Reborn My 1993

Chapter 244 Step by step

Chapter 244 Step by step
Tan Hongmei admired Zhang Yiming's arrangement.

Among other things, if it is necessary to find someone to transport the green bricks up the mountain, the labor cost alone is a terrible expense. At the same time, there is no way to guarantee the construction period, but now this problem has been satisfactorily resolved.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. All the villagers in Liangshabaozi Village will fully cooperate with Captain Yang to complete the project with quality and quantity."

After what happened last time, Ge Hong no longer called Zhang Yiming his little brother, but Mr. Zhang, and the person who reported his work changed from Tan Hongmei to Zhang Yiming.

"Thanks to the village chief and fellow villagers."

"It should be."

Ge Hong nodded like a chicken eating rice.

"Then let's go!"

In order to ensure the construction period, Captain Yang led the construction team's [-] or so workers to temporarily live in Liangshabaozi Village. Zhang Yiming asked Tan Hongmei to give each worker a subsidy of five yuan a day. No one objected.

In order to avoid being known by Zhang Heshan about his role in the food factory, Zhang Yiming found the construction team from Minghu City, so that once the project is over, there will be almost no interaction between everyone.

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-April, and the pipeline at the water source had been connected to the foot of the mountain. Zhang Yiming visited it twice. The construction team led by Captain Yang was of high quality, and even the details were almost the same as his previous requirements. , the villagers also worked very hard, so not only did the construction period not be delayed, but it was advanced by almost ten days.

Next came the construction of the reservoir.

In order to ensure the sanitation of mountain spring water, Zhang Yiming improved the basic structure of the original reservoir. In addition to designing the reservoir into upper and lower floors, a filter was installed in the middle of the pipeline every 20 meters. The water inlet of the pool is specially set up with vents and dust-proof nets at a position [-] centimeters higher than the reservoir. A PVC pipe with a diameter of [-] centimeters is inserted from the upper end of the reservoir to the bottom of the reservoir. To circulate mountain spring water.

This series of settings made everyone including Tan Hongmei, including Captain Yang, fall into the clouds. Zhang Yiming could only take the design drawings and explain them one by one. After they understood, everyone's admiration for Zhang Yiming immediately rose. to an unprecedented height.

The food factory, which is being carried out simultaneously with the construction of the reservoir, has basically completed the construction of the factory buildings. What needs to be done now is the construction of the office building. In what year will the land be demolished, so considering these factors, he did not carry out too complicated design in the project, and the principle is simple and practical.

Zhang Heshan's attitude slowly returned to normal half a month after the incident, and Zhang Yiming temporarily put this incident behind him.

During this period, Zhang Yiming met Hou Baldzi twice. Hou Baldzi passed Wang Hao's inspection smoothly, and he heard that Wang Hao not only successfully passed Hou Baldzi's inspection, but was also highly valued by Hou Baldzi because of his superb skills.

The demolition notice for the shanty town has come down. Before this, the house certificates of the 36 houses purchased by Hou Tuzi have been completed. As soon as the demolition starts, Hou Tuzi will transform into one of the richest people in Tongyuan County , and because of this, Hou Tuzi paid more attention to Zhang Yiming.

Ma Jun and Liu Fang were still the same, each with a high and cold gaze, and each of them carried forward the dog-licking spirit to the fullest every day. Cao Hongxiang became more peaceful, and whenever he saw Zhang Yiming, he would definitely take a detour.

Zhang Yiming and He Yin still keep in touch with each other, but Zhang Yiming chooses to pretend to be confused if there is any vague affection in He Yin's letter, which is still his previous idea. Involve, concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination.

Li Jia's seat was already occupied by other students, and Zhang Yiming would occasionally stare at that seat when he was free. After all, Li Jia was not without any status to him.

On the last day of April, Gai Meng told Zhang Yiming that his sister and Wu Xiaodong had officially established a relationship, with a complicated tone.

"Angkor is a nice person. My sister will be happy when she is with him."

"I hope, if he dares to treat my sister badly, I'll kill him."

Gai Meng clenched his fists and said something, Zhang Yiming just smiled faintly.

Although most of his understanding of Wu Xiaodong in his previous life came from the media, a person with an emotional cleanliness is usually a very dedicated person, so he is not worried that Gai Jiao will have a bad life.

As soon as April passed, the division of arts and sciences into classes was put on the agenda.

In the past quizzes, Zhang Yiming's grades in all subjects were good, and his total score increased by more than [-] points compared with the final exam of last semester. Following this trend, he is getting closer and closer to his goal .

One day after class, He Jing called Zhang Yiming to the office and asked Zhang Yiming's thoughts on the classification of arts and sciences. Because He Jing had a good intention for Zhang Yiming, Zhang Yiming also bluntly said that he wanted to study literature with He Jing. I was very happy and encouraged Zhang Yiming.

At the end of May, the construction of the office building of the food factory entered the final stage, and the reservoir was also successfully completed.

Standing on the steps above the reservoir, Zhang Yiming watched with his own eyes the mountain spring water slowly enter the reservoir from the pipes.

In order to show his importance and excitement, Ge Hong allocated 100 yuan from the account of the village department, bought more than a dozen hanging earth reds, and eight 21-gun salutes. The moment the mountain spring water entered the reservoir, the firecrackers went off in unison Almost all the villagers in Liangshabaozi were present, and it was even more lively than New Year's Eve.

Next to the reservoir, an operation room with an area of ​​about 150 square meters was built. The pipeline passes through the operation room. Assuming it is on the operation platform, it is assumed that there will be no secondary pollution when the mountain spring water enters the transport vehicle. In addition to the operation platform, the operation room There are also two separate rooms, one is the office, and in the future there will definitely be a few simple positions such as quality inspectors, filling staff, and bill signers, and the other room is the security room. In the future, there will be at least four to six Three security guards work in shifts day and night to supervise and protect the reservoir and pipelines.

June [-]nd was a good day.

The weather hadn't gotten hot yet, and there was still wet moisture in the air after the rain. Zhang Yiming came back from the morning run, walked slowly back along the base of the city wall, kept looking up at the sun hanging on the ancient city wall , the sun shines on the body, don't have a warm and wanton feeling.

"Is that Zhang Yiming?"

Suddenly, a 26-year-old man stopped Zhang Yiming.

"We don't know each other, do we?"

Zhang Yiming looked at the person who came, but he really didn't know him.

"Fourth brother asked me to find you there."

"Zhao Si?"

Zhang Yiming searched in his mind, and it seemed that Zhao Si was the only possibility for this fourth brother.

(End of this chapter)

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