my black moonlight girlfriend

Chapter 247 Complaint

Chapter 247 Complaint
He stood behind her.

There were all kinds of bottles, jars, plates and dishes around her, a paintbrush in her right hand, and a piece of unknown cloth in her left hand. She was staring at her painting with all her energy. He wanted to hug her from behind, but he didn't know where to start.

Suddenly feel that I am in the way?

He originally thought that he would just stand here and wait to see when she would find him behind him, but after staying there for a while, she continued to smear on her painting...

He flattened his mouth aggrievedly and surrendered.

"Have you eaten yet?" In other words, he didn't eat either!

What invited the young lady to dinner? The one who showed him around was a grandfather with a gray beard!He really wanted to invite grandpa to dinner, but he didn't agree, so he came out in despair.But I agreed to invite my young lady to dinner, so I can't come back in such a miserable state, can I?He also wanted to go and harass Xiao Lanzi and his wife, but the couple went to Xishan, and he wandered around outside alone until now...

Xin Wan focused, "What time is it?" She was indeed a little hungry, but when she looked outside, it was completely dark.


She smiled and put down the brush, "I really haven't eaten, I forgot."

A small person in someone's heart cheered: What a coincidence, I didn't eat it either!I'm starving to death!Finally, there is no need to make excuses for dinner!But on the surface, he still pretended to be serious, "How can you do this? You can't remember to eat when you pick up a paintbrush! Is it always like this when you make paint at home? There is grandma watching you at home, You just let go outside, don’t you? I want to have a good talk with grandma!”

She went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and said with a smile as she walked, "Come on, are you complaining about addiction?"

Coincidentally, grandma sent the video over, and it was still sent to him.Yes, ever since they got married, grandma always called him when she wanted to contact them.

She washed her hands, washed her face and changed clothes in the bathroom, and heard him chatting with grandma there, listening to him calling grandma sweetly, listening to grandma calling him Baobao, telling grandma what they had done these two days, and saying I brought gifts to both grandma and Xin Hui, and then we talked about her!
"Grandma, Wanwan is not good at all, you have to fix her when you get back!" The tone was accusing.

Grandma laughed over there, "Bullying you again?"

Xin Wan knew something was wrong, so she rushed out with wet hands, and defended herself to the screen, "Grandma, listen to his nonsense!" Her subordinates had already punched him rudely.

"Look, look, look!" Grandma was dissatisfied, "You still say you didn't bully? Beating people at every turn, what kind of words? Can't you talk well if you have something to say?"

"That's right!" Someone became arrogant.How proud and coquettish!The arrogance of a fox pretending to be a tiger, the coquettish coquettishness! "Grandma, Wanwan, she hasn't eaten all day today! Do you think she's good? Push me to Beilin Museum alone, and she won't eat when she sees that no one cares about her."

Xin Wan thinks this person is simple, is it worth telling grandma about such a small piece of crap?Still so solemnly complaining? "Why haven't I eaten? Didn't I have breakfast with you in the morning? I ate bread at noon, and in the evening...I'm not going to eat it now?"

"Grandma, listen up, listen up, she has a point!"

Grandma Xin has always been looking for a certain baby, and her face sank immediately, "Wanwan, Bao Bao is right, I know your problems too well, don't you forget to eat and sleep if you focus on what you do? Bao Bao , grandma handed Wanwan to you, if she is disobedient in the future, you can just help grandma discipline her."

 Come again in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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