The years of reselling the haunted house

Chapter 2210 Sending Runes Again

Chapter 2210 Sending Runes Again
We were surrounded by these beetles.

Shi Xuan'er and I were back to back, almost falling into despair.

"Shi Xuan, what kind of tricks are these?" I suppressed the panic in my heart and asked loudly.

"There is a very clever insect master nearby. These are not Gu insects, it seems that the other party is a member of the Gu Sect's insect sect." Shi Xuan'er said coldly.

People from the Zongzong?This is not the first time I have encountered or heard of this Gu sect worm sect.When we went to Mobei, we encountered a similar situation. Someone manipulated poisonous insects to attack us. I still remember that poisonous insects were called heart-eating poisonous moths.At that time, the third uncle judged that the other party was a member of the Gu Sect, and he told me that there are two clans in the Gu Sect.One is the Gu sect and the other is the insect sect.These two sects were originally a family, and they gradually separated with development. Although they belong to the Gu sect, their cultivation methods are very different, and their philosophies are also different.What the Gu sect said is that you need to practice Gu first, before you can become adult insects, those poisonous insects that have not been trained as Gu insects can be trained to become poisonous insects with attack and action.The Gu school is to focus on Gu, supplemented by insects, and the one who is practicing is Gu art.However, the philosophy of the Zongzong is exactly the opposite of that of the Gu Zong. What they advocate is that you should first train the worms and then become Gu.Because only a small amount of poisonous insects can finally be cultivated into Gu insects, so it is necessary to focus on insects and supplement them with Gu.What they practice is insect art.

In fact, both of these are mainly bugs.The difference is nothing more than whether one is cultivating Gu art or insect art.

Today's scene is much bigger than what we saw in Mobei.The number of these worms is also more, so it can be seen that the ability of the worm master behind this is also higher.

At this time, after those insects surrounded us, a melodious flute sound came.

Those worms surrounded us impenetrably, and the sound of the flute seemed to be able to penetrate all obstacles, passing through the swarm of worms, lingering in our ears.

The sound of the flute is sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, sometimes tactful, and sometimes exciting. Although I don't know the name of the tune, it sounds very enjoyable.Although at this time and this place, it seems so inappropriate for this song to spread.

Soon I discovered that this song was not for us, but for these bugs.

Insect masters will use various means to control insects, among which making sounds with props is the most common.The sound they make has a special magic power that will be accepted by those bugs.

The swarm of insects that had calmed down began to become agitated again after the music came.


The sound of humming wings and melodious flute, besides these two sounds, I heard another sound.The sound made one's scalp tingle even more, and a lot of goosebumps appeared on his body unconsciously.

The sound of grinding teeth.

It was the sound of those beetles grinding their teeth.

From below, one could clearly see the fangs of the beetles showing their mouths.That's right, there are two pairs of bright teeth in each beetle's mouth, which look like the fangs in the mouth of a ferocious beast.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the flute suddenly became high-pitched, as if suddenly transitioning from a gurgling stream to a hundred-foot waterfall.

And those beetles swept towards me and Shi Xuan'er from the air and the ground amidst the harsh sound of grinding their teeth.

"Ah..." Shi Xuan'er, who was fearless even now, yelled out in horror.

Those beetles quickly rushed to the front, and I hurriedly waved to drive them away.In fact, at this moment, I don't have any magic weapon in my hand, and it sounds very naive to drive away the swarm of insects with just my hands.But the movement is completely out of instinct, and I didn't expect any effect.

But under my driving, those approaching poisonous insects even avoided one after another, as if they were afraid of being contaminated by my limbs.

This discovery made me excited. It seems that the little boy's golden blood played a role. This little guy can eat hundreds of poisons, and he also has a miraculous deterrent effect on these insects.

Relatively speaking, Shi Xuan, who was able to avoid poisonous insects in the gutter, was no longer effective. These beetles seemed to have no scruples about her, and many of them had already landed on her.

Shi Xuan'er screamed and slapped continuously.But such a move doesn't change anything.

Even though I was by my side, many beetles broke through my defense and landed on Shi Xuan's body.

Soon, bloodstains appeared on Shi Xuan's body.The fangs of those beetles were so sharp that they could bite through Shi Xuan'er's skin even through the clothes.

I can't do anything alone, so I can only protect myself. Although I have tried my best to protect Shi Xuan, but I can't do everything. If things go on like this, Shi Xuan might be bitten to death.

I was the one who brought Shi Xuan out. If she hadn't come out from the dungeon, maybe she wouldn't have encountered such a catastrophe.

I have to find a way to solve the current predicament.To deal with these bugs, using the fire talisman is the most straightforward.But I just used the Thunder Talisman once, and the Thunder Fire Talisman is the same character as the town character. In a short time, I shouldn't be able to use the Fire Talisman.

In desperation, I suddenly remembered that when I encountered a swarm of poisonous insects in Mobei, I used avoidance characters to solve the battle.

Today I can only try this evasion character again, hoping to dispel these beetles and avoid being attacked by them.It's just that the insect master I faced today seems to be extraordinarily powerful, and I don't know if my character avoidance will work or not.

But now I don't have a talisman in my hand, so I can only print and distribute the talisman.

In this case, it will inevitably consume more internal energy. At my current level, it is not difficult to issue ancient talismans.But sending out two in a row, I have never tried it.

The situation was urgent and it was too late to think about it. I drew a talisman with my heart, and the talisman was completed.

In my palm, the light and shadow of a rune appeared.

"At the beginning of the split, the chaos is vast, encompassing the world, nourishing the four directions, receiving and holding ten thousand sects, with divine light in the body, all tigers and wolves retreat, insects and spirits die, in the middle..."

I pushed out the Dharma seal formed by my palm out of thin air.

The light and shadow in the palm of the hand flashed, and the palm was the center, releasing thousands of colorful lights outward.

The light is not dazzling, but it is radiant and colorful.

The beam of light quickly dispersed into the air, and spread rapidly in all directions in a radial pattern.

I know that my ancient talisman works, and it has been tried and tested before.But today the effect... the scene...

I was dumbfounded again, and I was amazed.The power of this ancient talisman is indeed powerful. Wherever I use it, I have never failed, and it works very well.

But I have never seen such a scene.This kind of aura is not like I used the rune technique, but more like the gods used the fairy technique.

(End of this chapter)

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