Chapter 194 My Secret (1)

It's rare for her to be so tired, quietly let him manipulate like a puppet, but even so, Ye Xu's mood is not very good.

He hugged her waist tightly, then turned his head and planted a kiss on her forehead, and said softly, "Luo Xingxing, you can look at me."


"Almsgiver, good will be rewarded for good, and evil will be rewarded for evil. Doing good deeds every day can accumulate shade and blessings."

Holding the amulet, Wan Chun reverently thanked the host.

Her haggard face was full of melancholy and worries, and it was clear from her pale face that she hadn't been able to sleep well in the past few days.

She asked for many amulets, but she would dream of Li Kuihua every night.

Li Sunflower.
After three or four years, Li Kuihua came to her again. She thought Li Kuihua was here to talk about the old days, but
But she never expected that Li Kuihua came to threaten her
Wan Chun held the amulet and went down the ladder.

In order to go to this temple, she climbed for a long time, just to get a little shelter in front of the Buddha.

She is afraid of Li Kuihua's ghost.
I was afraid that Li Kuihua would come to her to claim her life, and I was even more afraid of her spiritual torture.

She dares to swear that she really did not intend to let Li Kuihua die.
she just
Suddenly, the sole of her foot slipped, Wanchun fell down the stairs, and then the world was turned upside down, her whole world was shaken upside down.

He didn't stop until he rolled to the bottom of the ladder.

But at this time, her whole body was in pain like broken bones, making her pain interdependent with her breathing.

Some people gathered around and pointed at her.

Wanchun's slack eyes were filled with horror, she thought that these people were here to talk about her murder of Li Kuihua.

She didn't kill it.
She just asked someone to teach Li Kuihua a lesson.
people really aren't
She didn't kill it! !

Someone was trying to help Wan Chun up, but Wan Chun was like a cat with a frown, bristling all over her body in fear, and bared her teeth and growled at these people, "Don't come near me!! Don't come here!! It’s not me!! Did you see me kill someone?? Don’t try to judge me!! It’s all her fault!! It’s her fault!! She shouldn’t have threatened me!!”

Passers-by looked at her with strange eyes, at a loss.

At this time someone said: "It is estimated that the head was broken, let's send her to the hospital quickly, her forehead is bleeding."

Hearing this, some courageous people stepped forward and forcibly dragged Wan Chun into the car and took her to the hospital.

And Wan Chun's head was full of buzzing sounds, like thousands of bees were flying non-stop in her head.

She wanted to calm down her chaotic brain, but it was uncomfortable.

Wan Chun weakly supported her forehead, under the torture of her mind and body, she wished she could just split herself open.

she doesn't want to endure the torture
she would rather die
It wasn't until the doctor injected her with a cooling potion that her buzzing head began to calm down.

Wan Chun closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep dream.

The past events many years ago have been deliberately ignored and forgotten by her brain, but when she fell today, all of them broke out of their cocoons and turned into moths of destruction, filling her brain.

In the era she lived in, love was not as free as it is now.

Her family is a declining wealthy businessman. Because of the reform of the times, the business is getting worse and worse.

It can even be predicted that in the near future, this industry will be replaced and then go extinct.

If you are used to living a life of rich clothes and fine food, you will not lower your quality of life.

She has to make some plans for her future life.

At that time, a wealthy businessman took a fancy to her.

She thought, whoever you marry is a marriage, and whoever you marry is a wife, a mother, and that's all for the rest of your life.

She also agreed to be with the rich businessman.

The rich businessman said his wife had died.

Therefore, she prepared to marry him with peace of mind.

But did not expect
The rich businessman's wife suddenly came to him. At that moment, she was extremely remorseful and shocked.

She went to question the rich businessman, but the rich businessman had already run away with the money, and she couldn't get in touch at all.

She has nothing.
Not even the last bit of hope.

She locked herself in the attic, she became more and more lethargic, and less and less willing to face this cruel reality.

Just when she thought her life would always be dark, Luo Fei appeared.

At that time, Luo Fei was just a not very rich person, but he was developing new products, and in time, he would be able to soar into the sky.

She didn't have any feelings for Luo Fei.

For love. For her who has no hope in life, she just wants to heal her wounds quietly.

Luo Fei has been working hard to accompany her, encourage her, and talk to her about the bright future.

He was full of positive energy, which made her unable to resist approaching him, and rekindled her hope.

cheated just cheated
her life is still so long
It should not be limited to this one love.

Over time, she was moved by Luo Fei.

She agreed to be with Luo Fei.

Later Luo Fei said that he fell in love with her because he fell in love with the melancholy temperament in her.

Melancholy? ?
She was cheated of her feelings and suffered from depression
The injury she once suffered has become something that others love.
She didn't know whether to be grateful or happy.

There is no doubt that she and Luo Fei are married.

The life after marriage was just as boring as she thought.

But Luo Fei's career is gradually starting, and she is really looking forward to the future.

It's just that within a few months, the rich man who had just left after patting his butt came to him again.

Fu Hao said that this time his wife really died.

She just finds it ridiculous, after all, whether his wife is dead or not has nothing to do with her.

She refused to continue to be with the rich man, but who knew that the rich man begged hard.

He even chased her home, and even sent something to provoke her.

In order to completely break off the relationship with the rich man, she offered to give money.

Of course, the rich man readily agreed, but he didn't expect that on the day they agreed to meet, the rich man didn't want any money at all.

The family of the rich man is an old European aristocrat, who came out to do business because of the change of the royal family, and has grown stronger now.

Sometimes, every time she thinks about that night, she feels depressed and regrets that she shouldn't go to see the rich man.

Yes, on the night when the rich man was supposed to give money, she was forced to sleep by the rich man.

She is already married to Luo Fei, which is undoubtedly a betrayal.
It is betrayal! !

She has no face to face Luo Fei, Luo Fei is so good.
so good.
Treat her so gently, so that she doesn't have to be exposed to wind and rain, and doesn't have to run around for her livelihood.

But she
Falling into depression again, that period of time was the most tormenting day she didn't want to recall.

She thought, swallowing the sleeping pills and closing her eyes, she would not have to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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