Reborn My 1993

Chapter 549 I Love You

Chapter 549 I Love You

"Brother Sun, I know what you are thinking. Now it is a market economy. You can't just focus on the money in your pocket when doing business. If this is the case, don't let UT take root here next year. It is estimated that the agent I can’t even develop a few merchants.”

Sun Cheng smiled wryly.

At any rate, he is a middle-level manager of a multinational company. In the eyes of domestic people, he is a successful returnee. However, in front of Zhang Yiming, he has been repeatedly hit by some kind of blow. He has no idea that it is because the country has developed too fast these years. , especially in the education of young people, is it just because Zhang Yiming himself is a genius in business.

In particular, Zhang Yiming's grasp of people's hearts seems to be unable to hide any thoughts in front of Zhang Yiming.

"I'm sure I won't be able to implement this problem this time. After school starts, I'll stabilize and find time to come over."

This is not a trivial matter. It will definitely not be completed in a day or two for all aspects involved. He brought Sun Cheng here just to make Sun Cheng mentally prepared, and also to ask Sun Cheng to be responsible for him and the Lin Miao Company. Make good relations with the people you know, and ensure that the other party will not sell this place before he comes to deal with this problem.

This place is close to Big Beach, among other things, the appreciation space of the land alone is very huge.

By the time Sun Cheng sent Zhang Yiming back to the hotel, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

"came back?"

Zhang Yiming didn't expect Gan Jiumei to come back so early today.

"Well, have you eaten yet?"

"I ate already, how about you?"

"I have eaten."

The two greeted each other, but for some reason, the conversation felt a little stiff, not like before, the two of them hadn't seen each other for a day, and when they saw each other, Gan Jiumei would pounce on Zhang Yiming like a swallow.

"How is Fang Wei today?"

"I can go to the ground."

"The recovery is not bad. At this speed, it shouldn't take that long to be discharged from the hospital."

After the two of them finished talking, they were speechless.

Both Zhang Yiming and Gan Jiumei were surprised and embarrassed by this situation.

Why is this happening all of a sudden?
"Go wash up first, you've been tired all day."

"Well, then I'll take a shower first."

Hearing Gan Jiumei's words, Zhang Yiming immediately went down the steps and went straight into the bathroom.

When the hot water hit Zhang Yiming's body, he took a deep breath.

It must be because of being too busy and tired these two days. He and Gan Jiumei have gone through two lifetimes of entanglement and chasing each other, and it is impossible for them to be like this now.

Zhang Yiming explained himself in his heart.

Outside, Gan Jiumei was sitting on the bed with an extremely sad expression on her face.

Women are often more sensitive than men.

She could clearly feel the unnaturalness when Zhang Yiming entered the door just now.

They are lovers, how can it be unnatural?
Did the thing she was worried about before happen?

No, no, she worked so hard to get together with Zhang Yiming, and she knows better than anyone how much she cherishes this relationship.

No matter what caused her and Zhang Yiming to become like this, she couldn't let this situation continue.

When Zhang Yiming came out of the shower, Gan Jiumei hugged him as soon as he opened the door.

Zhang Yiming was taken aback for a moment, but quickly hugged Gan Jiumei in his arms.

He also thought a lot when he took a bath in it. In his last life, he failed Gan Jiumei because of He Yin.

The two looked at each other, and Zhang Yiming's eyes gradually deepened.

It was dark, and the lights in the house flickered on and off.

After that, the two embraced each other.

Zhang Yiming put his arms around Gan Jiumei, and Gan Jiumei's head rested on Zhang Yiming's chest.

Gan Jiumei's ear was right on Zhang Yiming's chest, and she could clearly hear Zhang Yiming's strong heartbeat.

"Jiumei, are you tired?"

Gan Jiumei shook her head.

"sleep early!"

Zhang Yiming pressed a kiss gently on Gan Jiumei's forehead.

"Yiming, do you still have something to do tomorrow?"

"Well, I want to take advantage of these two days to deal with all the retail investors in Caobai County and Yongtong County, so that the prototype of Shengjing's agency will be formed in the future, and Sun Cheng can manage it even if I'm not around. "

"Well, go to bed early then!"

Gan Jiumei also kissed Zhang Yiming on the cheek, and then the two lay flat, and Zhang Yiming turned off the light.

The room immediately plunged into darkness.

"Sleep, I love you!"

Before going to sleep, Zhang Yiming whispered in Gan Jiumei's ear.

Gan Jiumei didn't move her body, but tears trickled down the corners of her eyes.

The next morning, Zhang Yiming woke up very early.

Because there are two counties to travel to, especially Yongtong County, the traffic conditions are not good, there is no expressway, and they all have to take the national highway, so Zhang Yiming had already told Sun Cheng yesterday that they would start at six in the morning.

At this time, the entire Shengjing hadn't completely woken up from its deep sleep.

Gan Jiumei slept soundly.

Zhang Yiming got up very lightly, and gently tucked in the quilt for Gan Jiumei.

Looking at Jiumei's thin face in the past few days, with her long eyelashes fluttering gently with her breath, Zhang Yiming pressed a kiss on Gan Jiumei's forehead.

Afterwards, Zhang Yiming quickly washed up and went out the door.

Sun Cheng's car had already parked downstairs of the hotel.

"Come on, steamed stuffed bun, deep-fried dough stick, fool me."

As soon as Zhang Yiming got into the car, Sun Cheng handed over a plastic bag. The buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk were still hot.

"Thank you!"

"Why are you still talking about this to me? Go to Caobai County or Yongtong County first?"

The two counties are not on the same road, so the route must be determined in advance.

"Let's go to Yongtong County, get rid of the far ones first."

"Got it!"

Same as yesterday, Sun Cheng was driving, and Zhang Yiming was in command from the co-pilot.

Chung Tung County is really far away.

The road conditions are also really bad.

Zhang Yiming is not someone who suffers from motion sickness, but after the bumpy road, the steamed buns and fried dough sticks that Zhang Yiming ate in the morning almost fell out of his stomach uncontrollably.

After driving for about two and a half hours, we arrived in Yongtong County.

(End of this chapter)

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