Reborn My 1993

Chapter 638 God Man

Chapter 638 God Man
"Xiaoming, are you sure you're not joking?"

Li Zhenting really felt that Zhang Yiming was not serious, how could this be possible?
"Brother Li thinks I'm someone who makes fun of this kind of thing?"

Li Zhenting looked at Zhang Yiming, yes, Zhang Yiming is not a person who likes to joke, especially in business matters.

But how is it possible what he said?
Now it is less than half a year before the end of the year. This market is not done by mouth, it can be done by talking about it. If the number of agents is doubled, it will be more than 500. If the sales volume is tripled, it will be nearly [-]. Tens of millions of sales.

Li Zhenting dared not do this even in his dreams.

"Brother Li, tomorrow morning, you call several regional managers of the company to the meeting room, and I will talk about the market development plan and methods at the meeting."

As early as the end of April and the beginning of May, Zhang Yiming asked Li Zhenting to recruit a lot of customer service personnel according to his requirements, and later recruited six regional managers, but these six regional managers, Zhang Yiming, had no experience with each other, and their working ability He didn't ask about it in detail, but if he wanted to meet the requirements in a short period of time, it was impossible to rely on Li Zhenting's strength alone.

Going it alone is not advisable in modern business.

Li Zhenting nodded.

He is now looking forward to tomorrow, and he really wants to know how to achieve Zhang Yiming's goal in such a short period of time.

In order to save time, Zhang Yiming went to the lithium power plant immediately after leaving Mingzhen Electronics.

Today’s lithium power plant is completely different from the original one. Machines roar, workers shuttle around the factory area, trucks are parked in the yard, and people are constantly loading and unloading goods. The entire lithium power plant appears to be thriving and a bustling scene.

Zhang Yiming didn't see Jin Sheng in the manager's office, so he went to the laboratory instead.

Sure enough, Jin Sheng was wearing a dustproof suit, sitting in the laboratory with his head down, tinkering with something.

Zhang Yiming reached out and knocked on the glass, only for Jin Sheng to come out.

"Brother Jin, you are now the project manager and the leader of the entire lithium power plant. New products need to be researched and developed, but management work is also to be done!"

Zhang Yiming saw that Jin Sheng's hair was still messy, and the eyes under the glasses were bloodshot.

"I'm not good at dealing with people, let alone management, I feel uncomfortable talking to workers."

Jin Sheng scratched his head.

Zhang Yiming was silent, which is also his fault. At that time, the main goal was to attack the lithium battery technology, so he did not consider the later operation and management.

"How about this, you choose a trustworthy one from the factory, you don't need to be too outstanding in personal ability, as long as you have a good character and good language expression, you can let him be the foreman to help you handle production."

Jin Sheng nodded.

He is really unwilling and doesn't want to spend his mind on those things. He just wants to study the upgrading of lithium batteries in the laboratory.

Jin Sheng didn't seem to have a quick temper, but he handled the matter very quickly. After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, Jin Sheng went out.

In the manager's office, Zhang Yiming met the person Jin Sheng had selected.

A 26-year-old and very stocky young man, described in more elegant terms as 'the sky is full and the ground is round', his face looks very comfortable.

"His name is Di Qiu, he is half of my fellow countryman, and he is now in charge of molding."

When Jin Sheng introduced Di Qiu, Di Qiu lowered his head.

"Di Qiu, this is Zhang Yiming, our entire lithium power plant is."

"Brother Jin."

Zhang Yiming interrupted Jin Sheng, and Jin Sheng knew what Zhang Yiming meant when he saw Zhang Yiming's face.

Although he never understood what Zhang Yiming's purpose of hiding his identity was, he also knew that if Zhang Yiming didn't let him say more, then don't say it.

"Brother Di, my name is Zhang Yiming. Brother Jin invited me to help. I can be regarded as a consultant. Today I am mainly entrusted by Brother Jin to tell you about the management of the workshop."

When Di Qiu was called out from the factory by Jin Sheng, he had already heard what Jin Sheng had said about it, so when he heard Zhang Yiming's words, he raised his head with a frank look.

Zhang Yiming nodded in his heart.

This kind of position does not require people with a flamboyant personality, but only people who are down-to-earth and able to control the quality of production.

"Brother Jin recommends you to be the foreman. Although the word foreman does not sound very lofty, this position is very important in the entire factory. It is not an exaggeration to say that whether the factory can operate normally and whether the products can be produced on time The factory, and even how far the factory can go, are closely related to this position."

Zhang Yiming is well versed in the way of management. If he wants to make people value his job, he must first elevate the job, which is also known as packaging.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhang Yiming's words, Di Qiu's expression suddenly became tense.

"Brother Di, although this position is very important, as long as you put your heart into it, it's not difficult to do it, as long as you grasp two key points."

After raising the height, it is necessary to lower the height again, otherwise it will directly frighten people from taking over, and the loss outweighs the gain.

"One is production discipline, which is very simple. As long as the supervision is in accordance with the company's regulations, there will be no problem. The second is quality inspection, which is also the most important key point."

Zhang Yiming has always attached great importance to product quality.

He is a person who has participated in the manufacturing industry, and he is very aware of the importance of product quality. Even if a company's management is awesome, no matter how powerful the marketing team is, and no matter how strong the background is, if the product quality is unstable or unqualified, then the company wants to truly It is impossible to become bigger and stronger.

A few product quality problems can knock down a company that has been in business for many years overnight.

Zhang Yiming emphasized the importance of quality inspection several times, and then told Di Qiu the process and standards of quality inspection, including the establishment of quality inspectors and the reward and punishment mechanism.

Di Qiu's expression was extremely serious. Every time Zhang Yiming said a sentence, he would repeat Zhang Yiming's words in a mutter.

"Okay, basically that's all you need to pay attention to, Brother Di, I'll leave all the management of the factory to you, and there's a long way to go!"

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he stood up.

After chatting with Jin Sheng for a few more words, Zhang Yiming left.

After Zhang Yiming left, Di Qiu grabbed Jin Sheng.

"Brother Jin, who is he? Looks like he's less than 20 years old. Do I really do what he said?"

"Di Qiu, ambition is not based on age, you must not judge people by their appearance, who is he, heh, even if we tie you and me together and multiply by 2, it is not worth one of his fingers, you can do whatever he says .”

Jin Sheng glanced at Di Qiu, said calmly, then turned and went back to the laboratory.

Di Qiu was completely stunned.

He knew that Jin Sheng was a very low-key person and rarely spoke, but every word he said was extremely serious and serious, but this sentence was a bit too much.

How can a 20-year-old person have such great abilities?
Di Qiu was skeptical. To be precise, everyone who had not worked closely with Zhang Yiming would have such doubts.

Di Qiu was neither the first nor the last.

(End of this chapter)

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