Reborn My 1993

Chapter 670 Sun Cheng's Good News

Chapter 670 Sun Cheng's Good News

One of the two people in the abandoned factory was Lu Qian, but the other was not Deng Hua.

Zhang Yiming asked Liu Jinminzi to help, and found a student from the Broadcasting Department of Shengjing Film Academy who specializes in dubbing film and television dramas, and then he played the audio of his last conversation with Deng Hua outside the public toilet to the other party, Liu Jinminzi Naturally, the person he was looking for was not an ordinary person. This student was very powerful, and the imitated voice was almost exactly the same as Deng Hua himself.

He had prepared this move a long time ago, just to deal with possible emergencies, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

But a single tree can't make a forest, he needs someone to sing this play with, so the first person he thought of was Lu Qian.

After Huang Gaojun fell asleep last night, he called Lu Qian.

To his surprise, Lu Qian agreed, but with one condition, that is, he must agree not to let Deng Hua go to jail.

From the information revealed by Lu Qian, Zhang Yiming suddenly realized one thing.

Lu Qian's father remarried after his mother divorced, and found a new wife. This wife is Lu Qian's stepmother, who has a son who is about the same age as Lu Qian. When this incident was mentioned, the stepmother's son was named Deng Hua.

This also explained why Lu Qian knew so much about the relationship between Huang Gaojun and Deng Hua, and why he asked himself to make such a guarantee.

In any case, Lu Qian did him such a big favor, he had to agree to it, and just like what he himself said to Li Zhenting, as long as Deng Hua remained stubborn, he would be punished sooner or later.

Of course, there is another reason why Zhang Yiming didn't pursue it any further, that is, Lu Qian told Zhang Yiming that Deng Hua's grandfather, including two uncles, were all very powerful before, and they even had a very strong interpersonal network in Shengjing. .

Zhang Yiming's main goal now is to reduce economic losses. He doesn't have the energy to continue to consume with Deng Hua.

"Yiming, leave later?"

Zhang Yiming's thoughts were interrupted by Sun Cheng who knocked on the door.

"Well, I'm a student now, and it's not like you don't know that credits will be deducted if you always miss class."

"If you don't tell me, I really can't remember this. How can there be a student like you who is busier than the big boss."

Sun Cheng made a joke.

"Brother Sun, will we go together later, or will we go with Lawyer Li?"

"Let me go with Lawyer Li. After all, Lawyer Li came here for Minzi's sake."

"Then I would like to trouble Brother Sun to treat me well and thank Lawyer Li."

"Don't talk about it with me. This matter is a matter of the whole UT. I still understand the truth."

Zhang Yiming and Sun Cheng are already old acquaintances, so there is no more politeness.

"By the way, Xiao Ming, the headquarters gave feedback on the matter of lithium batteries, saying that it has been tested and the effect seems to be good, but there are some specific parameters that need to be adjusted. I have asked my colleagues at the headquarters to help sort it out. It should be It will be sent back in a few days."


Zhang Yiming was really happy.

If their lithium batteries can be adopted by UT, it will open up the situation in foreign markets. After a few years, mobile phones will begin to be popularized on a large scale. The global mobile phone market will be huge, and the internal structure of mobile phones is very complicated. However, there are a few things that are fixed, such as screens, motherboards, and batteries, and these things basically rely on imports and channel purchases.

If Hero Lithium can win the customer of UT, then they will get the admission ticket in advance in the global mobile phone market in the future.

"Yes, I am also very happy, and there is another happy thing."

"I see, Mr. Fan is coming back."

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he and Sun Cheng looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah, the boom in the domestic market has helped Zhisheng gain a firm foothold in the headquarters. After all, it's all thanks to you!"

"Brother Sun, please don't say that. We are all trying to achieve each other."

Because lithium batteries are likely to be adopted by UT, Zhang Yiming's heart, which has been covered in haze these days, has become much more cheerful.

When Zhang Yiming told Li Zhenting and Lei Feng the news, they were also very happy.

Although the lithium battery project is not directly related to them, after all, everyone is in the same circle, and everyone prospers and everyone suffers. Most importantly, they are happy for Zhang Yiming.

This feeling is very strange. Many people may feel jealous of people who are stronger than themselves, but facing Zhang Yiming, a little brother, whether it is Lei Feng or Li Zhenting, they both feel very relieved to see him getting better and better. , as if watching your own child succeed.

They didn't bring anything here, so they simply cleaned up, and Zhang Yiming and others went to say goodbye to Li Fengshou and Sun Cheng.

"Lawyer Li, it's your hard work here. If you need anything, you can call me at any time, and I can come over at any time."

"Nothing to thank for the normal duties of being a lawyer."

Li Fengshou still looked like a dick, Zhang Yiming knew that Li Fengshou was such a person, so he laughed it off.

Before getting into the car, Zhang Yiming gave Sun Cheng an envelope.

"Brother Sun, after returning to Shengjing, give this to Liu Jin, and ask Sister Liu to help pass it on to Lawyer Li."

Sun Cheng knew what was in the envelope and readily took it.

Zhang Yiming and others left.

Li Fengshou is a barrister, so the fee is naturally not low, but he can't ask Liu Jinminzi to pay the money. Come back, he can't come forward.

Huang Gaojun sat on the back seat, leaning against the door on the right, with his head bowed.

Li Zhenting was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, keeping his eyes on Huang Gaojun.

He was horrified when he heard Zhang Yiming talk about Huang Gaojun dismantling the Big Brother Group, but he was also a little uncertain. Is it really reliable for them to bring Huang Gaojun back to Dongwan?

Lei Feng didn't say anything while driving. At ten o'clock in the evening, the car entered the gate of Mingzhen Electronics Factory.

Zhang Yiming temporarily found an empty dormitory for Huang Gaojun to live in, and then contacted Liu Xiong.

Although Huang Gaojun is a talented person, he is not playing a big role in Mingzhen Electronics Factory. The main business of Mingzhen Electronics Factory is PHS agency and machine model processing, so there is no need for research and development.

Therefore, Huang Gaojun's best foothold is the Hero Lithium Power Plant.

It's fine if he's an ordinary person. Zhang Yiming can greet Jin Sheng directly to arrange to join him, but Huang Gaojun is different. He must greet Liu Xiong in advance to ensure that Huang Gaojun's work and life in the Hero Lithium Power Plant are stable.

Early the next morning, before Mingzhen Electronics started to work, Liu Xiong came over in a hurry.

He was very curious when he received a call from Zhang Yiming last night. He held it in for a whole night, and couldn't help it until dawn.

He knew that Zhang Yiming's vision had always been venomous, and the people he dug out were all talents, but a person with a mind of only a seven or eight-year-old child could fake a PHS that was comparable to a real phone, and only with extremely crude equipment and a pair of hands , he really couldn't imagine it.

(End of this chapter)

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