Chapter 378 Think About Your Future

"Let me see." Mother Su took the menu and looked at it seriously, and ticked several items.

He was still chanting, "You used to love this dry pot cauliflower, and this shrimp."

Hearing this, Su Zhizhi's fingertips holding the phone were a little stiff. No matter how much she didn't care whether her mother loved her or not, she would be touched by her little concern and feel warm in her heart.

"Okay, I'll just order these, and see if there are other important points." After ticking off five or six items, Su's mother handed them the menu.

In the past, she was absolutely reluctant to order so much, but later she became rich, and after she suffered a serious illness, she looked away.

So it will become more and more generous.

Thinking of the time when she was stingy and irritable, Mother Su couldn't help thinking of Su Zhizhi. At that time, Su Zhizhi was only in the fifth and sixth grades, and she was extremely clingy. She would cry if she didn't answer a phone call a day.

After all, she has to go to work, Su Zhizhi annoys her like this.

Afterwards, her mother told her that Zhizhi was still young at that time and she didn't understand what divorce was. She only knew that one day she might not be able to find you.

She's just too scared, which is why she's so annoying.

Su's mother felt better after hearing this. Su Zhizhi was still very attached to her when she was in junior high school. Sometimes she took the two little ones by the hand, but Su Zhizhi would get angry and unhappy if she didn't hold Su Zhizhi.

But most of the time it doesn't happen.

Gradually, Su's mother couldn't remember when it started. This clingy child stopped being clingy, and she was far away from her.

She doesn't even need her own concern anymore, but she will still treat her and her family well.

"I'll just order these." The younger sister quickly ordered and handed it to Su Zhizhi.

Su Zhizhi handed it directly to the waiter, "This is fine, thank you."

"Okay, wait a moment." The waiter quickly went down with the menu.

The three of them had their own concerns, and Su Zhizhi took the lead to break the silence, "Sister, are you going to be a waiter all the time? Now is not the past. If you have any interests, I think you can try to develop them, such as opening a shop or something." That's fine too."

"Yes, yes, there is no future in being a waiter, you still have to think about climbing up."

Su's mother also echoed her voice. She used to think that Su Zhizhi was disobedient and dishonest, always thinking of wishful thinking, while her youngest daughter was quieter and more honest.

Basically, they are listening to the work arranged at home.

Now that Su Zhizhi is on fire, her mind has changed again, and she still has to fight.

"I don't know." My sister shook her head without thinking at all.

Su Zhizhi is too aware of this situation, and has no opinion.

She was also like this when she was a child, she cared about everything at home, she didn't have any ideas of her own, it changed later, the time she insisted on entering the entertainment industry to film was probably the first time she had to do it regardless of her family's resistance.

She didn't spend the family's money and climbed up alone. She was lucky and was spotted by scouts.

"Think about it."

"How can I not know, you see a nail salon, a flower shop is also good, right?" Su's mother looked at her little daughter with hatred.

"I can do it." The younger sister still had that casual attitude.

"Don't answer me like this. You have to make a decision yourself. Once you make a decision, you have to work hard and stick to it. Find a way to manage it well, instead of closing the business if you think it can't be done well."

Su Zhizhi frowned, obviously dissatisfied with her answer.

"I really don't know." The younger sister sighed, her eyes fixed on her.

(End of this chapter)

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