Reborn My 1993

Chapter 519 Knowing the inside story

Chapter 519 Knowing the inside story
"Have you seen your grades?"

Seeing Peng Bin standing outside the crowd with a dull expression, Zhang Yiming walked over.


Peng Bin nodded. Regarding this achievement, Peng Bin himself must have found it difficult to accept it, but he didn't show it on his face.

"It's time, let's go out for dinner together, I'm going to leave Shen'an later."

Before, when Zhang Yiming asked Peng Bin and Sun Tianfei to have dinner together, Peng Bin refused, but this time Zhang Yiming said it again, Peng Bin hesitated and nodded.

The two of them didn't go to the big plate chicken noodle restaurant last time, but recently found a home-cooked restaurant.

"What to eat?"

"Look at it!"

Peng Bin was completely different from Sun Tianfei. Zhang Yiming put the recipe in front of Peng Bin, and Peng Bin immediately pushed it back.

Zhang Yiming didn't want to push back and forth on such a trivial matter, so he ordered a few random dishes, both meat and vegetables.

"Would you like a drink? I heard that people in the Northwest are very good at drinking."

Peng Bin shook his head.

"How is Auntie?"

"pretty good."

Zhang Yiming frowned slightly, Peng Bin's behavior was really abnormal.

Although Peng Bin was not a talkative person before, he was still very lively and his eyes were bright when talking to people, but now, Peng Bin has not only become extremely silent, but also his eyes are bright when talking to people. All looking at the ground.

"Peng Bin, did something happen at home?"

"No, nothing happened."

Peng Bin raised his head suddenly, his tone was urgent.

The more so, the more suspicious Zhang Yiming felt.

"It's fine if you don't have one. Time flies so fast. Half a semester has passed in a blink of an eye. A lot of things have happened in the past six months. It's embarrassing to think about it!"

Zhang Yiming didn't ask Peng Bin any more questions, but sighed.

"Yes, time flies by very quickly!"

"Recently, I often think of Hou Zhigao. If he hadn't jumped off the building, his life would have been wonderful after he graduated from university."

Peng Bin didn't say anything.

"Peng Bin, students of our electronics department will not have many suitable units after graduation. Do you have any specific plans?"

"No, let's take one step at a time!"

The topic ended again, and the atmosphere between the two was awkward.

"Come on, let's eat!"

Because the two of them came early, it wasn't even a meal, so the food was served very quickly. In less than 10 minutes, the food was served one after another.

Peng Bin picked up the chopsticks, but it was obvious that he didn't have much appetite.

Peng Bin is really abnormal.

During the meal, Zhang Yiming talked about a few more topics at random, but the results were the same every time. Except when talking about the special products of his hometown, Peng Bin said a few more words, and other times he just said a few words. .

"Peng Bin, I'll go to the station later. Are you going back to your hometown on vacation, or will you stay in Shen'an with your aunt?"

"I'm not going back, I'll stay in Shen'an for the New Year."

Zhang Yiming nodded and got up to pay the bill.

When he came back from paying the bill, Peng Bin had already put on his scarf and hat.

"Yiming, I won't see you off tomorrow, have a good trip!"

"Well, don't worry, you can go back early, I'm going to the station now."

The two separated.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yiming appeared outside a bungalow.

He didn't leave after he separated from Peng Bin just now, but followed Peng Bin all the way here.

Peng Bin's performance was too abnormal.

If the two were just ordinary classmates, Zhang Yiming might not have such leisurely intentions, but now, Peng Bin is already a member of the lithium battery project. Although he has only worked with Jin Sheng a few times, judging from Jin Sheng's feedback, Peng Bin expressed Zhang Yiming's concern for Peng Bin is also based on his concern for the future development of the lithium battery project.

In Shen'an, especially in the city, there are not many bungalows, and this is not a village in the city, it's just a little far from the city center.

The door of the small courtyard was not closed. Zhang Yiming stood at the door and took a look inside. The courtyard is not that big, it only looks like a one-story house of twenty or so. There is a small side room on the north side. The situation, tidy up very clean.

Since Huang Lifen was discharged from the hospital, Peng Bin has rented a house outside, but this is the first time Zhang Yiming has come here. He asked Peng Bin twice before, but Peng Bin was vague.

Although the gate was not closed, Zhang Yiming couldn't enter rashly. After all, his current behavior was not aboveboard. However, standing at the gate, he couldn't see clearly what was going on in the room, let alone hear the sound.

Just when Zhang Yiming was thinking about how to know the situation in the house, he heard the sound of the bicycle bell from a distance, Zhang Yiming immediately dodged and hid by the wall on one side.

It was none other than Huang Lifen who rode the bike over.

Compared with what I saw in the hospital before, the Huang Lifen in front of me seemed to be a different person. The clothes on her body were similar to those worn by local women in Shen'an. It was impossible to tell that she was from the countryside. Her hair was also permed. It can also be seen that there is makeup on the face. In short, the whole person looks not only a lot younger, but also a lot more foreign.

It's not that Zhang Yiming discriminates against rural people, but Huang Lifen's attire seems to be incompatible with her own identity. He remembered Sun Tianfei said that Huang Lifen seems to be working as a nanny for others now. Is the nanny's income high?
"Xiao Bin, take out the pump, the tire is flat."

As soon as Huang Lifen pushed the bicycle into the yard, she called Peng Bin into the house.

"Are you still going out?"

It was Peng Bin's voice, which sounded muffled and seemed very unhappy.

"Yes, that's right, the results are out, how much did you take?"

"140 four."

"What? Say it again!"

Huang Lifen's voice was so high that it was harsh even through the courtyard wall.

"You didn't hear clearly, 140 four, failed three subjects, failed, did you hear clearly?"

Zhang Yiming, who was standing outside the courtyard wall, frowned.

Peng Bin was obviously angry with Huang Lifen. The last time he saw Peng Bin, facing Huang Lifen's scolding, Peng Bin didn't even dare to look at Huang Lifen. Could it be that he was pretending at that time?

"Peng Bin, what's your attitude? Are your wings stiff? Who am I working hard to make money for? Are you just repaying me like this?"

Zhang Yiming heard a bang, which should be the sound of the pump being thrown on the ground.

"Exhausted? Do you think I don't know what you did outside?"

"Peng Bin, you dare to talk to me like that. Do you think I can't touch you anymore? If I don't hit you today until you admit your mistake, I won't be your mother!"

"You hit me, you beat me to death, I just save my worries, save me from being ashamed of following you, save me from feeling sorry for my dad every day, you have the ability to beat me to death, come on, hit me!"

Peng Bin's voice was almost roaring.

"Okay, okay, you really have hard wings, you think I'm ashamed, you think I'm sorry for your father, okay, then I'll go now, go now!"

As soon as Huang Lifen finished speaking, she rushed out of the yard, swearing while walking.


The bicycle in the yard was kicked to the ground by Peng Bin, the bicycle bell hit the ground and flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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