess objectively inspired the national spirit of the Chinese nation, which is a full-fledged Ah Q-style 'spiritual victory method' We can see the essence of the problem clearly by imagining such a story. There was a man named Ah Q, his wife and his enemy—a rich man had an affair. In order to get the rich man’s satisfaction, the woman used The rich man experienced the happiness that the wife of the main house never gave, so he let this woman be the concubine."

"The news reached Ah Q's ears. Ah Q was so excited that he shouted all over the street: Ah, my wife has won, my wife has won. My wife has finally suppressed her enemy, and revenge is on her!"
"So in my opinion, Wu Qingyuan's Go attainments are superb, but in terms of character, Lao Jin, I'm afraid I don't agree with it!"

What Ni Xi said made Jin Yong dumbfounded. This Ni Xi was simply making trouble out of no reason, using such contradictory remarks to evaluate his idol.

"You lunatic Ni. Why can't you spit out ivory? Knowing that I admire Wu Qingyuan very much, you deliberately belittle him?"

"No way, I'm just telling you that you have to look at people from different angles. For example, the 'Murong Fu' incident that is raging in Xiangjiang right now, everyone is helping him to be rehabilitated!"

"Hey, I don't want to say it if you don't mention it. I have already received a lot of letters from book fans asking me to come forward to refute those arguments that helped Murong Fu speak. Tell me, what should I do?"

"What to do, of course stand up and protect your child!"

"You said lightly, have you seen the "New Tian Long Ba Bu" that is being screened recently?"

"This...not don't know, I've been busy writing "Legend of Wesley" recently, and I'm only interested in fine wine and beauties. I came to play Go with you today because I want to win the bottle of French red wine you treasured . ” Ni Xi pouted and said.

"So, if you don't know the situation, you don't have the right to speak—" Jin Yongbai said with a glance, "You'll know it after watching the play. This play adapts my novel... how can I describe it? It’s a complete mess, but it takes a different approach and has new ideas, the most rare thing is that the actor who plays Murong Fu is really penetrating, after watching it, I almost couldn’t help but reverse the case of the villain I wrote!”

"No way, Lao Jin, is he that good at acting?" Ni Yi knew that Jin Yong never praised people very much, if he did, it meant that the person's acting skills were really great.You must know that Jin Yong's first love Xia Meng is an actress, so in terms of acting, Jin Yong is also very insightful.

"I'm not trying to praise him. To be honest, I've been writing novels for so many years, and almost every character has a fixed template in my heart. Whenever a TV or movie remakes these plays, as soon as the characters appear, I can be seated accordingly. , I thought he was not qualified for this role, but this time... it really surprised me!" Jin Yong put down the chess pieces in his hand after speaking, as if he had no intention of playing chess.

Ni Xi didn't force him, but said curiously: "When you say that, I really want to know, who is that actor who can make you feel so emotional?"

"That man's name is Chen Xiaotang!" Jin Yong said firmly.

"Chen Xiaotang? It doesn't seem to be very famous—ah, no, I seem to have... heard you mention this name..." Ni Yan asked suspiciously.

"Of course, because he is the author of "Looking for Qin Ji"!"

"Ah, what, it's him—!" Ni Yi also opened his mouth wide this time.

The reason why Ni Yan was so surprised was because every time Chen Xiaotang finished writing the manuscript and handed it over to Ming Pao, Jin Yong gave Ni Yan the manuscript to have a look first.Ni Xi's initial evaluation was "shit doesn't make sense", then "shit doesn't make sense", followed by "a bit interesting", "good idea", "remarkable", "why the fuck doesn't it update"...

"How could he...act so well?" Ni Xi asked in question.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Jin Yong shrugged, "I just hope that this young man won't make too many mistakes for us!"

"Then are you going to issue a statement to support that your work will not be tampered with?"

"What do you say—"

"I said——" Ni Yan glanced at Jin Yong, and suddenly smiled: "Old Jin, you are too cunning, since you can play chess with me, you just wait and see what happens!"

"Hahaha!!!" The two laughed loudly.

Jin Yong's vigilance allowed him to escape a storm of public opinion, but whether "Murong Fu" is good or bad, the whole Xiangjiang is still hotly discussing.And these comments also began to be aimed at Kim Yong intentionally or unintentionally, and most of these comments were published in newspapers and magazines that "Oriental Daily" competed with "Ming Pao", and their meaning was unclear.

"When he was old and young, he must have been very frustrated in love, so he hated the little boy. Like Yang Kang in supporting roles, such as: Yang Kang in Shooting the Condor, Song Qingshu in Yitian, Lin Pingzhi in a smile, Wan Gui in Lianchengjue, Tianlongli Fufu, Liu Yizhou and Zheng Keshuang in The Deer and Ding Ji. Unlucky people without exception. Shendiao is an exception. The most handsome handsome guy in Shendiao is only Yang Guo. Therefore, in a fit of anger, Mr. Jin let his parents die first, and then he was expelled from the teacher The door, rape~ his wife, cut off his arm. Use everything to the extreme. It's a pity."
"I remember Lao Jin saying this in "Yitian Postscript": I didn't want to write Wuji as a loser, but his own cowardly character determined his failure. At that time, I laughed with a brother who was reading this book Said: Character? Who created the character? Who created the ending. The author writes with emotion, and if he wants to write evil about someone, he tries his best to arrange all kinds of embarrassing things about this person. Restoration of the country is a karma. Persevere for a karmic belief. No matter right or wrong, he is always a good man. But what a woman wants is only a bed~ the first love, depends on each other, and loves her husband and concubine in life. Men live for the world I am afraid that it will not work in reality.”

"Lao Jin lost in love in his early years. He retreated to write books. He often used his rivals as models and set them up as villains. He tried his best to be obscene. He wrote about these little white faces as much as they stink. It's ridiculous that Lao Jin and Yue Buqun is extremely like a coincidence."
"The old man took great pains to get rid of Qiao Feng. He gave Qiao Feng the natural legitimacy of all his actions, that is, the hatred of his parents. It seems that under the banner of the great hatred of his parents, everything can be forgiven. However, if the parents Enmity can have overwhelming justice, so what about the hatred of destroying the country? National hatred and family hatred have always been the same, and national hatred is even ranked before family hatred. Why is there natural legitimacy to revive family hatred, but snow country hatred has become wishful thinking , How can this be a laughingstock. For the survivors of the subjugated country, isn’t the restoration of the country more than all justice? Don’t say that Dayan is too far away in the past. In today’s Middle East, there is a person who wandered for thousands of years and finally returned to the country. Nation. They are God's chosen people, the Israelites. Clearly Kim doesn't like the kind of ambitious people who move history forward."

These criticisms against Kim Yong were like adding fuel to the fire, making "New Tianlong" even more popular.If we were to say who got the most benefit from it, he would undoubtedly be Chen Xiaotang who played "Murong Fu"!
It's just that Chen Xiaotang didn't realize that he was a little red at this time.

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(End of this chapter)

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