Reborn My 1993

Chapter 136 Water can carry a boat and capsize it

Chapter 136 Water can carry a boat and capsize it
"Brother Dafa, did you see the welding point at this position? This position is displayed on the control screen. These two positions must be completely aligned. This yellow line must be fixed at this position with a welding torch, even if it is offset by a little. mm, it will have a great impact on the screen display, and it is easy to cause the circuit board to burn, which is a serious problem.”

After Wang Fa finished assembling all the front parts, Zhang Yiming took a few core components in his hand and began to demonstrate to Wang Fa. The whole Chinese display machine was not big in size, and the components Zhang Yiming held in his hand were even smaller. , the largest one is only the size of a toothbrush head, and the smallest one is only the size of a sorghum grain, and a welding torch is required.

Wang Fa watched Zhang Yiming's movements intently, but he was so professional. Even though Zhang Yiming slowed down, Wang Fa still didn't remember the specific installation location.

"Brother Dafa, as I said just now, this yellow wire must be aligned with this solder joint. Your soldering position is so far away now, the machine must not even be able to turn on."

It took a lot of effort for Wang Fa to finally get all the parts in his hand together. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yiming just took a glance and dismantled the parts he had installed.

"I'll demonstrate it again, you focus on this position."

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he lowered his head and reworked the parts that Wang Fa had just installed. Zhang Yiming was very devoted to work. In his eyes, work is work, and he must not be half-hearted when working. , this attitude fell into Li Zhenting's eyes, and he once again had some unusual admiration for Zhang Yiming.

Wang Fa was very nervous. He had something on his mind. He always felt that there was something wrong with Zhang Yiming's attitude today. Now that Zhang Yiming said a few words in front of Li Zhenting, he felt even more uncomfortable, but he also knew that he had nothing else to do. Only Zhang Yiming can choose and assemble a Chinese display machine.

"This time you try again."

After Zhang Yiming finished the demonstration, he asked Wang Fa to try again by himself. This time, Wang Fa's muscles almost collapsed, his eyes hurt from staring, and his hand holding the welding torch was sweaty.

"No, start over."

Zhang Yiming denied it again, and skillfully dismantled the parts assembled by Wang Fa.

"The position is still wrong, try again."

"No, this line is off."

"This question has come up several times, no, continue."

Wang Fa tried more than a dozen times, but was rejected by Zhang Yiming every time. Wang Fa's complexion became more and more bad, and sweat was all over his forehead and back.

"Brother Dafa, this is actually not difficult. The most important thing is to find the correct position and control the strength of the welding torch falling. It doesn't matter if it is light or heavy, and you have to do it again."

"Xiao Ming, I think you should assemble it. I can't earn the 100 yuan assembly fee."

Wang Fa finally couldn't hold back anymore, and threw the parts directly on the table. The scattered screws were like glass balls, rolling from the middle of the table to the edge of the table, and were held down by Zhang Yiming's fingers.

"Brother Dafa, this is not a matter of 100 yuan assembly fee. If you really want to do this, you have to grit your teeth and get through this. Now you are assembling the Han display machine, and in the future it may be assembling the mobile phone, and then assembling it later. No one knows what, but one thing is for sure, no matter what to assemble in the future, it will definitely be more difficult than it is now. If you really want to give up, then don’t do it in the communication industry, or simply continue to sell Your second-hand BP machine is also fine."

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he put the screws on the machine blankly.

Li Zhenting didn't speak, but his eyes looked back and forth between the two of them.

Deep down in his heart, he felt that Zhang Yiming was really interesting. Apart from other things, it was absolutely no problem if he wanted to make a living in the East Bay just because of the manual code for assembling the machine. Even many companies would Recruit Zhang Yiming in a crazy way, and, no matter what kind of technology, it is rare, or how to say that colleagues are enemies, not to mention Zhang Yiming's hands-on and unreserved demonstrations, just to make people stand aside Observation is not something anyone can do.

But Wang Fa obviously didn't think so.

Not only Zhang Yiming knew what was going on in his mind at this time, but even Li Zhenting could guess it, so he didn't speak, just watched quietly.

"How about. I. Try again!"

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many battles Wang Fa fought in his heart. Maybe he was waiting for Zhang Yiming to give him a step down like before, or Li Zhenting would open his mouth to ease his embarrassment, but there was none.

He can only bite the bullet and find a way for himself. After all, he can't really give up this industry, give up the money that he can get right now.

"Well, look at the location."

Zhang Yiming didn't say much, and didn't make a sarcasm, he just stretched out his finger and pointed at the position of the solder joint.

After several times of No.20, Wang Fa finally managed to install a Chinese display machine, and the sky outside was already completely dark.

"Okay, Brother Dafa, if you practice more, practice makes perfect, and the speed of assembly will gradually increase. I will go home first, and I will come back tomorrow if I have time."

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he grabbed the schoolbag on the counter, which again brought up a pile of dust.

"Then I'll go back first, Brother Dafa, don't worry too much, the delivery date agreed in the contract is half a month away!"

Li Zhenting also stood up, seeing that Li Zhenting and Zhang Yiming were going out together, Wang Fa's expression was unnatural.

"Zhenting, I'll take you back to the guest house on a motorcycle!"

"No, it's not far away. I'll go back after a stroll, so don't worry about it."

After Li Zhenting finished speaking, he followed Zhang Yiming out of the communication shop.

Wang Fa couldn't hold on any longer, and was very flustered again. He couldn't sit still on the chair, so he got up and stood at the door of the store.

Seeing that Li Zhenting and Zhang Yiming had separated, Wang Fa was relieved.

He regretted his impulsiveness and recklessness a little bit.

But what he said was water, he knew this truth, but he just hoped that Li Zhenting hadn't reached the level of trust in Zhang Yiming that said everything!

Naturally, Wang Fa didn't know that Li Zhenting and Zhang Yiming had already talked on the phone last night, and he also forgot how Zhang Yiming kept his secrets. He thought he didn't notice the change in Zhang Yiming's mood, but nothing happened.

Wang Fa doesn't even know how lucky he is to be a partner with Zhang Yiming, and what kind of brilliance and glory Zhang Yiming can bring to him. However, water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it. , will never go far.

(End of this chapter)

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