Reborn My 1993

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
Regarding the deeply processed products Zhang Yiming mentioned, Tan Hongmei felt as if she was listening to a scripture.

But long-term experience and intuition told her that if the things Zhang Yiming said were put into production, it would bring new opportunities to the food factory again, and the wealth gained would be immeasurable.

"So when do we start doing this?"

"Sister Tan doesn't object?"

Hearing Zhang Yiming's teasing, Tan Hongmei gave him a blank look.

"Are you joking, sister Tan, who has long hair and short knowledge? I objected to it before, but in the end, I slapped you in the face. None of the decisions you made were unsuccessful in the end. I'm not stupid, so I don't want to waste it." That strength is competing with you!"

Tan Hongmei is also telling the truth, if she still can't see clearly once or twice, then what Zhang Yiming has done in the past two years is enough to convince her.

"This is just an idea of ​​mine, and it needs to be carefully aggregated for the specific implementation. Sister Tan, if you have time, you can simply do a market research to see the sales of malted milk extract in the market, taste, price and buying crowd. There are also sales of small snacks such as hawthorn slices, fruit peels, fig shreds, and apricot meat. I plan to go to Dongyang again to see if the local villagers usually save and save other than drunk dates. The method of pickling jujube."

"Well, okay, make sure to complete the task, Xiao Ming, you will be in the third year of high school at the beginning of school, will it delay your studies if you do these things again, or wait for this matter to wait until you finish the college entrance examination."

After all, Tan Hongmei is ten years older than Zhang Yiming. Many times she looks at Zhang Yiming as if she was looking at her younger brother, or even her own child. Making money is money, and thinking that if Zhang Yiming delays his college entrance examination because of this, she will be worried.

"Don't worry, Sister Tan, I know what to do. I can arrange the time well. The university entrance exam is the first thing in my heart. I will definitely not delay it."

"Okay, then I'm relieved!"

The two exchanged their views and opinions on this matter again, and then separated.

What Zhang Yiming didn't expect was that when he returned home, he heard something that surprised and surprised him, that is, his father and mother were discussing about buying a house.

"Dad, why do you suddenly want to change houses?"

To be honest, Zhang Yiming has a lot of affection for the house they live in now.

After all, all his warm memories in the previous life are here, and changing the house seems to be the beginning of suffering.

"Mingming, our family's conditions were not good before, and we didn't think about it, but now, your father and I have saved some money in the past two years, and we just want to buy a house. After a few years, it’s time to marry a wife, and buying a house will save you money for your wife.”

Zhang Yiming didn't expect his parents to buy a house with this idea.

Pity the parents of the world.

Although he is not short of money at all now, even in the entire Tongyuan County, there are not many people who can be richer than him, but facing the sincere love of his parents without any impurities, Zhang Yiming still feels that very touched.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to take the university entrance exam next year. Although I don't know where I will pass the exam yet, I'm sure I won't stay in Tongyuan County. Sooner or later, you two will go out of town with me. There's really no need to buy a house! "

"Mingming, you are still young and don't know these things. If you want to find a partner now, who doesn't want a gift or a house? Our small broken courtyard, which girl can fall in love with it? Besides, you just won't be in the future. I live in a distant county, so I just sell the house, which is better than storing it in a bank."

Fan Lingling was unmoved, she had discussed this matter with her husband more than once or twice, and she even had a good idea of ​​the place.

It is the famous city home that has just been completed recently. The location is very good, and the small building looks beautiful. The second floor is 5 square meters, with large windows, very bright, and the price is not expensive. You can buy it for [-] yuan. .

Zhang Yiming thought for a while in his mind, he knew that his parents' attitude was very firm, and this matter probably wouldn't be a scandal, so...
"Dad, Mom, if you really want to save me a wife's bank account, can you listen to my opinion?"

"Brat, you said you were young just now, but now you talk about my wife more than your mother and I say, okay, you say it!"

Zhang Heshan didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Yiming and nodded.

For this son, he often has a feeling of getting along with his peers, and many things his son knows and expresses are unknown to him in his thirties, so now, regarding his son's opinion, he Generally very respectful.

"It's like this. The comprehensive conditions of the Mingcheng Homeland you mentioned seem to be good. However, there is a school in the front of this community and a hospital in the back. The pipeline of the oil refinery runs from under the Mingcheng Homestead. There must be water problems in the future. Besides, buy Houses are taboo to be next to schools or hospitals, which looks convenient, but is not suitable for living at all.”

The things Zhang Yiming said are actually on the Internet in the future, and you can easily see Fengshui on Baidu, but at this time, it is very mysterious to the ears of Zhang Heshan and his wife, and it seems to be very reasonable after careful calculation. .

"So, I don't recommend buying a house in Mingchengjiayuan. I think you can buy it in Sifang City."

Seeing that his parents' attitude had softened, Zhang Yiming expressed his thoughts.

In 2009, Sifang City was officially rated as a national key protected historical and cultural city. In 2011, Sifang City became a national 4A-level tourist attraction. The following year, in 2012, private sales of ancient buildings in Sifang City were prohibited. In 2015, Tongyuan County Government The restoration project of the ancient city was started, and all the houses whose property rights were owned by individuals were recovered, and the price once reached several million. In that year, many millionaires and even multi-millionaires emerged overnight in Sifang City.

Song Zhenkun bought it around 2000, and the price was several times higher than it is now. Even so, compared with the income, he still made a lot of money.

"Sifang City? There are no good houses in the city, dilapidated ones, no way."

Fan Lingling objected first.

Now that she has money, she wants to buy it. Of course, she wants to buy a spacious and bright house for her son. How can she buy a dilapidated house that is decades or even more than 100 years old? No, no, no.

"Xiao Ming, why did you say you want to buy a house in the city?"

Zhang Heshan's attitude was slightly different from his wife's, and he knew that his son would never make such a suggestion for no reason.

"I think that since we buy a house not for living but for investment, the investment value of houses outside the city is definitely not as good as in the city. Over the years, the Tongyuan County Government has been applying for World Heritage for Sifang City. It's a matter of time, once it succeeds, the houses in the city will definitely go up, after all, they are all antiques!"

Zhang Yiming made a few words in his mind, not to make his words too suspicious.

"I heard that when Xien City was approved as an ancient building under national key protection, those residents in the city received a lot of compensation. Among other things, they are a good example. The shantytowns, before the demolition, do you know how much money that Hou Tuzi got for the demolition?"

Zhang Yiming simply used Hou Baldzi as an example to make his suggestion sound more reasonable and attractive.

"More than 190 million, nearly 200 million."

As soon as Zhang Yiming finished speaking, Fan Lingling gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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