Reborn My 1993

Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Zhang Yiming acted quickly, and contacted the advertising company early the next morning to order a plaque.

When Hongyu Communications opened before, Zhang Yiming met many people who were engaged in the advertising industry in Shen'an, so it was very simple to make a plaque.

Gan Jiumei was full of energy and wanted to make the karaoke hall a good one, so she went to the karaoke hall early the next morning when Zhang Yiming went to order a plaque.

She wanted to get acquainted with the illusion of the karaoke hall and have a basic understanding of the overall layout of the karaoke hall before she could make further arrangements and plans.

On this side, Gan Xiaoyu found an excuse and joined Zhang Yiming secretly.

Zhang Yiming took Gan Xiaoyu straight to Zijin Nightclub.

"Sister Rui, this is the brother I told you before, Gan Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, this is Wang Rui, the proprietress of the nightclub."

Gan Xiaoyu didn't expect Zhang Yiming to bring him to meet a woman.

It's not that he looks down on women, after all, his sister is a hero among women.

However, he always felt that to walk this path, he had to be full of enthusiasm, wandering in the rivers and lakes, and being with a woman, which seemed a little strange.

"Sister Rui is a celebrity in Shen'an, you can learn a lot from Sister Rui!"

Seeing that Gan Xiaoyu didn't say anything, Zhang Yiming knew what he was thinking.

No matter how you put it, there are two lives before and after, so there is still some understanding of this.

"Miss Rui."

Gan Xiaoyu knew that Zhang Yiming was reminding himself that no matter what he thought in his heart, at least he couldn't face it.

It's just that Sister Rui yelled a little reluctantly.

Wang Rui looked at Gan Xiaoyu meaningfully.

She ate this bowl of rice. To put it bluntly, Wang Rui met more men than she ate.

She, Wang Rui, knows better than anyone else what a man is thinking.

"My Zijin Nightclub doesn't support idlers. No matter who introduced you, if you can't achieve results within a month, you should leave with all your bedding. It's useless to ask for help."

As soon as Wang Rui finished speaking, Gan Xiaoyu's expression changed immediately.

He felt his blood welling up, and the anger in his eyes was also brewing.

This woman obviously looked down on him and regarded him as someone who came through the back door.

What's so awesome about her being a broken nightclub.

"You don't need to say any bold words. I don't care. The nightclub just needs a security guard. You should report to the security office first!"

Gan Xiaoyu clenched his fists, his eyes were red.

"Brother Ming, do you have any objection to my arrangement?"

Zhang Yiming understood why Wang Rui arranged this way, but he was afraid that Gan Xiaoyu would not be able to accept it for a while.

"Go ahead, I'll let him report to the security office later."

Zhang Yiming had to enlighten Gan Xiaoyu, lest this young man do anything wrong.

Wang Rui didn't say much, took one look at Gan Xiaoyu and left.

Gan Xiaoyu stared at Wang Rui's back.

A woman with a thin waist like a snake spirit, why is she so arrogant.


"Brother-in-law, I know you mean well, but let me mess with a fluffy girl, I won't do it."

Wang Rui left, and Gan Xiaoyu didn't hide his emotions anymore.

"What people are most afraid of is judging people by their appearance. You think that the other party is young and a woman, and you despise the other party. Do you know how much she has experienced? Do you know how the Zijin Nightclub competed in Shen'an? Cannibalism Standing firm in such an environment, it will grow bigger and bigger!"

Zhang Yiming didn't ask Wang Rui, but Song Laosan told him about Wang Rui's family history and the crisis that Zijin Nightclub encountered.

Wang Rui is only 25 years old now, but she has been in this industry for nearly ten years.

"Anyway, I won't follow her. If you insist, I'll go back to East Bay."

Gan Xiaoyu didn't listen to Zhang Yiming's words, as long as he thought of the look in Wang Rui's eyes when he said those two words just now, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Back to Dongwan? Don't protect your sister anymore? If you are alone, if you can't endure the hardships, you will never be a master. This Zijin Nightclub was supported by Jiang Liu. You want to really integrate into this circle , this is the most suitable place. Although Wang Rui is a woman, she is not comparable to many men. At least you are not comparable to you right now. Think about it carefully. I will go up first. When I think about it, I will go upstairs Find me up."

Zhang Yiming knew that there were some things to stop.

Talking too much will easily make Gan Xiaoyu feel more conflicted.

When Zhang Yiming went upstairs, Wang Rui stood at the corner of the stairs.

"Brother Ming, you're not angry when I said that just now?"

Facing Gan Xiaoyu is one thing, but facing Zhang Yiming is another.

"I know what you mean, young man, if you don't frustrate your spirit, you won't be able to eat this bowl of rice."

"Brother Ming just understands, I can see that you have a special relationship with this kid, brother-in-law?"

Zhang Yiming didn't deliberately hide it. When he ordered the karaoke hall before, Wang Rui knew that the karaoke hall was for his girlfriend.

"Well, but you don't have to show mercy just because of this relationship."

"Haha, Brother Ming, you don't know me too well. Let alone Brother Ming and your brother-in-law, even Sister-in-law Ming came to me.

This Wang Rui is really too straightforward.

But this is just right, being right about things and not about people is a quality that Zhang Yiming admires most.

"He will agree. I have seen too many stunned young men like him over the years."

From Wang Rui's perspective, he could see the situation in the hall.

The nightclub has not yet opened, so there are only Gan Xiaoyu and two cleaning staff in the entire hall.

In fact, Zhang Yiming also knew that Gan Xiaoyu would eventually agree.

Although Gan Xiaoyu is impulsive at times, he is very smart. He just couldn't figure it out for a moment because of Wang Rui's attitude, but he will figure it out when he calms down. This is why Zhang Yiming gave him this time to be alone.

In less than 10 minutes, Gan Xiaoyu raised his head and glanced in the direction of the second floor. Both Zhang Yiming and Wang Rui saw it.

Wang Rui and Zhang Yiming entered the nearest box when Gan Xiaoyu started to move.

Not surprisingly, Gan Xiaoyu agreed to be a security guard.

Although his expression was still rebellious and stubborn, if he agreed, it was the first step.

Wang Rui asked someone to take Gan Xiaoyu to the security office.

The two of them briefly communicated about the karaoke hall. After all, it is impossible for Gan Jiumei to devote most of her energy to Shen'an in the short term, so she needs Wang Rui's help to keep an eye on it.

One more thing is that Zhang Yiming needs Wang Rui's help to cover Gan Jiumei.

After Gan Xiaoyu reported, he directly took the security uniform.

Gan Xiaoyu, who was wearing a security uniform, seemed to be a different person.

Unlike many people who wear security uniforms, Gan Xiaoyu has a heroic and handsome feeling when wearing security uniforms.

Zhang Yiming asked Gan Xiaoyu to stay in the Zijin Nightclub temporarily, while he returned to the Doting Karaoke Hall.

After all, he had to explain Gan Xiaoyu's affairs to Gan Jiumei clearly.

"Let Xiaoyu work as a security guard in a nightclub?"

After hearing Zhang Yiming's words, Gan Jiumei immediately frowned.

Although she didn't say she disagreed, her expression already showed her attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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