Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1291 Graduated

Chapter 1291 Graduated

Because of being busy, time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, graduation season is here.

Zhang Yiming prepared the thesis early, and the defense process went very smoothly.

Zhang Yiming was named the most outstanding graduate of Nantah University, and also won a special scholarship that Nantah University has not awarded again in recent years.

However, Zhang Yiming refused.

He doesn't need such an honor to gild or bless himself, and it would be better for the scholarship to be reserved for those who need it.

At the graduation ceremony, Zhang Yiming announced that the "Tianming Fund" was established in his alma mater, and he would donate 200 million yuan every year to support those students who want to study but have no conditions.

Teacher Yuan was very excited.

He has been engaged in education for 16 years and has brought out [-] graduates, but he has never felt so honored because of any graduate, so he feels the glory and sacredness of the profession of teachers.

He insisted on inviting Zhang Yiming to dinner.

Zhang Yiming naturally couldn't refuse the teacher-student meeting, and in all fairness, Teacher Yuan has taken good care of him in the past four years. If it wasn't for Teacher Yuan, he might not be able to start his career with peace of mind.

At the dinner table, Teacher Yuan let go of all the things he had done as a teacher and drank a lot of wine.

In the end, with the strength of wine, he called Zhang Yiming brothers and sisters, which made Zhang Yiming laugh.

Teacher Yuan was driven home by Zhang Yiming.

Seeing the drunk teacher Yuan being carried into the room by his lover, he was still muttering, "Who said that my old Yuan is worthless, take a look, look at the students I brought out, are you jealous, haha. Ten years Trees grow people for a hundred years, my old Yuan is worth it in this life.”

Zhang Yiming sat in the car and smiled.

Four years really go by so quickly!

Looking back on the past, it really seems like I fell asleep.

The next day, Zhang Yiming went to Baijiegou Middle School, accompanied by the vice principal Zhao Bing.

Zhang Yiming knew about the relationship between Zhao Bing and He Jing, but he didn't interfere too much.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

Zhang Yiming knew that He Jing had lived with her mother these years and had lived through a lot of hardships. It is normal for her to be unable to let go of her relationship with Zhao Bing. Time will slowly give the answer.

Today's Baister Valley, although the road has been open for less than two years, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Party Secretary Lu officially stepped down, and a middle-aged man named Song Xin in the village took over the position of Party Secretary Lu after being voted by the villagers. Zhang Yiming had met Song Xin, and he was a very sincere person.

Seeing Zhang Yi, Qu Ma and He Jing were very happy. Facing Zhao Bing, He Jing was also much calmer than before. Although he didn't really accept him, communication was no longer as embarrassing as before.

The library donated by White Na to Baisterogou has been completed.

There are tens of thousands of books of all kinds. For a middle school, this kind of book storage is already very impressive, but White Na is still sending other books by mail.

The students are very happy when they have books to read. Apart from class, the students spend most of their time in the library.

Mother Qu held Zhang Yiming's hand, suddenly feeling very emotional.

She said that she didn't plan to go back to Tongyuan, and she wanted to stay here forever.

Seeing these children seems to be able to see hope. She feels that her life can truly become meaningful here.

Of course Zhang Yiming would not stop him.

When he went home to visit Papa Qu, Papa Qu also said that when he retired, he would move to Baijiegou. He himself is a lover of literature. questionable.

Zhang Yiming respects their choice.

A person, no matter what his life looks like to outsiders, as long as his heart is full, then it is the best life.

How many people are constrained by external vision or concepts all their lives, and live a life they don't like all their lives.

There must be a big reason why Qu Yingtao is so good and has such parents.

Zhang Yiming stayed in Baisterol Valley for two days.

Every time he was here, he felt a sense of peace in his heart, as if the disturbances from the outside world did not exist anymore.

But Zhang Yiming knows that there are many people's hopes on his shoulders, and there are too many unfulfilled dreams in his heart. The leisurely here does not belong to him yet.

In September, nearly half of Tianming Group's buildings had been constructed.

Although it looks like an ordinary construction site from the outside, Zhang Yiming has a clear blueprint in his mind.

Zhang Yiming's custom-made equipment from Mr. R has come to an end. The other party coordinated with Zhang Yiming on the final details and promised that the delivery will be made at the beginning of the year.

For Gan Jiumei, the winery and bar are developing very well. Haiting Bar has been expanded twice, and the former small bar has now become the largest bar in the entire East Bay.

The same is true for Lingxiu Winery. With the rise of word of mouth, now, not only the Dongwan market, but also high-end dining and entertainment venues in the entire Qianzhou Province are customers of Lingxiu Winery.

Because of the gradual expansion of business, Gan Jiumei also has new ideas.

She wants to own a vineyard and produce her own wine.

It's just that this matter is not trivial, Gan Jiumei hesitated for a long time and dared not tell Zhang Yiming.

She knew that Zhang Yiming would support her, but she also knew that Zhang Yiming's career landscape was getting bigger and bigger. In a family, if two people focused on their careers, then their relationship and family would easily go wrong.

Most importantly, the aborted child was always a pain in her heart.

At the beginning, it was because she was too ambitious.

"What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

Zhang Yiming's thoughts are so delicate, he can see Gan Jiumei's emotions at a glance.


"Jiumei, we once said that no matter what happens, we must be honest with each other."

Zhang Yiming looked at Gan Jiumei with serious eyes.

"It's all right."

Gan Jiumei hesitated for a while, but decided not to speak.

"You want to produce your own wine."

Hearing Zhang Yiming's words, Gan Jiumei was startled.

She never told anyone about this, how did Zhang Yiming know.

"You've been reading a lot about wine production lately, and you've done research on vineyards around the East Bay."

Gan Jiumei felt guilty for a while.

She really didn't know that Zhang Yiming even knew this.

"I just want to think about it, but producing wine is not as simple as making a cake, let's talk about it later!"

"Are you afraid that this matter will affect our relationship?"

"Jiumei, as I said, I hope you can live in the way you want. We are husband and wife, what we need is mutual support and support, not sacrifice. The real good relationship is that we can do it without any scruples. What each other wants to do, but each other is in their hearts, understand?"


"No but, life does not exist to accommodate others. Your man is me, so you don't have to abide by the rules of those so-called good wives and mothers. A goshawk curled up in a cage is not what I want to see Yes, fly, no matter how far you want to fly, I will accompany you."

Tears rolled down from Gan Jiumei's eyes so unexpectedly.

She always knew that Zhang Yiming was very kind to her.

However, she always felt that Zhang Yiming actually complained to her, but he refrained from saying it, but at this moment, Gan Jiumei really understood that Zhang Yiming was really good to her.

The love he gave her was beyond the reach of any man in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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