Chapter 265 Awakening
Three days later, when everyone was busy with the plague, Jun Chen woke up without warning.

The first thing she found was Bai Nai who was in charge of serving, she was specially sent by Mu Yourou to take care of Jun Chen.

When she walked into the room carrying a basin of hot water and saw Jun Chen who was half leaning on the bed, the basin hit the ground with a bang.

Then the whole person was very excited, "His Royal Highness, Your Highness!" When she was flustered, she hurriedly ran to call Jun Yan who was still reviewing the memorial.

Hearing the news that his son had woken up, Jun Yan finally smiled, dropped the cinnabar pen and ran into the house.


Regardless of etiquette, Jun Yan just wanted to see his eldest son.

Jun Chen held his healed heart and smiled weakly, "Father..."

The body was hugged suddenly, looking at his excited father, Jun Chen felt guilty, and he made his father worry about him again.

"My son and minister are not filial."

"Don't talk about it, it's good when you wake up, it's good when you wake up." Jun Yan's eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't help wiping away a handful of bitter tears when he saw his son who had lost his previous spirit, "You are still weak, wait for the emperor to let the imperial dining room go to sleep." Let me make you something to eat and nourish your body."

After sleeping for such a long time, it is no wonder that people are not weak. The current Jun Chen is not even as good as an ordinary woman.

This is not what Jun Chen is most concerned about, and he directly asks a series of questions, "Father, who sent me back? Where is An An? How is she?"

Jun Yan looked away, and subconsciously ignored the latter question, "It was the national teacher who sent you back and healed your wounds. I asked Li Taiyi to have a look. Your internal injuries are no longer serious, but you are too weak. Your vitality is seriously injured, and you need to cultivate well."

National Division?

He grabbed Jun Yan's hand and asked eagerly, "Where's An An? Why don't you see her?"

Seeing his father hesitate to speak, Jun Chen recalled the scene of Shen Anan healing him and those attacks, and his expression changed drastically.

Jun Yan was afraid that he would think of something he shouldn't think about again, so she quickly said to ease his emotions: "She has been taken away."

Jun Chen, who was about to get up, was startled, and looked at his father in surprise, "Take it away?"

Jun Yan nodded, "She has already been taken back to heal her wounds, she will be fine, you are weak, you should take care of it first, I will tell your mother."

After speaking, he helped Jun Chen to lie down and left, but in Jun Chen's view, it was more like covering up something.

Hearing that her son had woken up, Mu Yourou lifted her skirt and ran over, completely ignoring the Queen's demeanor, since her son was almost gone, she didn't care about her demeanor.

Before entering the room, Jun Yan told her again and again: "He just woke up, don't irritate him."

Mu Yourou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he was talking about Shen An'an, her heart ached, poor child, what kind of evil did this do!
After nodding, the husband and wife pushed open the door and entered the house together.

And Bai Momo also went to the imperial dining room and ordered light porridge to be prepared.


Jun Chen looked up and saw Mu Yourou's worried face, and smiled, "Mother, I made you worry again."

Mu Yourou held his hand tightly, looked and looked repeatedly, "It's fine, it's fine, are you hungry? I've already asked the nanny to prepare."

Jun Chen nodded slightly, it's better not to refuse now.

Until he started eating, Jun Chen also asked about Shen An'an many times, but they avoided them all. For a while, Jun Chen's heart sank to the bottom.

Finally, he put down his chopsticks, and the crisp sound of your voice fell on the second elder, and his heart beat violently.

The son's unwavering words sounded in his ears: "Where's Shen An'an?"

Jun Yan and Mu Yourou looked at each other and fell silent by coincidence.

Sometimes silence is scarier than speaking.

Jun Chen's hand clenched tighter and tighter, and the atmosphere gradually froze.

Jun Yan let out a long sigh, and finally told him everything.

Every time he listened to it, Jun Chen's heart ached, and in the end, he seemed to be cut alive.

Seeing her son's increasingly unstable mood and the resentment in his eyes, as a mother, how could Mu Yourou not feel distressed?

"Don't worry too much..."

"My son is tired." Jun Chen interrupted her suddenly, got up and walked to the door, Jun Yan frowned, "Where are you going? Don't forget, you are my prince!"

Not only does he live for himself, he also bears Xiling's future expectations on his shoulders!
Jun Yan was a little angry, the son who had always been excellent had fallen to this point!
He began to wonder whether it was right or wrong to leave the white fox in the first place.

Mu Yourou looked at him anxiously, "Chen'er."

Facing the sun, Jun Chen's back looked extraordinarily bleak, he raised his head to look at the sky, felt dizzy for a while, stabilized his body and said calmly: "My son is going back first."

Jun Yan stood up abruptly, stopped his son who was about to leave, and said sharply: "When the plague hits, you can't let go of that matter for a while!"

Jun Chen froze, turned around in disbelief, Jun Yan couldn't bear it, but he still said: "Because of Xiao Yu's influence, a plague has broken out in the whole city."

Jun Chen's face turned pale again, and his eyes were complicated. After all, he couldn't bear to close his eyes and fell down.

Mu Yourou covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face, but luckily Jun Yan quickly caught him with a heavy expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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