Reborn My 1993

Chapter 762 Talking about cooperation

Chapter 762 Talking about cooperation

A false alarm.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Yiming breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't doubt that Fan Zhisheng and Sun Cheng ran away. After all, they were the representatives sent here by the UT headquarters. They were only responsible for handling domestic sales and were not directly involved in the management of money and goods. There was no necessary condition for running away.

He's just worried about what's going on.

After all, in Dashengjing, at the feet of the emperor, too many things could happen.

"How is it? Is this place not bad?"

Zhang Yiming took a taxi to the new office of the UT office.

It is very close to the nursery stock factory.

Only less than three miles away.

The environment is incomparable to that of an office building, but it is very spacious.

The most important thing is that it is a place with a single family, and there is a house behind it that can live in.

"Staying in a hotel all year round is enough. It happens that this place is also close to the nursery stock factory. It is convenient to stare at the project over there. It is also close to the logistics company. The most important thing is that the price is cheap."

Fan Zhisheng explained it to Zhang Yiming.

"Are you surprised to see the company's people go to the building?"

Seeing Zhang Yiming's expression, Fan Zhisheng asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I thought you two eloped!"

The relationship between the three is very good now, so it's okay to make such jokes. As soon as Zhang Yiming finished speaking, Sun Cheng laughed.

"I do think so!"

As soon as Sun Cheng finished speaking, Fan Zhisheng gave him a hard look.

"Yiming, why did you come to Shengjing suddenly, is there something wrong?"

After the joke, Fan Zhisheng's face turned serious.

She knew Zhang Yiming's identity very well, as well as Zhang Yiming's style of doing things.

If nothing happened, he would definitely not ask for leave to come to Shengjing.

"Well, there is indeed something."

Zhang Yiming also became serious.

"Do you know Tianmei Communications?"

Fan Zhisheng and Sun Cheng looked at each other and shook their heads together.

Zhang Yiming didn't think there was anything strange, Tianmei Communication was not a big company at this time.

Fan Zhisheng and Sun Cheng came to China from the UT headquarters. PHS currently has no competitors in the domestic market and is the only one. It is normal for them not to deliberately understand the situation of the domestic communication industry.

"That's right. I'm here today to discuss with you our market response policy after Tianmei Communication's PHS goes public."

As soon as Zhang Yiming finished speaking, both Fan Zhisheng and Sun Cheng couldn't react.

Tianmei Communications wants to produce PHS?
"Yiming, how did you know about this?"

There is no other brand of PHS on the market, which proves that the other's product is still in the production stage, or even in the research and development stage.

Those who do their business are very clear that before the product is officially launched, the company keeps the information highly confidential.

Although the new product posters that are usually seen on the market appear in January or even a few months before the product, in fact, the product has already completed the research and development and entered the production stage, and even the stability of the machine has been tested. .

How did Zhang Yiming know the news?

"They purchased lithium batteries from a lithium power plant, and the model of the lithium battery matches that of the PHS."

Of course, Zhang Yiming can't say that in his previous life, Tianmei Communications was the first company in China to produce PHS.


Fan Zhisheng originally wanted to say that even so, it is not certain that Tianmei Communication is going to produce PHS!

Although Fan Zhisheng was not directly involved in production and R&D, UT has invested a team of dozens of people, all of whom are elites in the field, and the R&D expenses invested are extremely astonishing. Even so, it took a year.

It's not that she admires foreigners and looks down on domestic technological strength, but she really thinks that Tianmei Communications doesn't have such strength.

"Sister Fan, you have been abroad for many years, so you may not be very clear about domestic development."

Zhang Yiming knew exactly what Fan Zhisheng was thinking.

Although Fan Zhisheng has no intention of looking down on the country, like all people who have lived abroad for a long time, everyone's thoughts are still stuck in the early 80s.

They all feel that the country is still in an era when the economy and technology are backward, and even the streets are full of ragged beggars.

As everyone knows, after the reform and opening up, the country's technology and economy seem to be boosted and develop rapidly.

Not to mention PHS, in the near future, many situations in the world will be broken, and many firsts will be broken by this country.

"I didn't mean to belittle the motherland."

Fan Zhisheng still explained.

Although she left her motherland to study abroad at the age of 17 and has lived abroad for nearly 20 years, she does not really regard herself as a foreigner in her bones. She feels that the blood of Chinese descendants still flows in her blood.

But this has nothing to do with her belief that the country's economic and scientific development level is not as good as that of foreign countries. This is an objective fact.

"I know, Sister Fan, since I came here overnight by train, I am 100% sure about this matter."

In fact, Zhang Yiming thought of using means to completely kill the PHS of Tianmei Communications in its infancy, and he has this ability.

But he didn't want to.

Tianmei Communications can be regarded as a pioneer in the domestic communication industry. The goal he set for himself from the very beginning was not only to collect money, but to develop the entire industry and ultimately affect this era.

Therefore, he didn't want to kill Tianmei Communication, but now Mingzhen Electronics is the general agent of UT in China after all. He needs to find a balance method, which can not kill or suppress Tianmei Communication, but also ensure the normal sales of UT in China.

"Yiming, what do you mean?"

Several thoughts quickly flashed through Sun Cheng's mind.

Of course, there are also some bad things in it.


Zhang Yiming gave two words.

This is what he thought of since he learned that Tianmei Communications purchased lithium batteries.

The products are the same, and the market and customers are also the same, which means that they will definitely become competitors.

To change this situation, there is only one way for mutual benefit and win-win, and that is cooperation.

"Yiming, I don't understand what you mean. What kind of cooperation do you mean by cooperation? You know, UT is a foreign capital. Even if it is headquartered locally, it is a well-known large enterprise, and it is qualified to cooperate with UT. There are not many companies, and this Tianmei, IMHO, will not meet the cooperation requirements of UT."

Fan Zhisheng expressed his opinion.

She feels that although Zhang Yiming is very good, he still lacks a deep understanding of UT.

Although UT is targeting the Asian market, there is actually one reason because they feel that consumers in the Asian market are stupid and rich, and their own technological strength is not enough to support their demand for products in the communication industry.

Especially over the past year, UT has blossomed steadily in the Asian market and has taken root everywhere. It is impossible for UT to share such a large piece of cake with others, not to mention UT's senior management, even Fan Zhisheng himself.

"If you don't cooperate, UT will be dismantled and eaten away by Tianmei Communication step by step. Can UT also hold its ground and never compromise?"

As soon as Zhang Yiming finished speaking, both Sun Cheng's and Fan Zhisheng's expressions changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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