The years of reselling the haunted house

Chapter 912 Who is the weirdo

Chapter 912 Who is the weirdo
The third uncle looked filled with righteous indignation, as if he was really angry.

In fact, I know very well in my heart that my third uncle has always been good at knocking mountains and shaking tigers, and he has never been successful in this trick.

Sure enough, Huang Changfu was quite frightened by these words.He himself knew very well that many people had died in Huangnigou because of Mrs. Yang's incident.If the house and this murderous situation are not completely resolved, no one can guarantee when the next death will come.

Huang Changfu almost choked on the water after hearing what Uncle San said, quickly put down the mineral water bottle, and said, "Master Dongbin, don't scare me, my Huangnigou Village has a thousand people, can I be safe and sound in the future?" I can count on you to stay here. You can’t leave us alone. Let’s do it this way. Let’s not talk about the fact that you bought my house. You only need to help us settle the matter here. I don’t need you to pay for the 1 yuan you asked me to pay for the wallpaper, what do you think?”

What Huang Changfu was talking about was the wages for the prison paper that the third uncle asked him to find someone to post, and Huang Changfu paid in advance at that time.Later, when Chen Tao was asked to call Huang Changfu, Chen Tao should have been delaying.

In a hurry, Huang Changfu waived the money.This is equivalent to earning another 1 yuan.

The third uncle remained calm, sucked his teeth, and looked helpless: "This is not about money. Even if you make too much money, you can't make money without spending your life, right? It's about your village, too. It's complicated. I understand, if we don't come out again, I'm afraid we will get all three of us in. Or you'd better hire Gao Ming."

Huang Changfu hurriedly said: "Master, you are just joking. You are experts. Where else can I find an expert? I believe in you, and only in you. It will definitely be solved. See if this will work. In addition to the [-], I will also be able to solve it. I'll give you another [-] yuan, and I'm thanking you on behalf of the whole village."

Huang Changfu's attitude was extremely sincere, and he even shed two tears.Pang Dahai and I were a little touched when we saw it.I thought to myself, even if I made an extra 3 yuan here and abroad.With the third uncle's temper, he would never give up that house no matter what.If we turn around and ignore it now, the 10 yuan for the house will be in vain, and Uncle San will never do this.

The third uncle rolled his eyes and finally nodded: "Okay. Village Chief Huang, it's just for your sake. I think you're not bad. Otherwise, you just give me more money. I won't stay here, after all, life is more important than money, don't you think?"

Huang Changfu nodded frequently: "Yes, yes, of course, of course. Thank you, master, thank you, master."

The third uncle waved his hand: "Actually, I'm not a person who loves money. I just want you to show your sincerity when I take your money... Then you prepare the money later, and just send it back to our account. In addition, I Let me ask you again, do you know all the people in your village?"

Huang Changfu was taken aback, and quickly said: "Yes, although there are more than 1000 people in our village, I am the village head after all, and I know everyone. It's just that some people have less chance to deal with them."

The third uncle nodded, and waved his hand at me: "Nephew, you have dealt with that person a lot, please describe it to Village Chief Huang, and see if he knows him?"

I described to Huang Changfu the image of that strange man who looked like a man and a ghost.

In fact, we have described this image to Huang Changfu once, and I pointed it out to Huang Changfu in the old street, but the person's movements were rather erratic, and he disappeared suddenly when I pointed to it.

And Huang Changfu also categorically denied that there was such a person in the village.

After I finished talking to him this time, Huang Changfu was still the same as last time. He looked incredible and asked, "You seem to have told me about this person, right? It's strange, why do you always mention this person? In our village There is really no such person... The dress you mentioned is clearly the same as it was three or forty years ago. How can anyone in our village still dress like this? Well, since you must find out who this person is, I will take you to meet a person, if there is such a person in the village, he may know."

I glanced at the third uncle, and the third uncle nodded.

I hurried over to wake up Pang Dahai who was still sound asleep, the three of us tidied up, followed Huang Changfu out of the mud therapy hall, got into his car, and went to a family in the village.

We didn't know until we entered that family's house that Huang Changfu led us to find an old man from their village.

This old man also looks to be in his 80s, but his face is full of red and he is full of energy.When we went, he was sitting and eating. There was a jug of wine, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of side dishes on the table.The old man bit the peanut so loudly.

Huang Changfu went in and asked, "Fourth Grandpa, are you eating or drinking?"

The old man rolled his eyes, saw Huang Changfu, and hummed: "It's little rich man, the sun came out from the west today, you big village head, can you still come to my house?"

The old man first satirized Huang Changfu, and Huang Changfu laughed twice.

"Is there something wrong? What's the matter, let's talk..." The old man raised his glass, took a sip of the wine, and said.

Huang Changfu hurriedly said: "Fourth grandfather, that's the case. These two people are masters invited by our village to help our village adjust Fengshui. I want to mention someone to you and see if you have any impression. After all, these two people in our village You know all the people who have come and gone in the past ten years, don't you?"

The fourth grandfather looked up at us, put down his wine glass, and said, "Fengshui adjuster? Is he here to deal with your house? You kid, don't look at me. I don't go out of the gate. What's the matter in the village, I can't hide it from you." Fourth Grandpa's eyes."

Huang Changfu smiled awkwardly, and said, "Fourth Grandpa is still so shrewd, how else would I bring them to you?"

"Find a place to sit by yourself, and talk about it." The fourth grandfather put down his wine glass, took out another dry pipe, lit it, and smoked it.

The third uncle shook his head at me, and I hurried up and said, "There is such a person, do you know?"

As I said that, I told Fourth Grandpa about that mysterious man's appearance, clothing, and movement characteristics.

When Fourth Grandpa first listened, he was still very casual. After hearing it, his eyes became a little straightened, and he didn't take a puff of the dry tobacco for a long time.

When I saw the situation, we might have found the right old man. The old man seemed to know the situation.

Sure enough, after I finished speaking, Fourth Grandpa stared at me and asked, "You read that right, right? Did you really see this person appear in the village?"

(End of this chapter)

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