Chapter 660
Zhang Weixian's last words conveyed by Ye Xun were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, completely shattering all Zhang Xulian's fantasies.

To be honest, he believes that this is his father's last words, but believing it is one thing, and whether he agrees to it is another matter. If he admits this last words, then how can he, Mr. Zhang, have the face to mess with the court in the future? .

So after waking up, he said in a deep voice without raising his head: "My father-in-law, please forgive me for not agreeing with me. The reason why the family drove Liu's mother and son out of the house is that there is evidence that Zhang Xumin was not born by my father. I was concerned about my father's face, so I never told my father about it. Now my father-in-law said that he would give the duke title to a person of unknown origin, please forgive the Zhang family for not agreeing."

Ye Xun chose to bring this matter up at this time, hoping that the Zhang family would understand that if Zhang Weixian's last words were not carried out, he would ask the Zhang family brothers to do the surgery, but he didn't want Zhang Xulian to still bear it.

After quietly looking at Zhang Xulian for a while, he said, "Go back!"


Wu Chengxu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Xun waving his hand.

"I'm tired, and you must be tired too, come and see off the guests!"

After Ye Xun finished speaking, he ignored the two people still kneeling on the ground, turned around and walked back to the back hall.

Rengui has self-knowledge, Ye Xun has already given the steps to the Zhang brothers, but they are still obsessed with it, so it's no wonder Ye Xun.

As for Wu Chengxu, I can only say sorry. He is the Zhang family for a day, and he will always be. If he is still in charge of the Jinyiwei, he will definitely be a hidden time bomb. Clearing it up early will benefit everyone.

He hesitated before because he hadn't let go of his friendship with Zhang Weixian, but now he is dealing with the Zhang brothers to fulfill Comrade Zhang's last wish.

After leaving Ye Xun's mansion, Zhang Xulian and Wu Chengxu originally planned to go back to the mansion to discuss countermeasures with their clansmen, but when they stepped out of the gate, they were shocked to find that the gate of the mansion was already full of Xichang fans holding torches .

It wasn't until then that the two figured out that Ye Xun had already made two-handed preparations when he came to them today. If they agreed to Zhang Xumin's succession to the duke, they should now exchange cups with Ye Xun.

In the light of the fire, Hu Jiucheng stepped out and said with a sinister smile, "Master Zhang, Martial Governor, please!"

Wu Chengxu was obviously not reconciled, and pretended to be calm and authentic: "Master Hu, this governor was personally appointed by Eunuch Ye. Speaking of which, we are still a family, you"

"Pull it down quickly! If your men didn't tell me what you did, I would really treat you as a brother! Yongfu, come and explain to Marshal Wu what's going on."

Interrupting Wu Chengxu's words, while Hu Jiucheng was speaking, he waved his hand and called someone from the side.

When Wu Chengxu saw this person, he couldn't help but stare angrily, and cursed: "It turns out that you are the slave who betrayed me, and I will kill you!"

Before Wu Chengxu jumped up, "Wow!" There was a soft sound, and dozens of firecrackers were pointed at him and Zhang Xulian.

As the commander of Jinyiwei, how could Wu Chengxu not know the latest firecrackers of the Ming army?

Seeing dozens of black muzzles, he calmed down immediately.

The man named Yongfu was a Jinyiwei Tongzhi who was wearing a big red flying fish suit.

Seeing Wu Chengxu calm down, he cast a contemptuous look at him, and then said: "I warned you a long time ago, don't betray your father-in-law, but you didn't listen, so I can't blame my brother."

While speaking, Yongfu took out a will from his bosom, unfolded it, and read it aloud.

"Investigate! Jinyiwei Commander Wu Chengxu conspired to harm the imperial court envoy, bribed the street people to spread rumors, slandered the important officials of the court, and immediately removed from the post of Jinyi admiral, and handed over to the Xichang for strict trial! Come, take it down!"

Following Yongfu's angry shout, more than a dozen Xichang fanzi quickly stepped forward and tied the two of them up swiftly.

Zhang Xulian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled: "Haha, eunuch! Let's see how long you can be rampant, kill someone Zhang, and you can stop the mouth of the world."

Before he finished speaking, someone gagged his mouth, and then threw him and Wu Chengxu into a carriage. After the carriage started, the surrounding fans also followed the carriage and headed towards Xichang.

At this moment, Hu Jiucheng came over and patted Yongfu on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Master Wei, you can correct your mistakes if you know your mistakes. There is nothing good about it. I also found the biggest ghost for my father-in-law. My father-in-law will definitely reward you."

Yongfu's full name is Wei Yongfu. He is Wu Chengxu's post-changing brother and Wu Chengxu's most trusted person.

After Hu Jiucheng arrested the chief arrester of Shuntian Mansion, this buddy took the initiative to find Hu Jiucheng and surrendered.

It turned out that Wu Chengxu secretly hired a few beggars to spread the Nine Thousand Years theory according to Zhang Xulian's instructions.

With Wei Yongfu's testimony, everything would be logical, and if Wu Chengxu had been a little more rational just now, maybe Ye Xun would have kept him, but it's too late to say anything now.

The family members they brought with them when they went to Ye Xun's house for a banquet were also arrested, so the Zhang family didn't know that the two brothers had been arrested.

Zhang Weixian's funeral was not over yet, so he could no longer go to Zhang's mansion to arrest people. Ye Xun had already planned the whereabouts of the Zhang family brothers, that is, to send their three brothers to Luzon and Ryukyu respectively.

Sitting in the study and listening to Hu Jiucheng's report, Ye Xun couldn't help but sighed deeply.

If the title of Duke of England fell to any one of the three brothers of the Zhang family, I am afraid it would not be the situation today.

Old Zhang, old Zhang, you old fox, you are really good at calculating!

"Father-in-law, although the rumors won't stop for a while, what my subordinates are really worried about are those students. If they really start to make trouble, I'm afraid it won't end well!"

Reforming the imperial examinations is tantamount to offending all scholars in the world, including many courtiers.

Under Ye Xun's coercion, these courtiers dare not blatantly support those scholars who are about to make trouble, but they will support them secretly, or even contribute to the flames, and they will definitely not be idle.

Although the situation of gentlemen being noble and military being inferior is gradually changing, but if Hu Jiucheng and other warriors are to take action against those powerless scholars, they are really a little bit reluctant to do so, that's why they asked this question.

After a moment of silence, Ye Xun suddenly smiled and said: "What should come will always come, just do your job well, and don't worry about the rest."

Hu Jiucheng was confused when he heard it, but seeing Ye Xun's expression was determined, he obviously had a way to deal with it, so he couldn't help but feel relieved, secretly thought, it must be his father-in-law, and such a big crisis is coming, but still Mount Tai collapsed before him. Don't change color, admire, admire
If Ye Xun knew what Hu Jiucheng was thinking, he would definitely tell him, what the hell do you admire?There are still a few months before the big exam, and I haven't issued an order to the whole country. If someone jumps out to make trouble at this time, I have ten thousand reasons to deal with him.

I want to think about it, but there are still some necessary precautions. For example, before that, should I find something for the students to do?
(End of this chapter)

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