Chapter 338 Remember
In snowy weather and strong wind, candles can't light no matter what,

He took off his hat to block the wind, and held the lighter in his other hand to light the fire. The weak flame of the lighter kept dancing in the wind and snow.

He was fighting against this candle with all his heart, and he didn't expect anyone to come in this snowy day. She quietly approached him, but he didn't notice it until a plain white hand stretched out in front of him, with a snowy look. Bing Han, took the lighter from his hand.

He looked up, very surprised, "Why are you here? How do you know I'm here?"

"You keep out of the wind, I'll get some." She didn't answer his question.

He said "Okay", and there was some heat in his lowered eyes. Did the flame from the lighter in her hand lick his fingers?
He carefully protected the candle with a hat and a hand that was folded into a circle. She turned on the lighter to light it, but after several attempts, it still didn't work. She reached up with her other hand and closed the gap where his hand was not enough. , together with his hands, formed a complete circle, blocking the wind and snow before she finally lit the candle.

"Look, Wanwan, as long as we form a circle, no amount of wind and snow will break in." In the wind and snow, as soon as he spoke, white smoke could be seen in the air.

Xin Wan was stunned, and went to order another one. Her hand was closely connected with his, and it was still a circle.

"Okay." He pulled her up.

Seeing the two small candles flickering wildly in the wind and snow, as if they were in danger of being blown out at any moment, Xin Wan felt a little anxious.

He saw her thoughts, held her hand, and said softly, "It's okay, mom will understand. I heard from grandma that if you light these two candles, mom will know we are coming. But I think, even if you don't light , Mother and child are connected, she will know that I am here."

Xin Wan felt that Crying Bag was actually more pitiful than her.

Although her parents are divorced, she is also her father who is less reliable. She grew up with her grandparents, and she was always doted on. , but he, his mother passed away, and his stepmother came in. Although his father-in-law loves him, but he spends a lot of time outside working on his career, how can he have the time to take care of him?Grandma and grandpa have thoughts about Su Zhen, and they can't take care of this grandson every day. He grew up wildly, joking and cynical on the surface, who knows what he thinks in his heart?If he was really as detached as he appeared on the surface, there would not be the scene where Sangzi's father brought her up the mountain on that snowy night many years ago.

Some people say that the more hip-hop and cheerful some people look, the more complicated and heavy they are in their hearts.

It's just that no one understands.

She clasped his fingers subconsciously, without her noticing.

"Crying bag, today is..." What day is it?
"Mom's birthday." On this day many years ago, when he came home in the evening, what he saw was his father and Shang Qingmei's affection, and what he heard was his father's name Shang Qingmei, but in his memory, the previous day was them The family celebrates mom's birthday...

Xin Wan finally understood what the little boy was doing curled up in front of the grave that winter night.

In this world, the most ruthless thing is not life and death, but forgetting.

So he desperately wanted to keep it, including his current career, he wanted to keep all the traces of this world, from the voices and smiles of his relatives to the human civilization.

"Crying bag..." She heard her voice trembling in the wind and snow, "There will always be someone who remembers, you see, you remember, grandma and grandpa remember, Rong Xing also remembers, and I, too, will be with you I remember." Of course I remember, otherwise, why would I come here to look for you today?
 see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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