final catastrophe

Chapter 84 32. Voyage

Chapter 84 32. Voyage (please recommend, please collect)

Breakfast is simple.

Grilled fish pieces are never missing, followed by eggs, oranges, an extra thin rice porridge, and a side dish.

Xia Tian sat on the edge, carefully observing the diners on board.

There are a lot of merchants, and there are also swordsmen who closed their eyes and meditated, pretending to be deep. They probably traveled across the ocean to explore the true meaning of martial arts. In addition, there are some people with unfriendly faces and twinkling eyes. They are probably escaped bandits, and some are tourists. , FIT.

On the big chair in the center of the dining room was a man in armor, who presumably was the guard on the ship and belonged to the middleman, so no one dared to make a mistake in the face of it.

After eating, Xia Tian thought about it, and went to bring a breakfast for the strange man, after all, he saved herself.

But he was rejected straightforwardly. The waiter explained: "You must come to the restaurant in person to receive a meal. This is the rule on the ship."

Xia Tian thanked her, and suddenly felt strange emotions in her heart. She thought of the plate of dishes on the bedside when she woke up.Which man spared this to eat for himself?
He cares about himself?
Xia Tian squinted her eyes, and when she returned to the room, she rolled her eyes, walked to the bed and knocked on the iron railing beside the bed, and said loudly: "Xiaoji, wake up."

While shouting, her eyes scanned the man's chin and ears, trying to find some clues.

The man on the bed opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other.

Xia Ji showed doubts and asked: "What Xiaoji?"

"It's nothing."

There was no disappointment on Xia Tian's face, she just had a thought and wanted to try it.

Because although this strange man's face and figure are different from Xiaoji's, he still gives him a familiar feeling, maybe... maybe he is Xiaoji's transformation?After all, his younger brother has become incomprehensible to himself since he won the title of "Yuntian Daojun".

Wait, no, maybe this younger brother has become weird since he was reborn.

However, everything is possible, maybe this world, my brother is like this?

She didn't think about it anymore, because no matter what, he was her little pole, a relative connected by blood.

With her thoughts settled, she made herself a cup of hot tea, sat by the round thick glass window in the cabin and looked out at the endless sea, feeling her body gently bumping with the ups and downs of the waves, even though the noise outside the door was getting louder and louder. It got heavier, but her eyelids twitched, and she felt drowsy.

Looking at the strange man on top of the bunk bed who rolled over and fell asleep, unprepared for breakfast, she dared not feel any danger.

She reminded herself that this was wrong.

Then, unable to bear it any longer, she also got on the bed and got into the bed.

I slept through the afternoon and missed lunch time.

Outside the window, the weather on the sea is a little gloomy, and the waves are mixed with light and dark, as if mixed with mud, cloudy and no longer blue.

"A storm is coming." The man on top of the bed suddenly woke up and looked out the window, "Don't run around to the deck, the wind and waves have no eyes, and once you enter this breathless sea, no matter how powerful your martial arts are, it will be useless. "

Xia Tian squinted at him with her big eyes, thoughtfully.

If he hid himself in this stormy weather, would he run to the deck to find himself?
Then I hide in a place suitable for "push", is there any chance to push him into the sea?

Soon, she overturned her plan.

Because there is only one chance to make a phone call, she will not be reckless, she will only act after making a plan!

Try it out!

She needs to test first to find out the bottom line of the person in front of her.

After all, getting along with her during this period of time has made her more and more aware that this person is unfathomable. Even if she gave herself the "Sunflower Secret Code", at least it is a skill above rank seven, but rank eight is still rank nine, or is it
She couldn't make a judgment.

Of course, normal people will be grateful for such a gift from others, and even think that this person is really good to themselves.

After all, he saved himself first, and then gave him appropriate and extremely precious exercises.

But Xia Tian won't.

The butcher is also very kind to the pigs, feeding them and building them a place to live, but what they do is just the last knife.

This person hijacked him, and he was not honest about his purpose, so he would be more at ease if he died.

"Well, this is the first time I've seen a storm at sea." Xia Tiandian nodded, following his words, which was a manifestation of a "harmonious atmosphere".

Xia Ji who was wearing a mask didn't speak any more, he got out of bed suddenly.

Xia Tian controlled her body so that she would not retreat vigilantly to show her trust.

Xia Ji looked at the cheap sister, smiled, then ran to the door, fiddled with it, and hung up a light brown square wooden sign with "hot water demand".

Turning around and pulling the waterproof cloth, he said, "You can take a bath at night to warm up your body. You don't have to worry, I'm not interested in your body. Well, or I can go on the deck."

Xia Tian said in a tone of "seems to be very concerned": "But tonight's storm, the deck will be very dangerous, no matter how good your martial arts are, you can't resist natural disasters. Why don't you stay indoors."

Xia Ji smiled, and said lightly: "It's okay."

"Oh" Xia Tian responded softly, but stopped talking, feeling the growing turbulence, watching the already dull waves on both sides turn over like giant beasts, her eyes flickering.

Dinner was still simple, just hot pasta, and because of the severe cold, there was also shochu available for purchase on board, bottle by bottle.

Many passengers chose to buy it, and even the women who didn't usually drink alcohol drank some, their faces were flushed, and they looked alluring in the flickering candlelight.

But these people did not include Xia Ji and Xia Tian.

The two have a tacit understanding and eat well at the same time, and they don't talk to the people around them.

In another corner, there are also some lonely people, and there are even discordant quarrels.

Noisy, noisy, each in his own way.

Putting down the chopsticks, Xia Tian smiled sweetly: "I'm going to take a bath, are you coming?"

Xia Ji shook his head and said, "I'll wait for you outside the house."

"You can stay in the restaurant. After all, it's warmer here and there are more people. Today, the boat will also provide salted fish jelly made from newly caught sea fish. You can eat some more."

"Why should I listen to you?" Xia Ji said lightly, now I'm not your brother.

"Yeah." Xia Tian didn't say much anymore, she turned around and left the restaurant. The dead man downstairs had been directly buried at sea, but the house was still closed for disinfection.

The guards on the ship first searched the ship inside and out, and after confirming that there were no enemies hiding in the dark, they went to warn the passengers on the ship separately, telling them that no matter what the purpose was, whether there was any grievance between them, it was best to wait until they boarded the ship. Shore reprocessing.

Partition walls have ears, and there is no impenetrable wall in the world. The first time is a fluke, but the second time is not necessarily so.

And if the perpetrator is caught, no matter who it is, he will be thrown into the sea.

And while the passengers were still discussing it, it was clear that the matter had been settled.

Xia Tian was bathed in a wooden barrel of warm water, the human voice had been isolated, and the only thing left was the never-ending noise in the engine room, the pitching of the ship, and the waves outside the window.

That man, is he on deck?

 Thank you for your support :)

  Jianshui will definitely write this book well and write a special world and story.

(End of this chapter)

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