Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1280 Historic Moments

Chapter 1280 Historic Moments


Ma Jun is a game master.

Although it was the scene of the press conference, he devoted himself to the game as soon as the game started.

This is the first time that the defense of Mushroom House has been exposed in front of the world, and it is still in such a shocking way that many people are dumbfounded.

Can the game still play like this?
Moreover, is this game really built into the phone?
Before Ma Jun hit the seventh level, basically half of the people were not conquered, and there were doubts of one kind or another, but as the game became more and more exciting, these people no longer had the mind to think about it, and followed the game wholeheartedly gone.

The reporters finally realized that they pointed their cameras and video recorders at the screen, and a real-time recording and broadcasting came.

The press conference lasted four hours.

Four hours later, until Zhang Yiming left the venue, the people who came to the press conference still stayed around for a long time.

Today, they have all been shocked like never before.

It turns out that mobile phones can do this.

On the third day of the press conference, the directly-operated stores of Tianming Communications across the country began to sell.

Of course, limited edition.

First come, first served, limited to [-] units per region.

Because of this sales policy, there have been long queues at the gates of the flagship stores of directly-operated stores across the country since midnight.

This kind of marketing method is commonly used by Apple mobile phones a few years later, and it is very popular. Almost every time a new phone is released, this scene will be repeated.

But right now, it's pretty incredible.

All the media once again reported on this event.

A week after the direct sales store was released, the TMX222 was fully launched.

How do you describe the crazy scene? One media reported on the grand occasion with a headline like "Thousands of people grab TM mobile phones in an alley, ZTE of the national brand" on the front page.

Not only that, the photo of Zhang Yiming at the press conference was used as the cover of the magazine of Commercial Times. For a while, Zhang Yiming's elegant image in a white robe was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he became the dream lover of many girls and young women.

With the advent of TMX222, data is being refreshed every day.

On the first day of release, all 76 directly-operated stores and [-] flagship stores across the country were sold out, and it created a precedent for the domestic pre-sale sales model.

On the first day of the national launch, sales exceeded [-] units, and sales exceeded [-] million.

On the second day, sales doubled and sales exceeded [-] million.

On the third day, sales reached [-] million.

The factory started a crazy production mode.

Whether it is Hero Electronics Factory, Tianming Communications, Xinfeng Energy, or even Sanxing Electronics in Country H, they all fell into madness.

Zhang Yiming knew that the birth of TMX222 would be a sensation, but he did not expect the effect of the sensation to be so amazing.

According to this sales trend, the company's production capacity will soon be unable to keep up.

Ever since, Zhang Yiming immediately discussed with Lu Qian to reduce the current market supply.

Lu Qian was slightly reluctant.

The current situation is very good. According to the current situation, TMX222 will soon surpass other brands of mobile phones and become the leader in the exclusive market. Isn’t reducing the supply now just to shut out the great opportunities!
"Brother Lu, we don't just make TMX222 mobile phones, what we want is the TM brand. If we can't be strong and resist the temptation in front of us, then the market will not show mercy to us."

If the production capacity can't keep up and you don't want to reduce the supply, it means either pre-sale or OEM.

The former is okay when the product is just released, because the main purpose is not really for the sales itself, but mainly for publicity and promotion. In fact, the inventory itself is sufficient, but now the pre-sale, there is no way to guarantee the supply time. Once there is a problem, The impact is huge, and even the previous efforts will be wasted.

The latter cannot guarantee the quality, and the use of OEM from the very beginning is undoubtedly a move to kill itself.

"Now the dealers are urging orders every day, and the marketing department's current order list can't hold any more. It's hard for us to reduce the supply, and it's hard to explain to the dealers!"

"There is nothing wrong with it. You arrange the regional manager to communicate the reduction in supply to the dealer. If the business philosophy cannot keep pace with the company, we can choose such a dealer."

Lu Qian knew that Zhang Yiming had already made up his mind. Although he still felt pity in his heart, he still followed what Zhang Yiming said.

Zhang Yiming became a figure on the cusp.

Zhang Yiming also changed his previous low-key style of acting, and participated in several TV talk shows one after another.

Of course, he was on the talk show for a purpose.

Not to promote TM mobile phones, but to promote the baby home network.

From the establishment of to the present, it has helped more than a dozen children to return to their parents, but the efforts of dozens of volunteers alone are far from enough.

A few days ago, on the second day of the TMX222 mobile phone conference, Manager Cui approached Zhang Yiming and told Zhang Yiming the latest help message on the home website.

It is different from the previous information about looking for parents and relatives. This is a message about a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War looking for his childhood sweetheart.

The old man is nearly eighty years old and has never been married all his life. After retiring from the army, he has been looking for the girl of the year, but there is still no news from the vigorous young man with gray temples to the octogenarian.

The old man felt that he was running out of time, so he told his nephew about the incident. The nephew's son was deeply moved and posted the news on the homepage.

Manager Cui was very moved, but the old man was already in poor health, and time was running out. Manager Cui asked Zhang Yiming if he could increase the investment of funds and find ways to help the old man fulfill his last wish.

After reading the message for help, Zhang Yiming was also very moved.

But he knows better than Manager Cui that this is not something that money can solve.

When he started this website, he didn't think about the return or how much money to invest. Just like the investment in Baisterogou, in Zhang Yiming's view, this is one of the things he can do for the society.

If you want to spread the news, want more people to know this touching love story, want more people to know about this charity website, and want more people to join such a charity organization, you must find a good publicity opportunity .

Just at this time, the TV station's invitation arrived as scheduled.

Zhang Yiming knew that this was the opportunity he wanted.

Therefore, Zhang Yiming made an agreement with all the editors and directors that he must be given more than 2 minutes to promote and introduce this public welfare website, otherwise the invitation will be rejected.

Zhang Yiming is now a hot business upstart, how many people are waiting to see, almost no director refuses this condition.

Zhang Yiming appeared in front of the people of the whole country through the TV station.

For the first time, people across the country saw the real face of the big boss of Tianming Communications on TV.

so young!

So handsome!

so rich!

so kind!

For a while, Zhang Yiming became not only the dream lover of girls, but also the idol of many young people, and the child of other people in the eyes of many parents.

Qin Fang's family sat in front of the TV, watching Zhang Yiming talking in front of the camera, the three of them were so excited that they had no place to rest their siblings.

(End of this chapter)

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