Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285
Zhang Yiming arranged for Li Jia to temporarily stay in a newly opened hotel outside Sifang City.

After that, Zhang Yiming contacted Wang Hao.

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me!"

Regarding Zhang Yiming's explanation, Wang Hao did not hesitate at all.

After contacting Wang Hao, Zhang Yiming called Hu Yanglin again and explained briefly.

Not long after Zhang Yiming made the phone call, Li Deai's aluminum alloy factory began to have frequent accidents.

First of all, the orders from several big customers were refunded as soon as they said they would be refunded, even if the previous deposit was not required.

After that, the upstream suppliers also demanded the payment from Li De'ai, the kind that they couldn't wait for a day.

Li Deai's aluminum alloy factory has been working for several years. Although the scale is not particularly large, Li Deai is very good at drilling and has a good relationship with upstream suppliers. After bribing a few salesmen, he got the policy of picking up the goods before paying.

On the other hand, he also requires his customers to pay 30.00% of the payment before placing an order, so that even if he has no money, he can complete the entire transaction.

It was also by means of this method that he turned a small aluminum alloy door and window storefront into an aluminum alloy production plant.

But now, the customer canceled the order, and the upstream supplier began to press for payment again, and Li De'ai was very worried.

For these big orders, he pressed a lot of goods, and, to meet the deadline, he cut all the incoming goods at the initial stage, and now it is almost impossible to return the goods.

Li De'ai could only find a way to clear it up and give gifts at all costs, but all the salespeople who had a good relationship with him before avoided him like a plague god and didn't see him at all.

The same goes for those customers who returned, with doors closed and phones turned off.

Li De'ai can only raise money to get over the current difficulties first, and to do business, there will be losses and gains, which Li De'ai can accept.

However, the loan officers of the credit department of the bank with whom he had a good relationship before turned against him like those people, and he couldn't even lend a loan of [-] yuan.

Li Deai couldn't figure it out, and always felt that this matter was strange, but it didn't count.

When he went back at night, at the entrance of the alley, a group of young people who appeared out of nowhere covered his face and beat him up.

There is a saying that if a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth.

However, when Li Deai heard what happened to him from his third brother, Li Deai realized a problem. They were being plotted against.

Li Dehai's third brother, Li Dehai, is the business manager of the telecommunications company, and he has a serious job. Still got a lot of benefits from Li Dehai.

Compared with Li Deai, Li Dehai is a more harmonious person. He is good at both sides, and has a good relationship with the leaders of many government agencies. He is the king of channels for the Li family. Whatever the family wants to do, they can get it from Li Dehai.

Li Dehai also took over his father's class at the beginning, so the other brothers had to support themselves and took good care of everyone. They basically responded to everyone's needs. Li Deai is rich, and sometimes he can help Li Dehai financially. Brother They also support each other and use each other.

But now, Li Dehai has been suspended by the company.

The reason for the suspension is that someone reported that he took advantage of his position to handle telecommunications business in violation of regulations for some units, causing losses to the company, and the evidence was solid. The most terrible thing is that the suspension is not counted. The company's personnel notified Li Dehai and asked Li Dehai to cooperate with the relevant units in the investigation , that is to say, this matter is likely to go to legal procedures, and he, Li Dehai, may go to jail.

Li De'ai called Li Dehai to the house, and the brothers began to study the weirdness of this matter.

"Brother, this is definitely not normal. I have been in this position for many years. I have already taken care of everything up and down. It is impossible for someone to report it suddenly. Someone must be blackmailing me behind my back."

Li Dehai also felt that this was abnormal.

But he couldn't think of anyone who wanted to deal with him like this, and he stabbed him directly to the general manager.

"I don't know either, but it's obvious that this person is after us."

With a sullen face, Li Deai grabbed the wine on the table and took a sip.

"I really can't find any clues here. There are a lot of customers and suppliers on your side. It's impossible to have no clues. We can't just sit around like this. Only by finding this person who deals with us can we find a solution!"

Li Dehai knew that his second brother was capable, and his style of doing things was always sophistication.

"I'll go to someone early tomorrow morning and give up the money. I don't believe it and I can't find out anything."

After receiving Li De'ai's attitude, Li Dehai's hanging heart was relieved a little.

He is the channel king of this family, and he cannot be relied on for anything in the family, so Li Dehai is not worried at all that Li Deai will ignore him.

Early the next morning, Li Deai tidied up and went to the bank to withdraw 2 yuan, which was nearly one-third of the money in his account.

"Mr. Wang, don't leave. We are old friends who have cooperated for several years. You can't even say a few words to me and everyone won't give you a chance?"

The person Li Deai pulled was chosen after careful consideration in his heart, and he thought that the person most likely to pry his mouth open was Wang Quan.

"Boss Li, don't drag me, I still have a meeting, I don't have time!"

Wang Quan hurriedly wanted to shake off Li Deai's hand. Now, he didn't want to have anything to do with Li Deai.

"Mr. Wang, take a step to speak."

Li Deai said while quickly stuffing the thick envelope into Wang Quan's coat pocket.

King Quan felt the weight of that envelope all at once.

He has not been dealing with Li Deai for a year or two, and of course he is very clear about what Li Deai gave him.

"I really have to have a meeting. If Boss Li has something to say, he'd better hurry up and say it!"

In the end, Wang Quan still did not resist the temptation, and followed Li Deai's strength to stand aside.

"Mr. Wang, I just want to know what happened, why are you in such a hurry to collect money, and those big customers returned the goods at the same time?"

Wang Quan looked around and saw no one around, so he leaned forward and approached Li Deai.

"Don't you know who you have offended? The other party is very powerful. How dare we small shrimps compete with the big guys in the industry. Seeing our friendship for many years, I advise Boss Li that no matter who you offend, you must think about it. If you don’t want to live, hurry up and plead guilty, otherwise, the other party will crush you to death, just like crushing an ant to death.”

After speaking, Wang Quan is about to leave.

"Mr. Wang, you have made it clear. Who is it? I really haven't offended any big shots, and who are you talking about?"

Li De'ai was not only surrounded, but also panicked.

Li De'ai wanted to offend some important person, but he had to rely on others!
(End of this chapter)

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