Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1230 Crazy Double 1

Chapter 1230 Crazy Double Eleven
The first time I heard Zhang Yiming say that 11.11 is called Singles’ Day, Li Zhenting joked with Lu Qian that this day was set up for the two of them. Of course, at that time, 11.11 was still a very simple day and was not given. Too much meaning.

Double Eleven was initiated by the e-commerce platform in 2009. At the beginning, no merchants thought that this artificial promotional festival would be more effective than festivals such as National Day, New Year’s Day or Christmas.

However, consumers used their strength to teach merchants a vivid lesson. In 2014, Xbao’s sales on the Double Eleven day exceeded 571 billion, and it has been rising year by year. Bao even set a sales volume of 2684 billion yuan.

Nowadays, no one can think of, and no one dares to believe, that there are companies or platforms that can achieve sales of more than 2000 billion in one day.

Although Zhang Yiming is not an e-commerce platform, it does not prevent him from taking the lead in applying the concept of Double Eleven to his own industry.

Because relevant preparations have been made long ago, all sales and marketing personnel of Tianming Communications, Mingzhen Electronics, including Jiuming Electric have entered a state of emergency preparations since the beginning of November.

Including Hero Lithium Power Plant and Sian Electronics also participated in this activity.

In the land of China, in any city with these brands, you can see promotional banners and posters everywhere such as "Double Eleven, bargain price is waiting for you to grab it", "Double Eleven is limited time to buy, grab it and earn it" and so on.

Some dealers with better financial strength even independently contacted local buses, station signs or local radio stations, and made car body advertisements and audio advertisements.

In order to make the concept of Double Eleven an instant hit and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Zhang Yiming asked Lu Qian to contact the East Bay media in advance.

Although the previous share split case was not a very glorious thing, Zhang Yiming left a deep impression in the eyes of the East Bay media. In addition, the adoption of stray cats and dogs in the early stage made Zhang Yiming's reputation even worse. very loud.

Therefore, when Lu Qian contacted the media and asked the media to publicize and follow up on the Double Eleven event, he didn't make too much effort.

Zhang Yiming himself is a topical figure, especially this is the biggest marketing promotion of Mingzhen Electronics after the equity split case. News follow-up reports.

Most importantly, Zhang Yiming gave money!

The existence of the media does not depend only on things like newspapers and current affairs news on TV. Advertising costs are one of the most important sources of income for various media.

No media can refuse such a famous and profitable event!
Therefore, starting from November, except for the mainstream current affairs channels, almost every channel has new articles and short messages reporting on Double Eleven activities.

The same is true for radio stations. Advertisements for Double Eleven promotions can be heard everywhere in the streets and alleys.

Of course, in order to make the event more gimmick and attractive, Zhang Yiming personally bought two cars and put them outside Dongwan People's Shopping Center and Dongwan Electric City.

The promotion method is very old-fashioned. If you spend more than 300, you will be eligible to get a lottery ticket, if you spend 600, you will get two lottery tickets, and so on.

In the era when e-commerce is popular, this tactic may not be very effective, but this era is different, online shopping has not yet risen, and consumers' main attention is still on consumption in physical stores. Therefore, the bright cars parked in front of them It is worth 10,000+, and the common people are like crazy.

In order to get an extra ticket, some consumers either find someone they know to make up the order together, or they simply pay for something that is not worth a lot.

On the day of Double Eleven, the activity reached its climax.

It may be an exaggeration to say that the crowds were empty that day, but in several major business circles, the traffic was almost paralyzed.

Countless consumers were moved upon hearing the news.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"What are you going to do? You don't know, today's Double Eleven, the People's Mall draws a lottery to grab a car!"

"Huh? Car, then I'll go too."

"Dad, hurry up, if you go late, the car will be taken away by others!"

Similar conversations can be heard across the East Bay.

The people in charge of several shopping malls are stupid.

When did they see such a scene.

From the opening of the mall to the present, it seems that it was a bit popular when Jiuming Electric held an event last time. How could I have seen so many people at other times!
Not just in the East Bay, but in other places across the country.

In Daxing, Lin Xiaoshuang, who Zhang Yiming personally audited, kept his feet on the ground.

Although Zhang Yiming gave him a deadline of the end of the year and a Christmas event, Lin Xiaoshuang knew that Double Eleven was his opportunity.

Even though he has never seen the so-called [-] madness, he has a particularly keen sense of smell. Since the company proposed such a promotional concept, it must have been carefully thought out. Moreover, for this event, the company has made sufficient preparations. Relevant materials were sent out early.

How could it be possible not to grasp a market activity that is so valued by the company?

After Lin Xiaoshuang arranged his store comprehensively and meticulously, he even borrowed a car from someone, and walked through the more than [-] shops around him.

Although he is now a second-level agent and has no management authority over these stores, Lin Xiaoshuang is very good at being a man. He helps these agents decorate their stores with the excuse of learning from each other. The dealer didn't refuse, not to mention that Lin Xiaoshuang was very good-looking, sweet-mouthed, and could talk. They were supposed to help, but in the end, these dealers all listened to Lin Xiaoshuang's arrangement.

On Double Eleven, Lu Qian and Zhang Yiming walked around several major business circles.

Every time Lu Qian walked into a shopping mall, his expression would be shocked.

It was really the first time in his life that he saw such a scary promotional scene.

When Zhang Yiming asked him to arrange dealers all over the country to increase their inventory, he still felt that Zhang Yiming was a little too blindly confident. An event initiated by his company, regardless of the year or festival, would have a huge sales volume!

Facts have proved that the reason why he is Lu Qian and not Zhang Yiming really makes sense.

On 11.12, at the company's Double Eleven event summary conference, all the regional managers present seemed to have been beaten up, even though many of them hadn't rested after a night of train rides, there was no trace of fatigue on their faces. is excited.

"Regional managers, business managers, first of all, on behalf of the company, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your hard work during this period of time, everyone has worked hard!"

Zhang Yiming had also attended company meetings before, but it was the first time that all business personnel from Tianming Communications, Mingzhen Electronics, Jiuming Electric, including Hero Electronics were gathered together for a meeting, and he personally presided over the meeting.

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, he bowed to everyone.

There was a burst of thunderous applause in the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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