Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1276 Leave

Chapter 1276 Leave
"Now, the meeting officially begins."

After Liu Wei and the others left, the door of the meeting room was closed again. This time, the meeting room was surprisingly quiet.

For Zhang Yiming, no one dared to question anything.

Zhang Yiming first raised the existing problems of Yuanshan Food Factory, and then proposed the solution.

"The new year has just begun, and this year will be a crucial year for Yuanshan Food Factory. Therefore, I hope that everyone can unite and make the food factory bigger and stronger. I am here in front of everyone. Mr. Tan and Mr. Tan promised that on this year's Double Eleven, I will bring Yuanshan Food Factory to create a sales miracle. Three to five times the bonus, after the meeting, I will ask my colleagues in the administration department to sign a military order with you."

As soon as Zhang Yiming finished speaking, many business personnel became emotional.

Even if the bonus is doubled, it can exceed ten thousand, if it is three to five times.
"However, if I find that someone violates the company's regulations again and accepts benefits from dealers without permission, then the company will definitely not tolerate it. If it is light, it will be fired, and if it is serious, it will be prosecuted."

A meeting lasted less than two hours.

The employees participating in the meeting were like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs in mood.

"Sister Tan, there will definitely be business personnel who violated the regulations. You should keep an eye on them. Once you find out, collect evidence immediately, and then ask the HR department to issue a notice of dismissal. The dismissal notice will be copied to all employees to make an example."

Tan Hongmei nodded.

"There are still a few distributors who violated the regulations. You should communicate with them in person. This time, their distributor qualifications will not be revoked, but they must understand what the bottom line of Yuanshan Food Factory is for distributors."

Tan Hongmei nodded again. She originally thought that Zhang Yiming would directly revoke the qualifications of these agents.

"Yiming, when are you going back to Dongwan?"

"It's a few days, I have to go to a place first."

"Are you going with Yuan Dong?"


Zhang Yiming nodded.

In fact, he has been with Yuan Dong day and night these days, and he probably knows the relationship between Tan Hongmei and Yuan Dong. Yuan Dong has basically been running outside in the past few years, either looking for famous doctors for Jiang Liu, or arranging for the aftermath. County hours are limited.

Therefore, they don't have many opportunities to get along, and the relationship between the two cannot be said to be very deep. It is more Tan Hongmei's unilateral admiration for Yuan Dong. Although Yuan Dong is not bad for Tan Hongmei, he does not have much emotion.

Just like now, Tan Hongmei wanted to know about her husband's situation, but she didn't dare to ask directly, but wanted to get the answer from herself.

However, he can't control this kind of thing.

Tan Hongmei has already experienced a failed marriage. Over the years, she has seen many men, so she must know what she wants!

It has to be said that Jiang Liu's death gave Zhang Yiming a new perspective on life to some extent.

Prosperity is like a dream, passion is like water, everyone has their own fortune.

After not coming home for several days, Qin Fang was startled when she saw her grandson.

"Mingming, what's wrong with you kid? Why do you look so bad!"

Qin Fang grabbed Zhang Yiming's hand, tears of distress rolled in her eyes.

"Grandma, it's okay, it's just that I haven't had a good rest these days, I'm going to sleep, I'm a little tired!"

Zhang Yiming was really tired.

From the day he guarded the river, he hardly slept at all. Sometimes it wasn't that he didn't sleep, but that he couldn't fall asleep even with his eyes closed.

Then it was dawn in a daze.

Zhang Yiming fell asleep on the bed, and the process didn't even take a minute, almost falling asleep in seconds.

Moreover, I didn't have a dream in the middle, and I didn't wake up until midnight.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, the curtain was pulled open.

"Mingming, is there something wrong? Your grandma said that you have been sleeping since you came back in the afternoon."

It was her mother, Fan Lingling, who came in. It seemed that Fan Lingling hadn't slept the whole time, and she just stayed outside.

"Mom, I'm fine, but I haven't had a good rest the past few days."

Zhang Yiming didn't tell his parents what he was doing, and his parents were very open-minded and didn't follow up to ask, but it was obvious that they were actually worried.

"Mom, I have been organizing the funeral for an elder these days. He has no children or relatives all his life, but when he was in Dongwan, he took good care of me and provided me with a lot of help. Without him, it would be impossible Today without me, so I organized the funeral for him as his junior."

Zhang Yiming's voice was very hoarse. Fan Lingling reached for the kettle on the table and poured a glass of water for her son.

"It's good to be fine. As the old saying goes, if you receive a drop of water, you should repay it with a spring. You are right to do so."

Fan Lingling reached out and stroked her son's head lightly, just like when she was a child.

Zhang Yiming enjoyed the warmth and beauty of this moment very much.

The next day, Zhang Yiming, Tan Hongmei and his father Zhang Heshan went to the Baishan Branch of Yuanshan Food Factory for a walk.

Now, the person in charge of the Baishan branch is also an employee of the old food factory, and Zhang Yiming is very familiar with him, that is, Zhao Changan, the old branch secretary of the food factory who has provided a lot of help to his father Zhang Heshan.

When Zhao Changan knew that the real boss of the food factory was Zhang Yiming, he acted very calm.

According to Zhao Changan, from the first time he saw Zhang Yiming, he knew that this kid was not simple, and later Gao Wenjun also said that Zhang Yiming was the one who made all the fuss about this matter.

Because Zhao Changan is very introverted, he was suppressed by the second-in-command Gao Wenjun in the food factory for many years, and now he is alone, but he has made the food factory flourish. Zhang Yiming walked around the factory area, and he can see it everywhere Traces of management care.

"Sister Tan, I have a suggestion, is it possible to transfer Director Zhao back to the main factory to take over the sales from Huang Yousheng? Director Zhao used to be in charge of the food factory business, although the sales model at that time was very different from what it is now. But Director Zhao's character and ability are not a problem, of course, this is just my suggestion, the specific Sister Tan can decide on her own, I will leave Tongyuan the day after tomorrow, and Sister Tan will have to work hard on the food factory."

"How can this be hard work, don't worry, I will take care of it, Yiming, I have something to ask you."

Two days later, Zhang Yiming bid farewell to his parents and grandma, and drove to No. 22 Caojia Hutong. This time, the door was opened by the thin old man who opened the door for him for the first time. Now, Zhang Yiming already knew the identity of this old man.

His surname is Jiang, and his name is Jiang Xiu. He has been with Jiang Liu since he was young. Later, when Jiang Liu went to Dongwan, he didn't follow him and stayed in Tongyuan.

This time, Zhang Yiming went to deliver Jiang Liu's ashes, and Jiang Xiu and Yuan Dong went together.

The house has been cleaned again, and most of the furniture is covered with white cloth.

Zhang Yiming learned from Jiang Xiu that Jiang Xiu didn't plan to come back after leaving this time.

"Where he is, I will be there. I used to guard this yard for him when I was alive, but now that he is gone, it doesn't make sense whether the yard is guarded or not."

When Jiang Xiu said this, there was an indescribable loneliness and determination in his eyes.

It seems that there is no turning back in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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