Reborn My 1993

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

"What do you mean?"

Xin Cheng panicked.

Although he tried his best to cover it up, none of the people present was a human being. His cover-up was just for his own psychological comfort.

"Old Xin, what's going on here? I've also heard a lot of rumors before, saying that there is a problem with your aluminum mine, can it be true?"

Pang Guojian asked with a concerned face.

Zhang Yiming saw clearly that this was not concern at all, but gloating. He had no doubt that if something went wrong at Shen'an Aluminum Mine, Pang Guojian would definitely make trouble.

"You, the general manager of a construction company, would you listen to such unreliable gossip? The aluminum mine is very good, and I don't know who spread the news, but it all reached Brother Ming's ears. It’s gone, but the rumors stop at the wise, Brother Ming, don’t you think so?”

Zhang Yiming sneered in his heart.

This Xin Cheng is really stubborn, even playing this trick with himself.

"Really? If that's the case, then I don't have to worry about it. I have already told the bank that I can lend 500 million at any time. Now it seems that I can push this loan."

Hearing Zhang Yiming's words, Xin Cheng couldn't sit still immediately.

"Brother Ming is serious?"

"It doesn't seem to matter whether it's true or not. Mr. Xin's company has a bright future. In Mr. Xin's opinion, this mere 500 million loan is not as good as a drizzle. Just take it as a joke!"

Zhang Yiming doesn't show it on the surface, but he knows very well in his heart that for today's aluminum mines, the most lacking thing is working capital.

Before meeting Xin Cheng, he didn't think about the Shen'an Aluminum Mine, but when Xin Cheng and Wang Rui were bickering, something suddenly flashed into his mind.

In his previous life, he had just left Fan Yizhi's factory and set up his own business. He once went to Pumao Market in Shen'an to learn about the market situation. Just in time for a friend of the owner of the shop where he was to come to deliver things, he mentioned that he might be laid off during a chat. , the aluminum mine is insolvent and is likely to go bankrupt, and he has to prepare a way out in advance.

If it wasn't for today, Zhang Yiming might never remember this incident for the rest of his life. He calculated the time and it should be about the same, so he told Xin Cheng that.

As for the bank loan, it is also true. Li Zhongzhong called him before and said that the bank now has commercial support loans with a maximum limit of 500 million. He asked him if he needed it. He was busy dealing with fraudulent matters in Qiandu County. There was no direct answer, just saying that I decided to contact him later.

"Brother Ming, I have a lot of acquaintances in the Qingya Gang, and I also know a few places of the Qingya Gang in Shen'an. I will definitely do my best in this matter."

Sure enough, for businessmen, interests are the most important.

Xin Cheng expressed his attitude almost without thinking.

Pang Guojian glanced at Zhang Yiming, and then at Xin Cheng, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Where are you two?"

Now only the attitudes of Pang Guojian and Zulong are left.

"Where I can contribute, I will naturally not hide my secrets. Brother Ming can rest assured."

Zu Long said something that sounded very generous, but in fact, saying it was tantamount to not saying it.

Where he can exert his strength, he does not hide his personal interests, but what strength he can exert is in his own hands.

"I have a lot of thugs who usually help me deal with the demolition households. Brother Ming should know that. Besides, I usually have a lot of contacts with the higher-ups. If we really want to talk about the intricate relationship, I think it is better than that. The Qingya Gang needs to be taller, I only have so many skills, Brother Ming, watch the arrangement!"

After Pang Guojian finished speaking, he glanced at Xin Cheng.

This glance is enough to show that the relationship between the two is very complicated.

What Pang Guojian said just now was completely aimed at Xin Cheng.

"Since everyone has no opinion on this matter, let's talk about the specific method now. I think the third brother has already disclosed my current identity to everyone. I am definitely not as good as you in terms of social experience. Therefore, how do I talk to the Qingya Gang?" To counter this matter, we have to rely on everyone.”

The Wei Li that should be established is almost done, what Zhang Yiming has to do now is to lower his stance.

"I won't say nice words, and I don't have those twists and turns. I, Wang Rui, am a nightclub owner now, but I also have dozens of brothers who can follow me through life and death. There are two under the Qingya Gang. Small karaoke hall, a billiards room, these three places are handed over to me, and I promise that they will not see the sun tomorrow."

Although Wang Rui is a woman, in terms of straightforwardness and righteousness, among the six people present, there is really no one who can compare with Wang Rui.

Even Song Laosan has his own little thoughts.

"I mean, we can't act rashly in this matter. After all, the Qingya Gang is not a small gang, and their boss is a very strategic person. In recent years, the Qingya Gang has been very powerful. It is reasonable to say that it should be popular, but in fact it No, the internal management of the Qingya Gang is very strict, that's why it develops so fast, such a gang is definitely not something we can eliminate overnight, my opinion is that we have to plan before we move."

Zulong, who spoke the most levelly, spoke.

"Damn it, did you forget that the Qingya gang kidnapped the starlet under your company, that is, you can bear to be a coward, if the Qingya gang dares to touch my nightclub Sister, I, Wang Rui, can't let them stop even if I risk my life."

For Zu Long's words, Wang Rui disagreed a hundred times, Zu Long frowned, obviously he didn't like Wang Rui's rudeness.

"Although I don't agree with Zulong's plan before acting, I think we still need to understand the situation before doing it. Brother Ming, I have also trained many brothers in the past few years. I dare not say that one is worth a hundred. But everyone is a good fighter, as soon as Brother Ming decides to fight, I will immediately call these brothers over."

Xu Xingqiang, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. This is a man of good words.

Pang Guojian and Xin Cheng glanced at each other, then turned their eyes away.

"Brother Ming, let me talk about my thoughts. It is impossible to wipe out the Qingya gang overnight, but we can draw from the bottom of the pot and cut off his roots first. If there is no root, the branches and leaves on it will sooner or later I have to die too."

"Break the root? How?"

Zhang Yiming looked at Xin Cheng, he had previously thought that Xin Cheng was a very wealthy person, so he felt it was necessary to listen to his thoughts.

"The Qingya Gang is a gang. Although there are also some small businesses below, they can't support hundreds of people with these small businesses. Their main source of income is to collect protection fees. When I say cut the root, I mean cut off the money they collect. Channels for protection fees, and cut off their business."

Zhang Yiming looked at Xin Cheng, but didn't speak.

To be honest, Xin Cheng's way of doing things is similar to his. It belongs to the kind of cautious way, and it doesn't take too much battle to kill the Qingya Gang silently.

After Xin Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yiming. He was very sure that Zhang Yiming would accept his suggestion.

Because he felt that Zhang Yiming was the same kind of person as him.

The same kind of people can always better integrate and reach consensus in terms of opinions and opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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