Reborn My 1993

Chapter 765 Jiang Taigong Fishing

Chapter 765 Jiang Taigong Fishing

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Cheng came back.

His complexion is not good.

Li Zhenting put down the things in his hand and glanced at Sun Cheng.

Of course, he didn't say anything, because what Zhang Yiming said before was very clear, that he wanted Wang Fa to see through, and Sun Cheng's expression now fulfilled Zhang Yiming's expectations.

"Yiming, it's a bad start."

Sun Cheng threw his backpack on the chair, a little ashamed and a little annoyed.

"Did Wang Fa say something unpleasant?"

Zhang Yiming's expression was very light.

"how do you know?"

Sun Cheng was a little surprised.

"It's simple. Brother Sun, who are you? You haven't seen any scenes. Winning or losing in a negotiation field is a common thing. You won't act like this just because you didn't make a deal. In addition, Wang Fa has no scheming. If he sees through If they violate our plan, they will definitely point it out impatiently, and even say something to humiliate us.”

Zhang Yiming could even guess what Wang Fa said.

"You really can't hide anything from you. Indeed, that kid is full of foul language. Most importantly, he is very sure that he can't cooperate with us."

Sun Cheng was still a little worried.

Thinking not to startle the snake, I didn't expect to be shocked in the end.

"Brother Sun, this result is exactly what I want."

Sun Cheng was annoyed and reflecting. Hearing Zhang Yiming's words, he didn't react at first.

"The reason why I didn't tell you before was because I was afraid that if you found out, you would inevitably relax and let Wang Fa see the clues. I'm sorry!"

"Yiming, which song are you singing?"

Sun Cheng didn't mean to blame Zhang Yiming, but he couldn't understand Zhang Yiming's purpose.

"Because only then can we proceed to the next step."

Sun Cheng was completely dumbfounded, this was different from what they discussed on the train before!

"Brother Li, I will ask you to come forward in this matter later."

Li Zhenting came over, but he didn't expect this matter to have anything to do with him.

But he was more than happy to do it.

The grievances with Wang Fa had accumulated for several years, and he had long wanted to make Wang Fa pay for his actions back then.

It's just that Zhang Yiming has been standing still, and he can't make decisions on his own.

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

Hearing Zhang Yiming's words, Li Zhenting acted immediately.

"I'll call Brother Liu again."

Zhang Yiming called Liu Xiong, and he also didn't hide his intention to deal with Wang Fa.

Liu Xiong is more straightforward than Li Zhenting.

His temper was originally more anxious than Li Zhenting's.

"Yiming, in this way, isn't the price we paid too high?"

Now, Sun Cheng already knew Zhang Yiming's plan, but new worries also appeared.

Although the money was not taken from his pocket, from the point of view of a professional professional manager, Sun Cheng did not agree with the method of killing one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

What's more, the opponent is still Zhang Yiming.

He, Fan Zhisheng and Zhang Yiming had been bound together for a long time. Zhang Yiming lost too much blood, which was definitely not a good thing for them.

He didn't want to cut off Zhang Zhaoliang's future at the cost of his and Fan Zhisheng's own future.

"Brother Sun, there is no turning back when you shoot the bow. If we don't kill Zhang Zhaoliang today, we will be the ones who will die tomorrow."

Zhang Yiming did not say that he would not trade at a loss.

The reason why he didn't say it was because he wanted Sun Cheng to remember this love firmly.

Although he came up with the idea of ​​killing Pengfei Technology, it was in line with Sun Cheng's interests and needs.

Therefore, he wanted to use this incident to make Sun Cheng owe him emotionally again.

Because in the future, there are still many places in his territory that need Sun Cheng.

If you want a person to follow you 100% loyally, binding interests is of course the best, but if you can grasp the other party's emotional debt on the basis of binding interests, then you will be safe.

"Then what can I do?"

Sun Cheng squeezed his hand.

He secretly felt that he was not decisive enough. Compared with Zhang Yiming, he had too many worries.

Zhang Yiming was right, if they couldn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Zhang Zhaoliang, then they would be the ones who got killed.

At that time, what will he do to protect Fan Zhisheng.

"Do nothing for now, just wait."

All that has to be done has been done.

All you have to do now is wait.

Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers took the bait.

This is the pinnacle of hunting.

Although Sun Cheng was a little anxious, he also knew that he could only stand still for the time being.

On this side, Li Zhenting acted very quickly. He selected more than a dozen stable and trustworthy agents from his agents, and asked them to help purchase the motherboard components of the radio repeater from different channels, and specified that Pengfei produced by technology.

The same is true for Liu Xiong, but he is more ruthless than Li Zhenting. Li Zhenting has found more than a dozen agents, while Liu Xiong has been on the phone all afternoon and found fifty agents.

Lithium battery consignees are different from agents, because lithium batteries cannot be used as a single product to support a store or booth, so they are all electronic product stores or booths. Therefore, the number of consignees is amazing.

Moreover, Liu Xiong looks very rough in doing things, but there are subtleties in the rough.

When explaining to these consignees to purchase components, they must not expose their consignment of hero lithium batteries.

The fee was paid by Liu Xiong, and Liu Xiong also promised certain discounts to the distributors, so the attitude of the distributors to this matter was naturally very cooperative.

For a time, motherboard components, which were not very marketable, became very popular.

In the office of Pengfei Technology.

Wang Fa sat with Jia Pengfei and two business managers who were in charge of the market.

"Mr. Wang, this is a good opportunity. We must seize this opportunity, take advantage of this shareholder wind, and expedite production, otherwise the store will disappear after passing this village."

The business manager surnamed Lin suggested to Wang Fa with a slightly excited tone.

"My opinion is the opposite. We are very clear about the market demand for the parts we produce ourselves. This is not something that adapts to the retail model. I think this is a bit abnormal, and we should wait and see."

Another business manager surnamed Hu had the opposite opinion of Lin.

"Pengfei, what's your opinion?"

Wang Fa sat on the boss chair, tapping his fingers on the legs under the table.

Ever since Zhang Yiming snapped his fingers off sharply last time, he couldn't stretch them straight, so he rarely showed his hands in front of people.

Therefore, every time he sees his fingers, his hatred for Zhang Yiming is like an erupting volcano, constantly surging upwards.

When Sun Cheng found him that day, he recognized Sun Cheng right away. Wang Fa didn't believe what Sun Cheng said and Zhang Yiming turned his back on Zhang Yiming and wanted to start his own business and earn some money secretly.

Not only did he not believe it, but he also severely derogated and cursed Sun Cheng and Zhang Yiming, and let out a bad breath.

But now, there is a sudden upsurge in the market for purchasing the motherboard components of radio repeaters, and it is very hot, which reminds him of what Sun Cheng said before.

If this is true, then it is a huge opportunity for him.

A chance to finally stand up without relying on Zhang Zhaoliang.

However, he couldn't bear this risk by himself, he needed to take Jia Pengfei with him.

(End of this chapter)

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