Reborn My 1993

Chapter 594 I Want 3 Gu Thatched Cottage

Chapter 594 I Want to Visit the Thatched Cottage Three Times
Zhang Yiming made a decisive decision and went to National University.

In ancient times, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and asked Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain to establish the overall situation of three parts of the world. He didn't believe it.

Jin Sheng didn't stop him.

He knew very well in his heart that in the current situation, relying on his own strength, he really didn't know when the experiment would be successful.

For the current plan, no matter who is invited or what method is used, as long as the experiment can be successful as soon as possible, he has no opinion.

Move when you say it.

Zhang Yiming called Lei Feng directly, and the two left for Binhai.

Binhai is more than 600 kilometers away from Dongwan, which is not a short distance. If it was normal, Zhang Yiming would never bother Lei Feng to make this trip, but in special times, he can't take care of so much.

Naturally, Lei Feng had nothing to say, and he also knew to some extent what Zhang Yiming's situation was like now, so along the way, except for going to the toilet in the service area halfway, the rest of the time was running wildly on the road.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the two finally arrived outside the gate of the National University of China.

Seeing Zhang Yiming appearing in front of him, Liu Jifu's eyes showed surprise under his thick glasses.

But before the two of them spoke, the class bell rang.

"You go to class first, I'll wait for you outside."

Although Zhang Yiming was anxious, he didn't show it.

He knew that Liu Jifu was a top student, and he was fundamentally different from most college students with mixed diplomas, so he chose to respect Liu Jifu.

Liu Jifu glanced at Zhang Yiming, but did not refuse. After telling Zhang Yiming that there was a place to rest in the corridor, he went to class.

"Xiao Ming, we drove all night, why did we see someone, are you not in a hurry?"

Hearing what Zhang Yiming and Liu Jifu said, Lei Feng couldn't understand.

No matter what the purpose is, Zhang Yiming must at least tell the other party that they are in a hurry, right?

"Brother Lei, don't do to others what you don't want to do to others. We are anxious, but this matter has nothing to do with others. We are begging for help now, so we must have the attitude of begging for help."

Lei Feng shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, Zhang Yiming knew it well, so he didn't say anything.

While waiting for Liu Jifu, Lei Feng strolled around the NUS campus.

This is also Zhang Yiming's first visit to NUS in two lifetimes.

National University is by far the best university in science and technology in China. It is ranked among the top 985 universities. The school has cultivated countless scientific elites. There are more than [-] academicians in engineering alone. It is a leading force in the field of science and technology in the country. .

The reason why a university is a university is not only reflected in its faculty and educational achievements, but also in its own cultural atmosphere and atmosphere. For example, at this time, Zhang Yiming just stood on the campus, as if he could feel the There is a strong cultural atmosphere in all directions.

From the air to the soil, everything gives people a sense of tranquility and distance.

Lei Feng didn't study anymore after graduating from junior high school, so standing on the campus of National University at this time, he was a little excited, determined to raise his daughter well, and not let her be like him.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Liu Jifu came out when the flow of people was almost gone. Seeing Zhang Yiming, he seemed a little surprised.

"Sorry, I forgot you were downstairs."

Hearing Liu Jifu's words, Lei Feng almost lost his temper.

They stood downstairs for an hour or so, but the other party actually said that they forgot about it, which didn't take them seriously.

"It's okay, is it convenient for you to talk to me now?"

Zhang Yiming glanced at Lei Feng and signaled Lei Feng not to show his emotions.

"I forgot what you guys were waiting for me downstairs. I promised the teacher to go to the lab later in class to help him do the experiment of measuring the moment of inertia with the three-wire torsional pendulum method. I'm going to the lab right now."

Liu Jifu reached out to help his glasses.

"The experiment is important, so we'll wait for you here until you finish the experiment."

"Excuse me."

Liu Jifu apologized and left with the book in his arms.

"This is simply deceiving too much, doesn't it take us too seriously?"

When Liu Jifu left, Lei Feng was in a bad mood.

He has a good heart and integrity, but his temper is not as gentle as Zhang Yiming.

You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, this is the principle of Lei Feng's life, and now Liu Jifu's attitude has far exceeded Lei Feng's tolerance for personnel.

The most important thing is that in his eyes, Zhang Yiming is like a little fairy. What is this unattractive student wearing glasses? Why should Zhang Yiming be so humble.

To put it bluntly, Lei Feng was arguing for Zhang Yiming.

"Let's find a place to sit!"

Zhang Yiming is not sure how long the physics experiment will take, because the university experiment is different from the middle and high school experiment. They are all small experiments and mature verification experiments, which can be completed in [-]% of the time. The university experiment is really exploratory. The experiment, with great unknowns, is really hard to say how long it will take.

That's why Zhang Yiming dragged Lei Feng to sit down on a chair under the porch next to him.

Fortunately, it's summer and it's cloudy, so even if you sit in the open air, you won't feel too cold or too hot.

Seeing Zhang Yiming not angry at all, Lei Feng felt a little incomprehensible.

How could he not be angry at all?
In fact, Zhang Yiming felt that there was really no need to be angry. Liu Jifu's attitude was really not because he intentionally made things difficult for them, or was intentional. This is the fundamental reason why he will become a science madman in the future.

Since the other party didn't do it on purpose, wouldn't it be fun for him to be angry!

Because he didn't sleep all night last night, Zhang Yiming fell asleep in a daze when he leaned on the chair.

Lei Feng was still very angry at first, but when he saw Zhang Yiming closed his eyes and fell asleep, he became sleepy and fell asleep leaning against the pillar.

The two were awakened by the sound of rain.

I don't know when it rained, and it was not too small. Water had accumulated under the feet of the two of them, and the uppers of their shoes and trousers were wet from the rain.

Lei Feng looked at the time in a daze, and immediately regained his energy.

"Xiao Ming, it's been more than three hours, and the kid hasn't come yet, so he forgot about us?"

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Yiming moved his shoulders, looked at the vast rain in front of him, and sighed slightly.

Needless to say, they must have been forgotten!

"Xiao Ming, let's go back, what a great person, he takes himself too seriously, and doesn't treat us as human beings!"

Lei Feng was completely blown up this time, and roared immediately.

Rainy days are easy to make people feel irritable, not to mention that the two of them were on the road all night without sleep yesterday, and they waited for Liu Jifu for five hours.

"Brother Lei, we have no other choice now. If we can't take him back today, I will stay here."

Zhang Yiming looked at the rain curtain and said with firm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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