Reborn My 1993

Chapter 716

Chapter 716
"Commissioner Hu."

An hour later, Hu Yan was called to the office.

Li Zhenting and Zhang Yiming sat on both sides of the desk, and it was Li Zhenting who called Commissioner Hu.

Hu Yan is a very beautiful and clean girl with fair skin. Although there are some small freckles on both sides of her nose, it does not affect her good looks at all. She has a ponytail and a figure in overalls that is still very proud.

"President Li, are you calling me?"

Not only is the person beautiful, but the voice is also nice, Li Zhenting's eyes flashed a hint of heartache.

"Well, I called you here to ask what dissatisfaction you have with the company?"

As soon as Li Zhenting finished asking, Hu Yan's eyes widened immediately.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean by that? I don't understand. I'm not dissatisfied with the company. I always remember your trust and cultivation of me. How could there be any dissatisfaction?"

"Then tell me, how do you explain these things?"

After speaking, Li Zhenting put down the cardboard box on the table, and the PHS inside fell out.

There was a momentary panic in Hu Yan's eyes, but only for a moment.

"Mr. Li, this is PHS, why did you put all PHS in the box?"

Zhang Yiming looked at Hu Yan indifferently, but he was a sharp-tongued person.

"Now, do you still have to install it again? It was found in your storage cabinet. Shouldn't you have a reasonable explanation?"

"My locker? Mr. Li, that's impossible."

Hu Yan shook her head and waved her hands again.

"There is nothing in my locker except a few clothes and soap. These things cannot be mine. Mr. Li, who said that these things belong to me? This is obviously a false accusation!"

"Who said that? Manager Zhao and the three personnel from the personnel department all saw it with their own eyes. One framed you and two framed you. Could it be that these four people are against you?"

Li Zhenting was furious, and was disappointed with Hu Yan at first, but if Hu Yan simply admitted, he would feel a little more at ease in his heart, but now that the evidence is overwhelming, Hu Yan even categorically denied it.

"Mr. Li, I'm not saying that Manager Zhao and his colleagues in the personnel department have a grudge against me, but that the person who put PHS in my locker has a grudge against me. Because there is nothing in my locker, I don't usually access it. It's locked, if the sisters in the dormitory can testify to me, Manager Zhao and the others should have seen it too."

Li Zhenting remained silent. This matter is true. There are four people in a dormitory, and only Hu Yan's locker is unlocked.

"Mr. Li, I have been in the company for a year. I believe Mr. Li and other colleagues know what kind of person I am in this year. I have always been brave in doing things, I really did not put these PHS in, and I asked Mr. Li to help me uphold justice and find out who framed me, Hu Yan."

Speaking of this, Hu Yan's face turned red, filled with righteous indignation.

Li Zhenting's heart was shaken for a moment. What Hu Yan said was right. Over the past year, Hu Yan's performance was remarkable. Be brave.

Although they are all marketing specialists, Hu Yan's salary is higher than others, and the subsidy is also high. Li Zhenting really can't find a reason for Hu Yan to do this. If such a job disappears, it is almost impossible to find it again.

"I see. I will investigate this matter again. If someone really deliberately framed you, I will definitely give you justice. You go out first!"

Li Zhenting waved his hand, now he needs to discuss with Zhang Yiming how to deal with this matter.

"Mr. Li, if it is found out who framed me, I will definitely not let him go. Don't stop Mr. Li then."

Hu Yan said another word aggressively before leaving.


"Brother Li thinks that Hu Yan didn't do this?"

Zhang Yiming could feel Li Zhenting's emotional changes. Li Zhenting was not a person who was interested in female sex, so he naturally didn't think that Li Zhenting would be sympathetic to women, but he knew that Li Zhenting loved talents.

"This Hu Yan has been in the company for a little over a year. She has been here since the company was not a PHS agent. I'm not trying to excuse her, but is it really possible that someone else framed this matter?"

Because he really didn't want to lose his talents, Li Zhenting still expressed his thoughts in front of Zhang Yiming.

"Whether it is framed or not, we will know soon."

. . . . . .

Because Mingzhen Electronics is located in the suburbs, there are very few employees who live in Dongwan. Most of the employees live in the factory dormitory. Therefore, after get off work every day, there are not so many employees who rush home from get off work.

After all, it's the same when you go back to the dormitory. There is no computer or smartphone at this time, so it's better to chat in the office.

As usual, Hu Yan chatted with her colleagues in the office for a while, then went back to the dormitory to pack up her things and planned to go out to take a shower.

Mingzhen Electronics has a public bath, but the environment is not particularly good. Many employees, especially female employees, choose to take a bath in another company's public bath one kilometer away.

"Let's take a shower together!"

After packing up, Hu Yan greeted her sisters in the same dormitory, but no one responded, so Hu Yan went out with her things by herself.

Because it was still October, less than November, the sunshine time was quite long. When Hu Yan went out with the bath basket, the sun had not completely set.

When Hu Yan came out of the shower, it was already dark.

Although the road from the bath to the factory is not very remote, and there are street lights, but few people pass by, it is still very scary for a young woman.

Hu Yan was very calm, humming a song while walking.

Suddenly, two people jumped out of the grass by the side of the road and dragged Hu Yan into the grass without any explanation.

Hu Yan struggled and finally escaped, and ran to the company recklessly, ignoring the scattered bath baskets on the ground, and even losing one of her shoes in the end.

After running back to the company, Hu Yan did not go back to the dormitory immediately, but ran downstairs in another building, and threw a small stone at a window on the second floor. Within 5 minutes, a person came out, Hu Yan All of a sudden he threw himself into his arms.

Just after Hu Yan's mood gradually stabilized, the originally dark surroundings suddenly lit up with lights.

One bunch after another, it's all the light of a flashlight.

When Hu Yan looked at the person walking out from the beam, her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

Whiter than when he was in danger just now.

The man holding Hu Yan also turned pale instantly.

"Hu Yan, Zhao Hang, do you have anything else to explain?"

The last hope in Li Zhenting's heart was completely shattered by what he saw in front of him. When he looked at Hu Yan and Zhao Hang, his eyes lost any warmth.

"Mr. Li, I know that the company requires that employees are not allowed to fall in love. We violated the regulations and accept the punishment."

Hu Yan's reaction was much faster than Zhao Hang's, and she immediately found a reason to excuse her.

"Dating? Hu Yan, you and Zhao Hang worked together inside and outside to help others replace products, and almost pushed the company to the point of doom. Do you think this matter can be concealed and let go?"

These two young men were once Li Zhenting's favorite generals. One inside and one outside made him proud. He never imagined that it was these two people who joined forces to put on such a big show for him.

Although Zhang Yiming was not an outsider, this incident still made Li Zhenting feel hot and ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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