Chapter 415

Ling Jinghan turned around, raised his chin slightly, and had a haughty sense of superiority in his eyes, "Xin Wan, I came to you to persuade you to persuade me."

Xin Wan's eyes were calm, just like her every moment since she was a child, her smile was also calm, "If you have anything to say, you can tell him yourself."

Completely calm, with a well-thought-out look.

What Ling Jinghan dislikes the most is Xin Wan—it seems that everything is under her control, as if she has a huge magnetic field, which firmly attracts everyone around her, including Su Rongzhen.Back then, there was probably no reason to fight.

Ling Jinghan kept smiling, "It's not whether I tell him or not. The problem is that, as you know, he has his pride and self-esteem. I really want to help him. No matter what, we are still old classmates. , is a friend, now he is in the most difficult time, there is no reason not to lend a hand, so, I hope you can put aside our past, persuade him, persuade him not to be so proud, this is not his personal face The problem is related to the future of the Su family, the prospects of the company, and the livelihood of so many employees, he is already 30 years old, and he can no longer do things according to his own temper, what do you think?"

Xin Wan smiled, Ling Jinghan's way of speaking has really remained the same for ten years, and he will always look like I am doing it for your own good.

"Thank you for your kindness." Xin Wan had no choice but to play tricks with her, "His company's board of directors has its own decision on Rong's matter. I don't know his industry well, so I can't and can't make decisions for him. The company doesn't belong to him alone. I believe that even if he wants to do whatever he wants, the board of directors will not agree. Thank you for your willingness to cooperate with him at this time. If you have a good cooperation method, you may wish to discuss it with his company. The company's board of directors will definitely consider it seriously. .”

Ling Jinghan's heart was blocked, but he had expected this result, so he inadvertently glanced at

Window glass, continued to smile, "You are his wife, if you say something that you don't know about his industry, you don't care too much about him. Do you know how difficult he is now? But all the friends who are close to him are for him. Worried, why didn't you respond at all?"

Xin Wan really felt that this kind of communication was tiring, it was like this ten years ago, and it will still be like this ten years later.Sighing silently, he turned to arrange the paints, "You also said, as long as the friends who are close to him, so I have no reaction, as long as the friends who are close to him understand, don't they?"

Ling Jinghan choked again, excluding her from "every close friend".

She pursed her lips and smiled, "I was wrong. I thought I could help you, and I came here with the greatest kindness. I didn't expect that you still hated the relationship I had with him ten years ago, and even put this Bearing grudges is above the future, I misjudged you, thinking that no matter what, you will think of him."

"You are indeed wrong." Xin Wan continued, "First, I have never held grudges against you. Resentment is such a serious word, and insignificant people and things are not worthy of this word. Second, Rong Huan His future is very important, but his character and principles are more important. You must have come to me when he and his directors hit a wall. Then, as his wife, I absolutely believe that he and his directors have rejected you. Reasons, I will not hold him back. Third, it is useless to provoke discord between me and him."

"What... sow dissension?" Ling Jinghan couldn't help but glance out of the window.

Xin Wan glanced over slightly, "Come out, what do you want to hear if you don't come in?"

Ling Jinghan's face paled slightly.

Before anyone arrived, a chuckle had already passed in, and then, a figure appeared at the door.

"Mr. Su." Wei Shuhong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.This woman is obviously here to find fault, she is afraid that she will be like last time, vent her anger with paint if she disagrees with her, don't sprinkle it all over the floor again.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you just hid for a while and you found out." A certain person came in, holding a bouquet of cappuccino roses, first kissed Xin Wan on the face, and then said familiarly. Go put the flowers in a vase.

After inserting it, he took a step back and looked at it, "Does it not match the vase? Niuniu, you pick another vase, your vision is better than mine."

Xin Wan took another plain white vase from the cabinet and asked him, "Why are you free today?"

"Stealing Fusheng for half a day, I want to make an appointment with my wife. I don't know if my wife has time? Show me some face?" He reinserted the flower, "Well, it really looks much better."

Xin Wan gave him an angry look, "What do you want to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." His slightly tired eyes were soft and soft, "I can do anything with you. If you don't have time, I can drink tea in the shop and watch you busy. I just want to watch you."

"Then let's drive out to relax and book a restaurant for dinner tonight." Xin Wan helped him arrange the flowers in the vase.

"Okay, you drive." There was a hint of coquettishness in his tone, and he grinned, "It's all up to you."

Ling Jinghan looked at the two people who looked like no one else, and his face was very ugly, and he forced a smile, "Niuniu, are the paintings on this wall also for sale? The paintings are really good."

After hearing this, Su Rongxuan walked around to the tea table behind the screen and sat down, leaving Xin Wan outside.

Xin Wan rolled her eyes countless times in her heart, and answered Ling Jinghan helplessly, "No, they were all gifts from friends to give me some momentum."

"Oh..." Ling Jinghan nodded suddenly, and continued, "By the way, what you studied is art, and now you are a painter. My family..."

"Niuniu! No more tea!"

Before Ling Jinghan finished speaking, someone's dissatisfied voice came from behind the screen.

Xin Wan smiled at Ling Jinghan and went in.

Where is there no tea?A certain person was making a bubble there with a pot by himself.

She sat down across from him.

Ling Jinghan just felt very boring, standing outside alone, and heard laughter coming from inside from time to time, stood for a while, finally couldn't stay any longer, stomped his feet, and left without saying hello.

"Ms. Xin, I'm leaving." Wei Shuhong announced from outside with a wink.

Xin Wan's face suddenly collapsed.

Someone had a secretly smug expression, "What? Unhappy?"

She is unhappy, what does it mean that he is beaming?Her face became even more dispirited, "You caused trouble yourself and threw me out? You hid in by yourself?"

Someone said meanly, "The female lion is favored by other male lions. Shouldn't the male lion as a spouse put on armor and fight to the death in order to defend his status?"

Xin Wan took a teacup and said angrily, "Are you the mother?"

"The truth is the same! You can't discriminate against sex!" Someone smiled, "Come on, let's drive out and relax!"

Xin Wan continued to lose her temper, "The play is over!"

"What play is over?" Someone blinked his eyes with an innocent face, "So what Ling Jinghan said was right, you really don't love me..."

"Does it hurt you?" Xin Wan glanced at the ruler on the painting table, took it over and greeted him, "Does it hurt? Does it hurt?"

"It hurts... it hurts..."

Wei Shuhong couldn't help laughing when he heard Mr. Su's voice crying out for pain and domestic violence.

 On the 10th, the readers will meet and have a pleasant afternoon tea time with everyone. Here, thank you for coming from afar.In the next few days, it was the time of the Red Sleeve Annual Meeting, so there was very little time for coding. I am sorry that the update is slower. I will return to Beijing on the evening of the 20th. The update during this time may be even more unreliable... Sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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