Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1244 Bah!think of beauty

Chapter 1244 Bah!think of beauty

Zhang Yiming did not cause any trouble to Jin Taichang. Although he walked out, he got into the car directly and did not wander around casually. This made Jin Taichang heave a sigh of relief. Impossible to hold on and not let go.

In this sensitive period, he really couldn't afford to provoke him.

The impact of the failed negotiations was felt in less than a day.

The stock price continued to fall, and some of them fell beyond the limit. The tight blockade of the SANXING Group was torn out somehow. The formal media no longer reported this matter, but other tabloids did not follow it. As long as they can see Money, it's not against the law, so they can do it right.

Not only that, related posts appeared one after another in some forums and post bars, this incident was described vividly, some people even wrote micro-fiction, and many netizens took the opportunity to gain popularity and become insiders. It is definitely not a good thing for SANXING.

When Vice President Li received the news, his head hurt from anger.

What a rogue this kid is.

Any indiscriminate tricks can be used.

However, Vice President Li also quickly thought of one thing. He is a native of country Z. He is unfamiliar with country H and has no connections or resources. How can he manipulate the media to create momentum for him?
As expected of a troublemaker, Vice President Li immediately used his connections to investigate the whole story of this matter.

The result was positive, nothing was investigated.

This news seemed to appear out of nowhere, under the pressure of a mountain, Vice President Li used various forces to suppress these small newspapers, but these small newspapers were like mice running down the street, If you can't catch it, just shoot it and change the place.

Kim Tae-chang became a 'punching bag', after all, he was the one who started it.

How could this have happened if he hadn't taken the initiative.

Jin Taichang is dumb and can't tell if he suffers from eating coptis, so he can only bear the blame.

Zhang Yiming was sitting on a chair in the room, eating fresh fruit and drinking coffee.

Since this incident was brought to the headquarters of the group, Zhang Yiming's living conditions have risen sharply, and he has finally confirmed that it is not because the food in country H is not good, nor is it that he is not used to it, but that those people deliberately punished him and gave him Nothing tasty was prepared.

Here, the public opinion has not been completely suppressed, and news has also spread from the embassy. The embassy will definitely not ignore this matter. They must protect the rights and interests of citizens overseas, and personally arrange people to go to the SANXING reception center. Zhang Yiming was taken to the embassy to stay and resolutely protect the personal safety of the citizens.

The senior management of the SANXING Group was completely angry.

Vice President Lee and Kim Tae Chang were criticized together.

Vice President Li was also very aggrieved. How did he know that Zhang Yiming would have such a great ability that he was able to get the embassy to pick him up.

Jin Taichang's gums have been inflamed for the past few days. As long as he opened his mouth, his teeth hurt unbearably. There were two yellow blisters on the corners of his mouth. Because of the toothache and loss of appetite, Jin Taichang lost a lot of weight.

He couldn't figure it out, it was obviously a normal commercial contest, which one of the previous commercial contests was not as serious as this one, but which one was not resolved smoothly, and why did it become like this this time.

Because he couldn't figure it out, Jin Taichang became even more angry.

At this time, SANXING's stock has fallen worse than a dog in the water.

All parties have focused their attention on this matter. Although it cannot be reported, once this matter comes to light, it will be explosive news. No one wants to miss such an opportunity.

Another two days of stalemate.

The sales of SANXING mobile phones in China have been zero for [-] consecutive days. On the contrary, the sales of Nokia mobile phones seem to be on a rocket, soaring upwards. It didn’t take long for the double twelve warm-up activities to earn enough attention in China. , The sellers and sellers who did not participate in the Double Eleven event are all trying their best to show their talents in the Double Twelve promotional activities.

The stalemate atmosphere was like the eve of a heavy rainstorm, with dark clouds overwhelming the top, the air flow was very slow, and the air pressure was so low that it was hard to breathe.

No one knows when the heavy rain will fall, how heavy it will be, and how long it will last.

Finally, on the third day after the stalemate, SANXING officially stated its position and sat down with Zhang Yiming for a bilateral meeting on this matter, and the person in this meeting also became a heavyweight vice president.

Not the vice president, but the vice president, the second in command of the group.

Before the negotiation even started, the serious atmosphere made everyone tense up.

"I'm bothering you again, Lawyer Li."

Zhang Yiming looked at Li Fengshou and said with a smile.

"Why are you still saying these kind words to me? You are being bullied abroad. I can't help but look at it. Moreover, it's not only about your personal interests."

Li Fengshou's words made Zhang Yiming laugh, this old man is really getting more and more humorous.

At the very beginning of the negotiation, Zhang Yiming first expressed his position. He hoped to resolve it peacefully. As for how to resolve it, he has issued a complete plan, which depends on the sincerity of SANXING.

After speaking, Zhang Yiming put his plan on the table and pressed it with his palm.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Yiming's hand at the same time.

Naturally, the main theme of the negotiation was how to resolve this matter as perfectly as possible. Both sides had representatives, so, apart from the very beginning, Zhang Yiming did not speak again.

The SANXING Group still has not given up on the position that this matter is unfavorable to Zhang Yiming. The implication is that if Zhang Yiming insists on expanding this matter, SANXING will appeal to Zhang Yiming on behalf of Cui Suying, and Zhang Yiming will most likely be dismissed. The sentence was indecent or attempted rape against the will of the woman. The sentencing of such a case in country H is enough for Zhang Yiming to eat a pot.

obscene?Attempted rape?
Shit, look for yourself, what are these photos, listen, whose voice is in this recording, take a look again, whose signature is on it, trying to blackmail us?

(End of this chapter)

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