Chapter 931
You must know that once the blood is stained on the soil, the color will not remain bright red because it is neutralized by the color of the soil.But the soil we dug up was dazzlingly red.It's as if the soil was not stained red by blood, but was originally this blood-colored soil.

So much so that I feel that my hands and feet are a little weak.What is buried here?

After digging for another ten minutes or so, Pang Haihai shoveled down with a shovel, making a sound of hard hitting.

"Okay, be careful, it's it. Quick, clean up the soil." The third uncle stood by the pit and shouted.

The two of us put the soil inside in a basket, and the third uncle hung it with a rope, and lifted the soil up basket by basket.

The soil below is getting less and less, and a graphite disk is finally gradually exposed.

Pang Dahai saw the millstone, and sighed: "Good guy, there is really one down here. Uncle, do you want to get it up?"

The third uncle threw down a crowbar: "You guys try it."

Pang Dahai and I picked up the crowbar and reached under the millstone, trying to pry it up.

As a result, because there is nothing to use for support, and the grinding disc must be very heavy, the two of us spent a long time working hard, but the thing did not move at all.

"Don't move." The third uncle yelled from above, and he himself jumped down from the pit to observe the millstone carefully.

Pang Dahai asked: "Third Uncle, this millstone is neither a bottle nor a jar, how can it seal the soul?"

The third uncle touched the millstone with his hand, and said: "The millstone is divided into upper and lower sides, which represent the two sides of yin and yang, and also represent the two sides of heaven and earth. The sky and the earth have no ends. The so-called millstone turns, and the universe moves. So the millstone has the function of warding off evil spirits. But the millstone swings The location is very important. If it is not placed properly, it will add Yin Qi. There is a saying in Fengshui that grinding blocks the door and leaving no bones. Because the grinding disc is a white tiger, Qingshan Sha or Duan Longyin Sha will use it. And The millstone rotates around the center eye, so this place... must be sealed."

As he said that, Uncle San pointed to the center of the millstone with his finger.

We have all seen grinding discs, which are common in the countryside and are usually used to grind beans.There is a hole in the middle of the millstone, which is used to fill it with beans.

Pang Dahai touched it with his hand, nodded and said, "Uncle Shi, there is really something blocking it."

I said to Uncle San: "You drove everyone away, the three of us will definitely not be able to move this thing. Do you want to find Huang Changfu and send a crane over here?"

Uncle San waved his hand: "No need. The fewer people who know about this, the better. We just need to get things done. Now it seems that the hole in the middle of the millstone is a feng shui eye for wetlands. It can also seal Ah Qing and Lulu spirit. It's just strange, the function of Fengshui eyes is to connect the two parties. Since they are connected, how can their spirits be sealed? This is a contradictory thing..."

I suggested, "Why don't I dig out what's blocked in there and take a look?"

The third uncle nodded: "That's the only way. This thing should not be an ordinary thing, so be careful not to damage it."

I took out a small knife in my bag, and carefully dug in the center of the millstone.

The place seemed to be covered with mud, and it took me a while to get the outside thing out, and I did find something sealing the eye of the millstone.

I was about to pick it with a knife, but the third uncle hurriedly stopped me: "Don't move, I'll come."

With that said, Third Uncle stepped forward and took the thing off more carefully.

The thing was not big, and it was covered with mud. The third uncle rubbed off the mud and blew off the dust on it. Finally, the true face of the thing was revealed to us.

In the palm of the third uncle's hand was a copper coin.

Our eyes lit up when we saw the copper coins.

I couldn't hold back the excitement in my heart, because what we were looking for after a lot of hard work was the five emperors' money.And the process of the several king coins we have found is also different.

This millstone is buried deep in the ground, and it also has the function of sealing the soul. It is very likely that it is a five emperors coin.

"Third Uncle, take a look." I exclaimed loudly.

I believe the third uncle had this premonition long ago, so he took the copper coin in his hand.Of course he also knew what I meant by letting him see.

"Don't get excited, let me take a look." The third uncle wiped the copper coin on his tattered Taoist robe, and held it up tremblingly.

Because the light in the pit was not very good, I found out that the words on it were: Qianlong Tongbao.

I felt a burst of excitement in my heart. You must know that there are only five pieces of five emperor coins in the world, but we have found four pieces after looking around, and now only one Qianlong Tongbao is missing.

At that time, I was still saying that in this vast world, in the vast sea of ​​people, it is really more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack if you want to find such a remaining king coin.

I never expected that I would find Qianlong Tongbao so quickly.

In my mind, I have already regarded this copper coin as the king's coin of Qianlong Tongbao.Otherwise, I'm sorry for the twists and turns we went through to find it.

After the third uncle lifted the copper coin, he stopped there and looked at it non-stop.

I know that the biggest difference between five emperors' coins and ordinary copper coins is that the king's coins were specially made in that dynasty, with gold threads embedded in them, representing the supremacy of the royal family.Only one piece of this kind of royal money is cast in each dynasty, and it is not used for circulation, but a kind of jewelry, which can only be worn by the emperor.

So as long as you see whether there is a gold thread on it, you can distinguish the authenticity of the king's money.

But only at certain angles can the golden threads be seen in sunlight.And this angle was taken by the third uncle, and the bottom of the pit is very narrow, so Pang Dahai and I were anxious but couldn't see the result.

"Third Uncle, what's the matter? Is this Wang Qian?" I couldn't wait, so I asked Third Uncle directly.

The third uncle sighed, and threw the copper coin to me: "Look for yourself, it's for nothing, it's not a king's coin."

"Ah? Are you kidding?" I hurriedly held up the copper coin to observe in the sunlight.

It turned out that the third uncle was really not joking. There was no gold thread on the copper coin, and it looked like an ordinary copper coin.

I was so disappointed, I felt like I was a little too excited just now.Good things can't just fall on your head that easily.

The third uncle saw me disappointed, and said: "Although it is not Wang Qian, it can seal the soul, and it is also a good thing."

I nodded, there is nothing to be upset about. We had never thought of digging out this stone mill before we came to Huangnigou Village.Our purpose is not to find Wang Qian, this is a complete accident.

"Then... have their souls been released?" I asked.

(End of this chapter)

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