Reborn My 1993

Chapter 201 Everything starts to improve

Chapter 201 Everything Begins to Improve

"If you have the ability, you have to. You didn't even make it to the finals. How dare you talk about others?"

Knowing that Zhang Yiming won the city's second prize, Li Jia also felt that she had a bright face. Now that she heard Liu Fang belittle Zhang Yiming so much, Li Jia quit immediately.

"Yes, I didn't make it to the finals, and that's better than someone who can't even write an essay."


Li Jia's composition is not good, and it's not good to a certain extent. Zhang Yiming remembers that there was an exam in his previous life. I wrote the story about kitten fishing, and it was treated as a joke by the whole class for almost a month. Now that Liu Fang said that, she was stabbing Li Jia in the heart.

"If you don't write well, you can practice, but if you don't have a good character, you can practice in vain."

Zhang Yiming looked at Liu Fang, said lightly, and then entered the classroom.

"Zhang Yiming, who are you talking about? Say it again if you have the ability!"

"I'm not in the habit of repeating things."

After speaking, Zhang Yiming sat down in his seat.

The whole class fell silent.

Everyone looked at Zhang Yiming.

They found that Zhang Yiming, who they hadn't noticed before, was too unexpected. Not only was his writing super awesome, but the key was his ability to stalk people. Mouth, half-hearted.

Liu Fang was accused of poor character by Zhang Yiming in front of the whole class, and her eyes were red with anger, but she didn't know how to refute, so she could only lay down on the table and burst into tears.

Ma Jun didn't think about it at all. It was a good thing, why did it suddenly become like this?

"Liu Fang, can you stop crying, Naruko didn't mean you, he"

Ma Jun didn't know how to explain it. Zhang Yiming was obviously targeting Liu Fang just now, but when he saw Liu Fang crying, he was so distressed that he scratched his head anxiously for a while.

"Li Jia, why don't you help me persuade her!"

"I'm not as cheap as you!"

Li Jia gave Ma Jun a white look, and moved her chair outside, a little further away from Liu Fang.

"What are you looking at me for?"

After Zhang Yiming sat down, he saw Gai Meng's eyes staring at him.

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to hate Liu Fang so much."

"Why, do you feel bad too?"

"What nonsense, I don't like Liu Fang, who is so domineering and looks down upon by everyone."

"Yo, so what do you like?"

"I like Wang Yuyan like that."

Zhang Yiming was so amused by Gai Meng's words that he almost didn't laugh. Is this kid okay? People say that he likes Zhou Huimin, Qiu Shuzhen, Brigitte Lin and Maggie Cheung.

"Okay, you have ambitions, buddies support you!"

Zhang Yiming shook his head while flipping out the English book.

The cycle of forming a habit is 28 days. Zhang Yiming thinks what he said is very reasonable. Except for the first ten days, it was a bit difficult to get into the state. Now, memorizing words every morning has become very natural, and taking English books is also a must. Became a conditioned reflex.

Now that many things have been settled, he will soon be able to concentrate on his studies.

This week passed very peacefully, almost nothing special happened, because the beating was serious, both Cao Hongxiang and Fang Kun took leave of absence from school, and Zhang Yiming was out of sight and out of mind. During this time, Wang Hao came to him once, It is said that Hou Baldzi sent someone to come to him and asked him to take his own brother to take care of an area near No. [-] High School.

It is said to be a caretaker, but it is actually a test for Wang Hao by Hou Baldzi, to see if his ability is good. If he is good, Wang Hao may be allowed to officially follow him in the future.

This was Wang Hao's own choice, so Zhang Yiming didn't express his opinion much.

On the weekend, Zhang Yiming received a call from Li Zhenting. As soon as Li Zhenting opened his mouth, Zhang Yiming guessed that the list from Baicheng was settled.

"Xiao Ming, guess how many there are?"

Li Zhenting's tone was extremely excited.

"Three hundred?"

Zhang Yiming estimated the quantity.

"Haha, 420 units, the same price as the previous transport team, but you have to deduct [-] for one unit"

"Okay, don't say two hundred, even with five hundred, we can make a lot of money."

Zhang Yiming didn't expect the list to be so big.

He couldn't remember the quantity of the orders he signed in his previous life. Of course, he knew the requirements of this type of customers. The kickback thing is too normal. If you don't give up, you won't get something. Doing business is actually a process of giving up. .

"You don't know, this Lei Feng is really a lucky star. Without him this time, the list may not be able to be negotiated."

Li Zhenting kept laughing, and Lei Feng's voice was also on the other side of the phone, but the voice was not loud, and with the noisy environment, Zhang Yiming couldn't hear it very clearly, but it was still a humble thing to think about.

"Xiao Ming, I'll hurry up and sign the contract these two days. You and Liu Xiong can order accessories. I'll transfer 10 yuan to Tan Hongmei's account later. You can't pay for the goods alone."

"Okay, as soon as you sign the contract, I'll let Brother Liu deliver the goods."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yiming was in a good mood and wanted to fly.

For 420 units, he and Li Zhenting split [-]-[-]. Even if part of the profit is given to Lei Feng, the remaining profit is quite astonishing.

However, the installation volume of 420 units is quite a headache.

Wang Fa is gone, Liu Tianbao and Jia Pengfei are also gone, it is not easy to find suitable people now.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yiming called Liu Xiong. Hearing that Zhang Yiming and Li Zhenting might discuss another big deal, Liu Xiong was also very excited.

"Xiao Ming, Brother Liu doesn't lie to you. After learning how to assemble a Han display machine from you, I started working here. In just half a month, your brother Liu has earned 10,000+. This is all thanks to you. Yes, talking about money hurts my relationship with you, but Brother Liu doesn't feel comfortable if he doesn't pay back the love. In this way, if you get something from Brother Liu and me in the future, you will take it at the cost price, and Brother Liu will treat it as helping you in vain. Run an errand and earn nothing."

Liu Xiong's tone was similar to that of Li Zhenting. He himself did not expect that the profit of the assembly machine could be so large, and the market demand was also huge.

"Haha, Brother Liu, you're heresy for saying that. Even if you don't learn from me, you can learn from others in a short time. There is no need to talk about this between us. One size fits the other, you Just help me deduct some pieces first, and when the contract here is implemented, just make sure I have some pieces."

"Don't worry about that. Brother Liu, I'm awesome now. After I came back, I talked to several big agencies. Guess who I'm working with?"

Liu Xiong's tone was obviously showing off, but there was also a hint of embarrassment.

Zhang Yiming's heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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