Chapter 353: A Crazy Zerg!

Chai Tianyu raised his head and looked at Zhai Suqiu, who was suffering from the same illness. The two brothers smiled wryly and shook their heads.

"It's nothing more than losing fans, the old man doesn't care about these illusory things at all!"

"As a result, there is one less fan, but ten more people scolding me on the Internet!"

"Now the eighteen generations of my ancestors have been greeted by them one by one. It's really..."

While talking, Zhai Suqiu almost couldn't help being rude.

But after all, the old man is a famous Beijing opera master, and he has a very good stomach...

Besides, if he jumps and curses here, how is it different from those brainless trolls on the Internet?
Therefore, the old man had no choice but to smile bitterly, and simply turned off his mobile phone, so that he could not see it.

"Okay, okay, don't care about the gains and losses in front of you."

"When things come to light, those fans will naturally come back."

"Now I only care about one thing - that is how Xiao Tang can regain public opinion and clear his stigma."

At this moment, Qin Xiuhuai who had been silent on the sickbed finally spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhai Suqiu and Chai Tianyu beside him immediately fell silent.

Immediately, old man Qin turned his head slowly, and looked at the other side of the bed, where an old man was sitting silently drinking.

Qin Xiuhuai's eyes flickered, and he asked calmly, "Yun Xiang, what do you think?"

"What do you think?"

Shi Yunxiang raised his hand, wiped the remaining wine from the corner of his mouth, and smiled coldly.

"Too lazy to look!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Xiuhuai and the others couldn't help opening their mouths in astonishment, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lazy, too lazy to watch? !

Seeing that this is the time of urgency.

How could Shi Yunxiang be so calm?
"Brother Qin, two brothers, to be honest, I really don't understand what you are worrying about..."

Shi Yunxiang calmly met the questioning and puzzled eyes of the three, and a confident smile appeared on his old face as dry as bark.

"Don't you guys still know Tang Yu's ability?"

"Even if you don't know...I know it very well!"

"Don't look at his young age, this kid is as shrewd as a monkey, he is so wise and close to a demon, otherwise, why did I fall into his way at the beginning?"

"In this matter, Tang Yu must have a second hand!"

Speaking of this, the smile on Shi Yunxiang's face grew stronger, and he said cheerfully: "Besides, it's not Tang Yu's character to just be beaten and not fight back!"

"The reason why he has been pretending to be deaf and dumb and letting others slander him is probably because the time is not yet ripe..."

"Just wait and see, within three days, he will definitely stand up and slap all the trolls in the face!"

In Shi Yunxiang's words, there was a lot of confidence in Tang Yu.

After all, he and Tang Yu don't have the name of master and apprentice, but they have the reality of master and apprentice.

Although the acquaintance was only ten days short, they were connected with each other and knew each other very deeply.

"Yun Xiang's words are very good, it completely touched my heart."

"Little Tang is none other than the hope for the future of our Longguo Opera!"

Qin Xiuhuai nodded approvingly, and said in a very solemn tone: "No matter what, I believe that he is not a person who hurts nature and acts recklessly!"

"This time, we in the opera world will not change our original intentions, and vow to advance and retreat with him!"


time lapse.

At ten o'clock in the evening.

Chen Bailu, the most representative writer in the Longguo literary world, finally spoke out!
In the field of literature, Chen Bailu's status is definitely a well-deserved leader.

One word can subvert the literary world, and it is easy to call the wind and rain!

In recent years, although the elderly do not care about world affairs and rarely come out for activities, they still have tens of millions of followers on Weibo.

After all, Chen Bailu's achievements in writing books and discussing overseas have fully influenced several generations of people in the Dragon Kingdom.

He is known as the backbone of the Dragon Kingdom, and he is also a hero in the hearts of countless people!
Even if the hero is late, the old man's reputation and status accumulated all his life are still unmatched in the literary world.

Therefore, Chen Bailu's fans are basically adults who have entered the society, and all of them have certain abilities.

This also indicates that once Chen Bailu stands up and speaks out, this battle of public opinion will be completely ignited and pushed to a new peak!
[Zizi lunatic, what is the law of heaven when he acts fiercely and hurts others? 】

The title of Chen Bailu's blog post only used twelve characters.

But every word is sharp and hits the nail on the head, just like its usual sharp and pungent writing style.

"I, Chen Bailu, have devoted my life to Longguo literature for dozens of years. I ask myself that I am worthy of the sky above, and I am worthy of the earth below. I stand up to the sky and the earth, and it is for my husband!"

"I have never been weaker than others in my life. Even when I was in a debate with writers from all over the world, I used my pen as a sword several times. I have never been at a disadvantage, and I have never lost the face of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"I don't seek meritorious service, but seek no faults. I, Chen Bailu, live in my family and in my country, and I can say that I have a clear conscience!"

"Who would have thought that when he was approaching old age, he would be so humiliated by a young maniac?"

"When I learned that my grandson Wenyuan was injured by Tang Yu, the old man was extremely indignant and deeply saddened!"

"After the incident, the old man has never spoken out. He just believes in the authority of the law, and believes that the country will give a fair and strict judgment..."

"However, until now, the official of the Dragon Kingdom has not made a statement, which really makes this old man extremely chilling!"

"Born as a literati, he should help the country, share the country's worries, and leave a name in history."

"I have always regarded this as my own responsibility. I have been rooted in the literary world for decades, and I have worked tirelessly. Several generations have grown up watching my articles and works!"

"This is my honor, Chen Bailu, and the most proud achievement in my life!"

"As for my grandson——Zhang Wenyuan, he chose to walk the same path as me, and he is better than blue, and he is also the pride of this old man!"

"Just after [-] years, he has already made great achievements. His works have repeatedly won domestic and foreign awards, and he is humble and low-key, respectful, filial and courteous, which makes me feel very comforted..."

"However, it is such a young literary figure who has nothing to do with the world, who was brutally murdered outside his own house, and the assailant is still at large. What is the law of heaven? Where is justice?"

"The one who beat him was none other than Tang Yu, the big star who is so red in your eyes!"

"How can a thug who is so lawless and prone to violence deserve to be a qualified public figure? How can he be worthy of your support and love?"

"What annoys me the most is that even though Tang Yu is so arrogant, there are still people who are willing to help the tyrant to further fuel his arrogance!"

"Qin Xiuhuai, a majestic Peking opera master, I have always admired what you have done, but I never expected you to be a shameless old thief who disregards right from wrong and tolerates adultery!"

"Liu Laoneng, as a well-known drama critic, you ignore the hard evidence and blindly cheer for Tang Yu. What is your intention? You are not worthy of being a teacher if you are not right at the top and crooked at the bottom!"

"Mei Yuhan, you are working hand in hand with Qin Xiuhuai. You are both dignified figures, yet you are willing to be the lackeys of the younger generation, the president of the Opera Association? It's so ridiculous!"

(End of this chapter)

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