at the beginning: Build the Star Sea Battleship

Chapter 28: Bad Luck and Discovery of Research Materials

Chapter 28: Bad Luck and Discovery of Research Materials

"Haha, my husband is just that powerful!"

Listening to the beeping sound of the ipad, Bai Wen sent a message.

"I didn't find the island, but I collected two wooden boxes just now, and there are two remnants of C-level treasure maps inside."

"(C-level treasure map fragment*2) transaction (none)"

Seeing the transaction request sent by Bai Wen, Lin Feng smiled even more happily.

"I said you don't have to work hard to collect supplies anymore, but you are still disobedient!"

"The sun is so strong, be careful to tan you!"

Although he said so, Lin Feng was quite happy in his heart.

"I just don't want you to be too tired, so let me do what I can!"

Looking at the message sent by Bai Wen, Lin Feng also understood that Bai Wen didn't want to make him too tired.


"(C grade sea fish*2) trade (none)"

Lin Feng casually grabbed two C-grade sea fish from the fish tank, and left them for Bai Wen to trade.

And now Bai Wen is not as cautious as before, she directly received the sea fish sent by Lin Feng, and then started to deal with it.

She has completely put herself in the position of Lin Feng's wife, so she is willing to grill fish for Lin Feng.

Seeing the increasingly clear outline of the island, Lin Feng straightened his mind and continued fishing.

Anyway, the island is still far away, and he won't be there in a while, so there's no need for him to be in such a hurry.

Taking advantage of the time now, why not catch more sea fish and trade them for resources.

Maybe he can still settle on this island!
Excitedly thinking about the future island life, time passed bit by bit, and the supplies floating around the raft gradually increased.

He took out the S-rank flying tiger claws and hooked towards the nearest log.

After a while, Lin Feng pulled the wood onto the raft.

Since he has been eating graded food, Lin Feng's physique has become much stronger than before. Now that he collects so many supplies every day, he will not feel tired.

After about an hour, Lin Feng had already collected all the supplies floating around.

Except...a strange wooden box!

This wooden box was the same as last time, floating on the sea for a while and sinking into the water for a while.

With the previous experience, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, he just waited for the wooden box to float around the raft before picking it up.


Seeing the weird wooden box gradually drifting to the side of the raft, Lin Feng seized the opportunity and directly hooked it.

The flying tiger's claws clamped firmly on the wooden box, and the wooden box didn't sink into the water, but with the strength from the flying tiger's claws, it gradually leaned against the side of the raft.

It took a little effort before Lin Feng fished out the strange wooden box from the sea.

"I don't know what good things will be in this, hehe!"

Lin Feng laughed excitedly, this was the second weird wooden box he picked up from the sea.

It was the first time he opened a remnant of a C-level treasure map from inside, and this time it should be the last one!
He opened the lid of the wooden box three times, five times and two times, and a B-level wooden bed manufacturing drawing appeared in Lin Feng's eyes.

"I'm's this again!"

After scoffing, Lin Feng put away the drawings.

Although he already has a wooden bed, maybe he can sell it to others in exchange for some resources in the future!

What he wants most now is the remnants of the C-level treasure map. He already has five in his hand. As long as he can get five more remnants, he can synthesize a complete treasure map.

"By the way, it seems that eight wooden boxes were traded last night and have not been opened. Why did I forget!"

Lin Feng patted his forehead, then turned and walked towards the wooden house.

Walking to a corner of the wooden house, eight wooden boxes were neatly stacked in the corner.

Lin Feng moved them one by one to the raft outside, and then eagerly opened them one by one.

"Obtain wood*5, palm leaf*5, glass*2"

"Obtain palm leaves*5, glass*2"

"Obtain wood*8, palm leaves*2, glass*2, plastic*1"

"Obtain wood*4, plastic*3, iron ingot*1"


Eight wooden boxes were opened in a row, not to mention the remnants of the C-level treasure map, not even a manufacturing map.

"I'm Oo..."

Lin Feng's face was as black as carbon. Counting these eight, he had already opened nine wooden boxes today, and they turned out to be ordinary supplies.

"Bad luck today!"

With a scoff, Lin Feng resentfully walked aside, and began to water the cucumber seedlings.

Compared with the unopened wooden box, Lin Feng still prefers the cucumber seedlings in front of him.

It's only been two days, and the cucumber seedlings have reached a height of more than ten centimeters. I'm afraid he will be able to eat fresh cucumbers in a few days.

"There is also Bai Wen, who can also eat fresh... cucumbers, haha!"

After watering the cucumbers, his stomach began to growl. He hasn't had time to eat anything since morning!
Turning on the iPad, Lin Feng found that Bai Wen had sent him the grilled sea fish an hour ago, but he was busy collecting supplies and fishing at that time, so he didn't see it.

"Hmph, go to the chat area after eating later, I don't believe that no one has collected the weird wooden box!"

After taking a bite of the fish, Lin Feng said indignantly.

He really couldn't believe that his luck was so bad, even after opening nine wooden boxes, he didn't find a single precious item.

The smell of sea fish soon made Lin Feng forget about it, and ate Bai Wen's grilled fish with relish, and then drank the water purified by the S-class sea water purifier.

"Life is so beautiful, how can I be so irritable, I have to calm down!"

With a sneer, Lin Feng threw the leftover fish bones into the sea, washed his hands, and started wandering around the chat area.

The chat area is still hot. After a morning of material collection, many people who destroyed the raft by the waves last night have rebuilt the raft.

Some people were lucky enough to collect wooden boxes, and thus obtained a lot of resources, and even had the opportunity to open some special things from the wooden boxes.

Some people without food or water, have used their resources to start trading what they need in the chat area.

From the top to the bottom, Lin Feng didn't see anyone using weird wooden boxes or C-level treasure maps to trade supplies.

However, there was a news about a person trading water and food with research materials that attracted Lin Feng's interest.

"(Research data*1) trade (drinking water*1) or (food*1)"

"I opened this one out of a weird wooden box. I don't know what it can be used for, but I think it is very precious!"

Looking at the message on the screen, Lin Feng suddenly became thoughtful.

The research materials are the basic materials used to make the research table. If there is no research material, he does not know when his research table will be manufactured.

Besides, now he only has a C-level research table manufacturing map in his hand. As for the research materials, he doesn't have a single one.

But today happened to happen, and Lin Feng would definitely not let this opportunity pass by.

(End of this chapter)

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