Chapter 258 You Go First, Find Someone Quickly
"Where is it?" Xu Zhiyan didn't dare to rummage around her, for fear of touching the wound.

Su Zhizhi's face is pale now, with cold sweat constantly breaking out from his forehead, as if he will pass out in the next second.

"Pants pocket, left side, don't touch my right hand, other places don't seem to be injured."

"Okay." Xu Zhiyan gently took out the ropes from her pocket.

She threw it up, but the hole was too deep, and she had a wound on her hand, so she couldn't use much strength, so she couldn't throw it up several times.

Wang Dahuan at the top was also a little anxious.

Liu Ying was afraid. After all, it was getting darker and darker, and it would be more difficult for them to go out at night.

She didn't dare to leave alone, so she could only look at Wang Dahuan, "Why don't we go first, go back and find someone quickly, waiting here is not an option."

"No, we just walked for so long and didn't go out. What if we still can't go out later, let them stay below and have no food, or encounter snakes, what should we do?"

Wang Dahuan shook his head and was reluctant to leave first. The voices of the two people talking were not low, and there was an echo in the woods, so the two people below could naturally hear it.

Xu Zhiyan also felt that it would be better to let them go first and go back to find someone.

After all, even if the rope was thrown up, they might not have the strength to climb up.

"Throw some fruit down, go back first, remember the location, and find someone quickly, Zhizhi's hand fell badly, and my hand was also injured, so I don't even have the strength to climb up."

Wang Dahuan, who originally wanted to stay and find a way to save them and go with them, gave up waiting for them when he heard this.

She carried the biggest bag of fruit and slowly slid down to the other side.

"Then protect yourselves, we must go out as soon as possible and find someone!"

"Okay." Xu Zhiyan watched the fruit slide down, ran out of the bag, went over to tidy up the fruit, and put it aside.

He turned his head and glanced at Su Zhizhi who was still daring to move at the beginning. "Does your hand hurt? Can't move at all?"

"It hurts so much, I dare not move." Su Zhizhi couldn't describe the pain, it was probably like the whole bone was broken abruptly and pierced into the flesh.

She couldn't exert herself.

"Is it like this all over the arm?"


"I'll hold your left shoulder, can you sit right behind you? I'm afraid you'll be numb when you're like this." Xu Zhiyan asked.

After all, Su Zhizhi's current sitting posture is indeed a little weird. The whole person is leaning on the right side, bent at the waist, and looks very tired.

"Okay." Su Zhizhi said hoarsely, she couldn't sit still, but her right hand hurt too much, she dared not move.

"I'll support you, and tell me if it hurts." Xu Zhiyan gently supported her left arm and the waist near the left.

Slowly straightening her upright, leaning her back against the cave wall, just such a small movement already made Su Zhizhi's forehead sweat even more.

Xu Zhiyan didn't know medicine, and he didn't dare to touch her right hand, for fear of aggravating the injury.

Although the fruit was thrown down, she saw that she couldn't tell whether it was the snake's blood or their blood, so she didn't dare to eat it.

After all, snakes are poisonous, so we can only hope that Wang Dahuan and the others will find someone quickly.

When it was quiet, Xu Zhiyan found that Su Zhizhi had fallen asleep.

She frowned, and stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, the temperature was terribly hot, "Zhizhi?"

"Huh?" Su Zhizhi opened his eyes vaguely, with heavy eyelids.

My whole body is uncomfortable, and my right hand hurts too.

(End of this chapter)

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