my black moonlight girlfriend

Chapter 383 Little urchin, old urchin

Chapter 383 Little urchin, old urchin

Trace company.

It was already off-duty time, and the meeting of several big bosses had just ended.

Shi Lanzhou hasn't spoken to Ai Qing for several days.

After the meeting, Ai Qing picked up her bag and left as usual, without even giving Shi Lanzhou a look.

Of the rest of the people in the conference room, Shi Lanzhou bowed his head and remained silent, while the other three looked at each other.

"Shall we go and have a look?" Su Rongxuan asked him.

Shi Lanzhou was silent.

Meng Sangzi also said, "Yes, no matter what, she also has a part in the company. It doesn't matter if she quits when she quits the book business. She can't always be like this in every meeting."

Only then did Shi Lanzhou move, "We'll be out later..."

"Okay!" Su Rongzhen patted him, "Sang Zi and I will get the things that are going to be released tomorrow, so you can go."

Shi Lanzhou looked at him, his eyes were sunken and bloodshot.

"You!" Su Rongxuan sighed, "You can't just work hard when you are emotional! Go! No matter what it is, talk clearly, then go home and sleep, and go to see the client tomorrow refreshed."

Shi Lanzhou finally stood up.

After chasing it out, he found that the elevator had reached the B1 garage, so he followed.

When they arrived at B1, Ai Qing was getting out of the car, drove past him, stopped, lowered the car window and sneered, "You said don't appear in front of me again, you just keep on being tough!"

Shi Lanzhou frowned, and was about to speak when Ai Qing cheered up, and the car drove away...

He squeezed the center of his brows, smiled wryly, returned to the ground, and called a car.

After getting on the bus, the driver asked professionally, "It's tail number 6898, are you going to XX Hotel?"

"Yes." The restlessness in his heart suddenly became surging, he didn't want to go to the hotel, and he didn't want to go home, so he said to the driver, "Master, let me change the destination."


He changed the destination to Liuli Street.

When I was a child, I failed my exams and held a parent-teacher meeting. I didn’t dare to go home, so I hid at Niu Niu’s house.

Inexplicably, my heart is a little sour.

When we arrived at Liuli Street, it was already dark, and the store was lit with orange lights. Xin Wan was arranging the paints and brushes on the table, as if he had just finished painting.

"Sir, what do you need?" Wei Shuhong greeted him.

He actually came here when it opened, but Wei Shuhong didn't remember him.

Xin Wan looked up and saw that it was him, and he came alone.

She actually avoided being alone with him. Although she has a clear conscience, she still understands how to avoid suspicion, but this person has come, and he can't be driven away. Moreover, the situation where Su Rong came to her listlessly a few days ago Still in my mind, something must have happened to these guys...

She stopped what she was doing, stepped forward to meet him, and smiled, "Why are you here, come in and sit down."

Only then did Wei Shuhong realize that she was the boss's wife's friend.

Shi Lanzhou glanced around the store, and automatically sat where Su Rongzhen sat that day - at the tea table behind the screen.

Xin Wan shook her head secretly, these guys even have the same habit of taking seats, they would fight for everything when they were young, even fighting for any seat when they were doing homework at her house.

She had no choice but to sit down opposite him and ask him, "Want tea?"

He didn't have as many problems with tea as Su Rongzhen, so he nodded.

Xin Wan noticed his appearance at a glance, he was so haggard that no one would believe him if he was fine.

She sighed secretly and handed him the teacup.

He also drank tea more politely than Su Rongjue, taking a sip, it was real tea, unlike Su Rongjue, who was just a cow's drink to quench his thirst, but the cup was too small.

After taking a sip of tea, he opened his mouth first, "Niu Niu, why did you alienate us after we went out to study?" He thought it was Su Ronghui's fault, but Su Ronghui returned to Su Ronghui, and they were on their own. Isn't the friendship from small to large still there?

Xin Wan's hand holding the pot paused, and smiled softly, "It's not alienation, it's just that everyone is busy with their own business. When I was in college, my grandfather left suddenly. I have to go to school and support Huaqingtang. There’s no time to worry about anything else.”

Shi Lanzhou felt that what she said made some sense. At that time, when they came back from summer vacation, she would go out to look for mines every time. Later, slowly, they were really busy with their own affairs, and the contact became less and less.

He gently turned the cup in his hand, "Niuniu, do you remember? When we were young, we would tell you everything. We were wronged and wronged by our parents, our brothers had conflicts, or we got angry at school. Tell you everything, you will comfort us, give us delicious food, after eating, the anger will dissipate."

Why don't you remember?

Xin Wan pushed the golden sand crisps on the table in front of him, "Eat it, drink it with tea, you can eat four of them in one sitting."

Shi Lanzhou was taken aback, a smile broke on his tired face, and he picked up a smile, "It's just that he likes sweet things."

Xin Wan opened a food box and pushed it to him. Inside was a box of spicy beef.

"That's good." Shi Lanzhou smiled, "If you are here, you have to grab it from me."

"Grandma fried it last night, so I made it for him." Xin Wan said with a smile.

Listening to these words, Shi Lanzhou felt as if he had passed away.

His eyes were a little red, and slowly, with a nasal voice, "Niu Niu, tell me, when we treat someone well, don't we just show our hearts and souls?"

Xin Wan probably knew why, although Su Rongzhen hadn't mentioned it to her.

In this world, the most incomprehensible thing is the word love, and it is also the most hurtful thing.

Sure enough, Shi Lanzhou continued, "I don't even know what the problem is. We used to be so good and so happy, how did it become like this? It seems that all of a sudden, all opinions are not compatible, and everything starts to be calculated. , together, there is only one word: tired. But I don't want to be like this, I really want to marry her and live a good life. "

Shi Lanzhou was a fan of the authorities, but Xin Wan could probably see a little bit of it.It's not that they changed suddenly, but they are different from the beginning. It's just that in the simple days of studying abroad, there were not so many things that forced these differences out.At that time, it was just going to school, doing projects for the tutor, and simply getting my own salary. How could there be any conflict of interest?
People only expose their most essential self when their interests are competing.

"What are your plans?" Xin Wan only asked him, and she could only listen to him when it came to matters of relationship, without any advice or even comment.

"I plan to break up, but I'm still very sad. Besides, there are still some things to deal with. The three of us start a company, because she is my girlfriend, and she also has one. If we really break up, these things must be discussed clearly. She If she is willing to continue working in the company, what belongs to her is still hers, and if she is unwilling, I plan to give her enough compensation, but the current state of me and her really affects the work of the company."

She grew up watching these boys, why didn't she know them?
There seemed to be guests coming outside, but Xin Wan didn't abandon him to greet them.

"Lanzi." She said slowly, "it will pass, time will tell everything, I just hope you are always happy. Grandma said, I like you three always like children, that is the most precious heart in the world, and I am too , no matter what happens, I hope that you will always have a child's heart, and when you grow old, you will also be each other's old urchins."

Shi Lanzhou couldn't explain why, but he really liked Niu Niu's voice when she spoke like this. It seemed that when she was a child, she came to her angrily to complain about something wronged. Douse their petulant tempers.

They called her sister, and they were right, even though she was younger than them.

Now he is the wronged child again, angry and depressed. He actually knows what to do in his heart, but he just wants to talk to his sister, and he will feel much better after talking.

"Niuniu, we will be, we are all your little urchins, old urchins." His eyes were a little moist.

Suddenly there was a cold snort from outside the screen, and then, a figure rushed in, and came with him, and sternly scolded, "Shi Lanzhou! Sure enough, I caught you? Are you shameless?"

Ai Qing appeared.

In the fairness cup was hot tea that Xin Wan had just poured out, Ai Qing was so angry that her face was contorted, she snatched the fairness cup and splashed the tea on Xin Wan's face.

Shi Lanzhou moved quickly, grabbed her wrist, and poured a cup of hot tea on his and Ai Qing's hands.

"Shi Lanzhou! Are you still helping her? You bitches!" Ai Qing yelled sharply, and slapped Shi Lanzhou on the face with the other hand.

There were five finger prints on Shi Lanzhou's fair face, and the place where the nails were cut was still aching.

Ai Qing broke free from Shi Lanzhou's hand, and wanted to rush up to beat Xin Wan, but Shi Lanzhou hugged her tightly again, "Ai Qing, have you had enough trouble?"

"Have I made enough trouble?" Ai Qing jumped and screamed in Shi Lanzhou's arms, "Is it me? Shi Lanzhou, you stinky shameless! Finally let me catch you? You still say you have nothing to do with Niuniu? Hehe! She Her little urchin? Her old urchin? You are so cheap! Don’t you think it’s disgusting? You have the face to say it, but I don’t have the face to listen to it! And Xin Wan, you’re a slut pretending to be noble and elegant all day long Are you proud of holding a few men in your hands and playing around? Are you proud? You are a coquettish! You are a vixen! You are so good! Are you happy that all men revolve around you? Destroy me and me Are you proud of Lanzi's relationship? You've already worn out your shoes, and you can still seduce your fiancé away. You can blow it off for the rest of your life, right? Smelly broken shoes! Rotten X..."

"That's enough!" Shi Lanzhou roared, took the person out, and said as he walked, "I'm sorry, Niuniu, for causing you trouble..."

Ai Qing was still yelling, "Trouble? Hehe! What you said just now, you can say it again in front of Su Rongzhen if you have the ability! A friend's wife can't be bullied! One seduces her husband and brother, and the other seduces her brother's wife, you two are a perfect match! Disgusting to death..."

Ai Qing was carried by Shi Lanzhou, and scolded as she walked, but she was so angry that she pushed all the paints off the shelf.

Pigment powder all over the place.

Wei Shuhong panicked, "Miss Boss, this..."

"It's okay, let's sweep everything." Xin Wan was very calm.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~~!What's your favorite mooncake?
  Hey, my unreliable schedule and updates, I am also very...

(End of this chapter)

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