Reborn My 1993

Chapter 576 Explore the truth

Chapter 576 Explore the truth
"Zhang Yiming, do you dare to hit me?"

Hitting people without slapping them in the face, and receiving people without revealing their faults, now that Zhang Yiming slapped himself in front of so many people, Xie Hongyu was more angry and humiliated than he could not believe it.

If this person wasn't Zhang Yiming, Xie Hongyu would definitely fight back and fight back.

"Let go of sister-in-law."

Zhang Yiming's face sank like the bottom of a pot.

For so long, it can even be said that he was reborn until now, Zhang Yiming has never been so angry for a moment.

Being betrayed by Wang Fa, plotted against by Zhang Zhaoliang, and even breaking up with He Yin, did not make him feel the same as now.

"Zhang Yiming, I'll say it again. This is my private matter. Don't worry about it. If you interfere again, don't blame me for falling out with you."

At this time, Xie Hongyu seemed to be possessed by a ghost, and his whole body looked extremely terrifying.

"I say it again, let it go!"

"Don't let me go, I hit my own wife, don't take the mouse like a dog."

Xie Hongyu wanted to attack again, but Fang Min didn't know whether he was beaten stupid or something, but he didn't resist at all.

The moment Xie Hongyu was about to make a move, Zhang Yiming reached out and grabbed the mop pole from the side, and without even thinking about it, he rushed directly to Xie Hongyu's arm and smashed it down.

Xie Hongyu felt pain and let go of Fang Min's hand.

Fang Min's body went limp, and he collapsed on the edge of the counter.

"Zhang Yiming, you are too deceitful!"

Xie Hongyu was beaten twice by Zhang Yiming in public, he couldn't bear it, and the anger in his heart was even more fierce, so he rushed towards Zhang Yiming with his backhand.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, stop!"

Zhao Qiuju shouted at the top of her voice, but she didn't dare to go forward, so she could only stand aside and shout.

Fang Min did not respond at all, like a puppet that had lost its soul.

Zhang Yiming is not a reckless man, and he doesn't bother to fight anyone, but at this moment, the backlog of emotions in him seems to have found a breakthrough, and it seems that all the emotions turned into counter-punching winds and hit Xie Hongyu.

Xie Hongyu himself is not a very strong person, and he didn't sleep last night, and his mental state is not good, so at this time, he and Zhang Yiming scuffled together. At first, the two were evenly matched, but within 2 minutes, Xie Hongyu fell down. Downwind, Zhang Yiming punched Xie Hongyu on the bridge of the nose.

Xie Hongyu was already full of anger, but now his nostrils were pierced with blood by Zhang Yiming. The anger covered all his rationality. He directly wrapped his arms around Zhang Yiming's neck, and with one force, he knocked Zhang Yiming onto the counter. His water glass fell to the ground with a bang and shattered into pieces.

The crowd of onlookers didn't want to come up to persuade the fight at first, but when they saw that something was wrong, some bold and healthy people started to move forward, trying to pull the two people apart.

In the end, the vicious fight was only stopped when the police arrived.

Zhang Yiming couldn't remember how many times he had entered the police station.

It seems that in the past few years of rebirth, the average is once a year or more.

At this time, the two of them were covered with injuries. Although Zhang Yiming had always had the upper hand, his condition was not too good, his cheekbones were blue, and the corners of his mouth were bloody. Not to mention Xie Hongyu, his face could no longer be seen. Showing its true colors, redness, swelling and congestion.

The police first gave the two of them a severe lesson, and then began to investigate the beginning and end of the incident and mediate between the two.

Xie Hongyu was disdainful and extremely uncooperative with the police, but Zhang Yiming was not. After venting just now, his emotions have stabilized. He knows exactly where this is, so his attitude is very good.

The mediator policeman was a big brother in his forties. It looked like he was often engaged in ideological education work. He educated the two of them earnestly and educated Xie Hongyu with Zhang Yiming's good attitude. Xie Hongyu's mood was not stable all the time. If you say that, it's like eating gunpowder, and you're fighting with the big brother of the police.

The final result was that Zhang Yiming left the police station after signing, while Xie Hongyu was going to be placed in administrative detention.

If it was the past, Zhang Yiming would definitely try to get Xie Hongyu out.

But now, it is a good thing that Xie Hongyu can be sober and sober after being detained inside for a few days.

As soon as Zhang Yiming walked out of the police station, he saw Zhao Qiuju standing outside.

"Where's Hongyu?"

Seeing that only Zhang Yiming came out by himself, Zhao Qiuju asked suspiciously.

"Administrative detention for 3 days."

Zhang Yiming looked at Zhao Qiuju coldly, and finally told her the answer.

"Detention? Then why are you okay?"

Zhao Qiuju probably felt that this question was inappropriate, and the voice of the last two words was very low.

This time, Zhang Yiming ignored Zhao Qiuju and walked out directly.

This woman is the instigator.

But as the saying goes, a slap can't make a sound, Xie Hongyu, as a man, must bear the main responsibility, and there is no need for him to entangle this matter with a woman.

After leaving the police station, Zhang Yiming did not go back to the rental house directly, but returned to the communication shop.

The shutter door of the store was half closed, Zhang Yiming bent down to get in, and saw Fang Min still sitting on the ground, not even changing his movements.

"sister in law."

Zhang Yiming still doesn't know how it happened, he needs to know the answer from Fang Min.

Fang Min still didn't respond, Zhang Yiming sighed, and stretched out his hand to help Fang Min up from the ground, but Fang Min suddenly screamed and knocked Zhang Yiming's hand off.

"Don't hurt my child, don't"


Zhang Yiming's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

How is this going?

Did Fang Min lose his nerve due to stimulation?

"Sister-in-law, I'm Zhang Yiming, I won't hurt you, don't be afraid!"

Having just experienced this kind of reaction from Li Jia before, and seeing Fang Min doing the same now, Zhang Yiming felt very uncomfortable.

Fang Min pressed his hands on his stomach, his eyes were confused, as if he didn't know where he was or what happened.

"Sister-in-law, I'm Zhang Yiming, the child you mentioned. Do you have a child in your belly?"

Zhang Yiming asked cautiously.

"Son, don't hurt my child"

Fang Min's eyes were like a deer being chased by a tiger to a corner. Zhang Yiming hated Xie Hongyu more and more in his heart. This is his wife, his lover who has been sleeping with him for ten years. How could he be so hard? hand.

Zhang Yiming has been squatting patiently opposite Fang Min, talking to her. After half an hour, Fang Min's consciousness gradually recovered.

"sister in law."

Only this time did Zhang Yiming reach out to help Fang Min up.

"Thank you!"

Fang Min's voice was full of exhaustion and despair.

"Sister-in-law, what's going on?"

After Zhang Yiming left the communication shop yesterday, he was also full of anger. He also wanted to punish Xie Hongyu in his heart. Although he really shouldn't interfere in the affairs between husband and wife, first, he couldn't understand Xie Hongyu's extramarital affairs. I also don't want Xie Hongyu to go further and further down this wrong road. Of course, there is another point, that is Zhang Yiming's selfishness. After all, Fang Min is Li Jia's aunt.

However, before he could think of a suitable solution, something like today happened.

(End of this chapter)

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