final catastrophe

Chapter 86 34. Sea Sentence

Chapter 86 34. Sea Sentence (please collect, please recommend)

At night, there was a sound of fighting in the distance. The sound had just begun, but it was over.

Then the door of the grocery store was opened, and a delicate figure was thrown in.

Xia Ji gently took the figure, and looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you here to save me?"

Xia Tian didn't answer, she pulled the messy black hair hanging from her temples, coughed twice, and then retreated to the corner of the grocery store.

One of the reasons why she made a move even though she knew she had failed was because this strange man somehow took the blame and threw herself away, so she reciprocated by doing so.

Second, it is expected that with this man's strength, he will never be imprisoned here. He must have a purpose in doing so, so she followed in, which can be regarded as an exchange of trust to a certain extent.

One light and one dark, two reasons, made her attack with the power of "not to be subjected to the same sea punishment", and then she was successfully caught and thrown into the grocery room.

"It's been more than 20 days, has your embroidery spirit condensed yet?" Xia Ji asked again.


"It's really stupid. It took me so long to concentrate on doing one thing, but I still haven't succeeded." Xia Ji said disdainfully.

Xia Tian gritted her teeth and didn't answer, it was the first time someone dared to call my mother stupid.
During these times, I was already very talented to complete the first step of building the "false pulse", and the reason why I didn't dare to condense it immediately was also a "test period" mentioned in the exercises. If there is no such test period, How can we know whether the construction of the "false pulse" is really successful, or is it superficial?
She rolled her big eyes, and countered: "You are amazing, why were you caught and thrown into the grocery store, and let a little girl like me come to save you!"

Xia Ji chuckled: "I'm happy."

I am happy, it is the most powerful reason under the sun.

The girl immediately shut up. It was just the severe cold at night. She burrowed through the cuffs and neckline of her not-so-thick coat. She shivered, but she just shrank tighter to keep warm.

Suddenly, a coat wrapped her body, she raised her eyebrows, and met the strange man's eyes.

This look. So familiar?
Xia Ji was wearing thin clothes, revealing a leopard-like muscular body, and then he sat back in the distance, far away from her.

Xia Tian pulled her robe silently: "You are not cold."

"It's not cold, and it won't be cold even if you take off another layer." Xia Ji said truthfully.

"Bah." Xia Tian heard a hint of ruffian from this sentence, and couldn't help turning her head away.

In the dark night, all kinds of noise came from everywhere like the sea.

But what the two of them could hear most clearly was each other's breathing, and the white air exhaled in the moonlight through the barred windows.

"Why did you arrest me to go to sea?" Xia Tian couldn't help asking.

"I appreciate your extraordinary talent, so I want to pass on what you have learned in your life." Xia Ji was full of nonsense.

"Then do you know that I am the robber?" Xia Tian said lightly, her identity is not concealed, so she simply said it clearly.

"I don't know." Xia Ji shook his head decisively.

"." Xia Tian felt that she had nothing to say, but when she wanted to say more, she found that the strange man was already asleep, lying on the "bed" made of two large grocery boxes.

The next day.

The light of dawn covered the blue sea, and the calmness of the main channel appeared at this time.

Several guards rushed into the utility room very early, escorted the strange man to the deck, and put him on the railing.

Soon, a group of passengers gathered around and looked at the immobile man in the middle.

"This is the man who killed Miss Su of the Sugar Society, and the Skynet is fully intact. We discovered him when he was about to dispose of the corpse in the middle of the night!" The leader of the guards spoke impassionedly.

Beside him is the shrewd man in green robe, who is full of sadness at this moment.

Passengers looked on.

"The villain was finally caught, and I said that Miss Su's disappearance is not normal."

"The Sugar Society? Could it be the Sugar Society of the Ninth Society?"

"How dare this villain touch people from the Sugar Association?"

"It's no wonder he's so eccentric, even eating in a corner alone with his companions."

"His companion?"

The guard leader waved his hands and said, "His companion tried to rob the prison last night, but we have also subdued him and locked him in the grocery room, so please rest assured."

"Then the execution time is up, and I will give you the sea punishment."

Xia Ji urged: "Hurry up."

"Tough mouth." The guard leader sneered, then stretched out his muscular arms and pushed him down the railing heavily.

There was a soft "flutter", and everyone rushed to the fence to watch, but only saw a figure, that figure fell and fell, without any struggle, begging for help, or begging for mercy, but sank straight to the bottom of the water like a real stone. Soon it was gone.

Then the group of people gradually dispersed and started talking about this matter as a topic of conversation.

And Xia Tian, ​​who was padding her feet in the grocery room, covered her mouth to cover up the scream she wanted to make
She calmed down and looked at the empty deck.

He murmured, "How could that be?"

The wind is sunny and the seabirds are low back.

Suddenly, there was a panicked sound from the high cab of the Sanctuary Bird. The leader of the guard was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he was being hijacked, and hurriedly led his people to run up.

But there was only the captain in the cabin, and the man in the white hat was sweating profusely and panicked.

"What happened?" the guard leader asked.


The man didn't speak, but turned the rudder wheel with all his strength, sometimes turned to the left to the end, and sometimes turned to the right frantically, but no matter how he manipulated, the boat was not affected at all.

The leader of the escort can clearly see the bow of the ship slowly turning to the left through the wide-view glass in front
His heart skipped a beat, then he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to go out temporarily.

Then, when there were only two people left in the entire cab, he opened his mouth and asked tentatively in an extremely bitter voice: "Did you deviate from the main channel? Is there something wrong with the ship engine?"

The captain paled and shook his head, "I've checked everything, the boat is fine."


The captain's face seemed to be about to cry, and he suddenly let go of his hands and left the steering wheel as if to verify his thoughts.

If the rudder wheel does not rotate, the ship should go forward.

However, the bow of the ship is still deviated. The figure of the "Sugar Moon" on the bow is facing to the left, and it is still deviated. Most of the ship's body has completely left the main channel and stepped into unknown waters.

The bow of the ship has moved away from the sun and is in the shadows, and the front facing the bow is no longer a calm water area where seabirds linger, but is replaced by blurred and hazy water mist.

 Thank you Tiancheng Guya, Maizimi for your tip!I hope you will continue to support Sheshui :)

(End of this chapter)

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