at the beginning: Build the Star Sea Battleship

Chapter 31 Collecting supplies, Bai Wen found survivors

Chapter 31 Collecting supplies, Bai Wen found survivors

Even though these supplies are commonplace, this space storage box is very precious.

If Lin Feng goes to the island to collect supplies, he can directly use it to pack them, which saves time spent on the road.

"It's just that the diving suit is airtight, and it doesn't seem to have much effect!"

Lin Feng scoffed and put away all the supplies.

All he needs to do now is to collect all the supplies on the island as soon as possible, and then return to the raft.

Although he didn't see anyone on the nearby sea, if someone happened to come to this place and stole his raft directly, wouldn't he want to cry without tears?

Lin Feng took the space storage box and landed on the island, walking straight to a palm tree.

Relying on the C-level ax in his hand, Lin Feng can cut down trees quite easily. A palm tree only needs three axes on average.

On the other side, Bai Wen is collecting supplies at the moment, and she wants to collect more wooden boxes for Lin Feng.

She saw from the chat area before that some people had already met other people at sea.

But after they met, they were not excited because they could see people. On the contrary, they fought and robbed resources from time to time.

She wasn't too worried about Lin Feng, after all, Lin Feng had the ability to protect himself, and now she was most worried about her best friend.

Although she taught Xia some self-defense tactics before, but in this vast world, no one knows who she will meet.

So it's hard to say whether those tricks are enough.

At the same time, she herself was on full alert. Although she had a wide view of the sea, there were a few people who suddenly appeared in places she didn't notice.

I'm afraid she won't be able to handle it then.

Because what she saw in the chat area was that when some people met other survivors at sea, they would take action to snatch supplies, and some even killed people and robbed them, just like robbers.

All that she knew was seen in the chat area.

"Xia, you must pay attention to your own safety!"

Although she knew that Xia Tian also liked Lin Feng, she didn't mind at all, instead she was always worried about Xia Tian, ​​after all Xia Tian was her best girlfriend.

And Xia Tian said before that she doesn't mind sharing a boyfriend with her.

She had talked about this matter with Lin Feng before, and Lin Feng's attitude was very indifferent, he was not afraid of meeting other people at sea.

According to Lin Feng's words, if he meets other people, if this person has a little bit of impure motives, he will never show mercy.

At the same time, Lin Feng also asked Bai Wen to pay more attention to her own safety, and told her not to be soft-hearted.

Because in this world, there is no legal constraint, let alone moral supervision.

Bai Wen knew that Lin Feng cared about her very much, and she was very happy in her heart, and she also made up her mind that she must see Lin Feng completely and become Lin Feng's woman.

With the help of the C-level axe, Lin Feng quickly collected the supplies on the island, and at the moment he was lying on the beach not far from the raft basking in the sun.

In the previous world, Lin Feng had never seen the sea a few times, let alone being able to lie leisurely on the beach like now.

Lin Feng took out his iPad, looked at the chat area, and then clicked on Bai Wen's chat box.

"Husband, I found a raft in the sea with a woman on it."

"It looks very similar to the clothes I wore in the summer before. I'm going to go and have a look."

"I will pay attention to safety, you wait for me."

Seeing the message from Bai Wen, Lin Feng couldn't care less about basking in the sun, so he sat up and started sending messages to Bai Wen.

Because he found out that Bai Wen sent her these messages 10 minutes ago.

"This girl said before that she should pay attention to other survivors, but now she forgot!"

Lin Feng was very anxious at the moment, he was eager to know Bai Wen's situation.

"Wife, how are you?"

"If it wasn't for Xia Tian, ​​you would take a look at it from a distance and leave. Don't go there."

"Don't be so kind, remember that good people in this world don't necessarily get good rewards!"

Lin Feng knew that Bai Wen was a black belt in Taekwondo and usually liked to fight against injustices, but she was kind-hearted.

In terms of strength, Bai Wen may not lose, but if she plays with her mind, she may not be able to beat others.

So what Lin Feng was worried about was that Bai Wen would meet that kind of survivor with ulterior motives.

"Why don't you reply?"

"There shouldn't be any danger, right?"

"Yesterday I told me to pay attention to the survivors at sea, but now I forgot!"

Lin Feng muttered something, and then kept staring at the ipad, hoping to see Bai Wen's news as soon as possible.

On the other side, Bai Wen was paddling hard at this moment.

The distance between the rafts of the two people was also gradually approaching, and after more than half an hour, the two rafts came into contact.

Bai Wen put down the paddle and walked to the survivor's raft.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Wake up, wake up!"

Because the survivor was lying face down on the raft, Bai Wen could only walk up to her and take a closer look.

She had to make sure if this person was her best friend Xia Tian.

Therefore, Bai Wen lifted the woman's hair to see her face clearly.

"It's not summer!"

Bai Wen suddenly felt a little depressed, and then helped the woman to sit on the raft.

She could tell that this woman was still alive, but her condition was not very good, she was basically half dead.

"Hey, it's all here, let's help her!"

Bai Wen looked at this beautiful woman and sighed.

She still can't change this problem, and she wants to help when she sees the weak.

Among the people who pinched the woman hard, after a while, she saw the woman slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me!"

The woman said a little weakly.

"You're welcome, it's a little bit of help. Now that you're awake, I should go!"

Bai Wen was going to go back to her raft and leave this place.

"Please, don't leave me alone."

"I am Jing Jing, you will be my benefactor from now on, as long as you don't leave me behind, you can ask me to do anything in the future!"

Quietly held Bai Wen's clothes corners with her hands and cried, looking completely pitiful.

I'm afraid many men can't help but help her when they see her like this.

Bai Wen also thought about rejecting her, and then left, but... In the end, she still didn't give up.

Because this woman named Jingjing told her one thing, she met other survivors last night.

"I met a beast, he was not human at all."

"All my supplies were washed away by the waves, so I asked him for some food."

"At first he gave, I thought he was a good guy."

"But...but I didn't expect that he would rape me in the night, destroy my raft, and then lock me up."

"In the end, he actually proposed to let me be his slave, woo woo..."

(End of this chapter)

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