The years of reselling the haunted house

Chapter 963 The Strange Villager

Chapter 963 The Strange Villager

"Lao Meng is the old village head of Sanyangpu, named Meng Baolu. We came here to find him. Ah yes, a big incident happened in this village not long ago. Could it be related to the carp leaping over the dragon gate you mentioned? what?"

I nodded: "Of course this possibility is not ruled out, so let's enter the village first. But after entering the village, you drive the donkey cart slower, and I will observe the environment of the village."

Huang Wenbai nodded frequently: "Don't worry, Master Sai."

The title of my Master Sai was actually called out by Huang Wenbai.Fat Dahai kept covering his mouth and laughing, and I didn't bother to correct Huang Wenbai.A name is just a code name, as long as you know it’s me.

Huang Wenbo drove the donkey cart from the entrance of the village to the inside of the village.

When we stopped the donkey cart and observed around the two big willow trees, it was not too late at that time, just after noon.It is said that there should be many people in the village who come and go from the village.But from the time we arrived at the entrance of the village to the time we entered the village, no one came out of the village from the beginning to the end.

This is a bit strange, in my opinion, it further confirms my feng shui judgment.If the carp is dead, the death spirit in this village must be very strong.All the villagers in this village should be affected.

But as we entered the village, my thoughts were dispelled.Because there are two completely different scenes in the village and outside the village.

No one was seen outside the village, it was deserted.But in this village, the streets are full of people, very lively.

It's strange to think about it. When we were at the entrance of the village, we didn't hear it, let alone see that there are so many people in the village.It was as if the inside and outside of the village were completely cut off by an invisible barrier.

We looked at these villagers a little strangely, but those villagers were indifferent to our sudden appearance of the donkey cart and did not respond in any way.It looked like we didn't see our car and the three people in it at all.

Some of them sat and chatted in small groups, some walked on the street, and some carried two buckets of water on poles...

Anyway, they were going about their own business without even looking at us.

According to what I said in advance, Huang Wenbo drove the donkey cart very slowly.

We walked in from the street of Sanyangpu, and I was able to carefully observe every villager passing by our car.

I soon discovered that the complexions of these villagers seemed to be very bad, not the kind of rosy that normal people should have, but rather gray.

If a person's face is like this, it doesn't mean anything.If everyone's complexion is like this, it is enough to explain the problem.

The more I look at it, the more numb my scalp feels. The expressions on the faces of these people show that their faces are covered with a layer of lifelessness.

If it is really caused by the dead carp, it means that the influence of Feng Shui on people is already very deep, and it will be very difficult to break it.

I was thinking about asking a villager to verify it, when Huang Wenbai pointed to a nearby house and said, "Master Sai, Lao Meng's house is here."

I nodded, jumped out of the donkey cart with Pang Dahai, and went to see the village chief, Lao Meng first.

When we came to the door of the house, we found that the two gates were tightly shut.But the outside is not locked.

Huang Wenbai should come here often, and he is really familiar with Lao Meng. He didn't even knock on the door, he just wanted to open the door and go in.

But he tried to push twice, but the door was not pushed open, it should be locked inside by the latch.

Huang Wenbai murmured, "This old Meng has also stepped in at some point. In this village, the door is always open day and night..."

Huang Wenbai pushed the door hard, and raised his voice and shouted: "Lao Meng, open the door. Lao Meng, are you at home? I'm Huang Wenbai..."

Huang Wenbai called the door for five or six minutes before there was a slight sound of footsteps inside.It sounds like someone is walking on purpose.

The footsteps came to the door and stopped, and a voice asked, "Is it... Lao Huang?"

Huang Wenbai said impatiently: "Isn't it me? What's wrong with you, Lao Meng?"

Hearing Huang Wenbai's voice, Lao Meng inside quickly removed the latch and opened the door a crack, and he looked out from the crack inside.

Huang Wenbai was about to step forward to speak, but Lao Meng probably saw me and Pang Dahai outside, so he slammed the door shut again.

The door almost touched Huang Wenbai's nose.

Huang Wenbai patted on the door and asked, "Hey, Meng Baolu, what are you doing?"

Meng Baolu asked tremblingly, "What are those two people behind you doing?"

Huang Wenbai explained: "The two of them are the masters I invited, and they are also my friends. When did you become so suspicious? You were not like this before?"

"Master?" Meng Baolu opened the door again, glanced at the fat man and me, and asked, "What kind of master are they?"

"Stop asking. Let's go in and talk."

Huang Wenbai couldn't bear to face being blocked by Meng Baolu for so long, so he couldn't help but push the door open, and walked in with us.

After entering the door, Meng Baolu hastily locked the door again.

Huang Wenbai pointed to the door and said, "I said Lao Meng, and I just realized that you are blocking us from entering. There is no woman hiding in your room, right?"

When Meng Baolu heard this, he pushed Huang Wenbai: "You old and unscrupulous, what are you talking about in front of outsiders?"

"No woman, you ask here and there, why don't you let us in?"

Meng Baolu pushed open the door: "Okay, come in quickly, I'll tell you when I come in."

Huang Wenbai let the fat man and me into the room, and I also took a closer look at this Meng Baolu.

Like most people living in the countryside, this Meng Baolu is old, with white stubble around his mouth, but he has a strong build and a bronzed skin that is often exposed to the sun.Moreover, this Meng Baolu has prominent muscles and looks a lot bigger than Huang Wenbai.

After we all came in, Meng Baolu turned around and closed the door again.

Huang Wenbai didn't understand at all, sat down and asked, "Old Meng, what happened? Why do you think you are so nervous?"

Meng Baolu glanced at Fatty and me, sighed and said, "Something strange happened to me, and the people in our village don't seem to be quite right..."

Meng Baolu's words reminded me that when I was just walking on the street, I noticed that the expressions of those villagers were a little abnormal.When I came to Lao Meng's house, I found that this Lao Meng was obviously different from those villagers.His complexion is normal, no wonder he can find strange things in other villagers.

(End of this chapter)

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