The years of reselling the haunted house

Chapter 2203 Trapped in a cell

Chapter 2203 Trapped in a cell
I quickly got up slowly, no matter where I was, I meditated in my own way, calling the breath to heal my injuries.

With the Dao bone relic, plus Xiaoguai's golden blood, and the effect of the breath character, I think even if I die, I can bring it back to life, not to mention that I still have a breath.

After more than ten minutes of adjustment, I felt that the energy in my body was slowly recovering, and the lost vitality was slowly being regenerated.

Although the injury is not completely healed, I finally walked back from the gate of hell.

After finishing breath adjustment, I opened my eyes and said to Xiaoguai: "Xiaoguai, thank you this time, Xiaoguai..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Xiaoguai lying on the ground, motionless.

"Xiaoguai." I hurried over and held Xiaoguai in the palm of my hand. She was limp, as if her muscles had been cramped.No matter how I called, she didn't respond at all.

This is... I figured it out very quickly, Xiaoguai saved me with his own golden blood essence.

No, I can't let Xiaoguai just die like this, she is the best Tai Sui, full of spirituality, how could she just die like this?

Yes, Xiaoguai was formed near Zhang Liang's thatched cottage, which means that the aura of Fengshui is the strongest there. As long as I find there, Xiaoguai still has hope of being resurrected.

But where is this?
Until now, I have not seriously observed the environment in which I live.

This is a closed space, the surrounding walls are all black, there are no windows, only at the far end of me, there seems to be a door.I touched it and found that the door was very strong and closed tightly.I can't even see a gap, I feel along the door, there seems to be a window under the door, but it is also closed now.I guess this is a prison cell, and the small window is used to deliver meals to the prisoners.

I'm locked up?Everything that happened before I passed out resurfaced in my mind.

So I didn't escape Mr. Kaiqiu's hand in the end, was he imprisoning me, or was it Young Master Qin who imprisoned me?

I touched my side, my bag had already been searched, and Bi Jinjian was not with me.Without those things, it seems impossible for me to escape by my own strength.

But now, whether it's for Xiaoguai or for myself, I have to escape.

After I recovered part of my physical functions, my eyesight also recovered rapidly.Originally, I could only see in front of my eyes, but now I can almost see it a meter or two away.

I left the door and searched around the cell again.

As a result, I unexpectedly discovered that there is another facility in this cell.Just on the side away from the door, there is a ditch half a meter deep.

After I approached, I smelled an unpleasant smell in the ditch, a strong rancid smell, and there was water in the ditch.

The water is not standing still, but flowing at a slow speed, from one side to the other.

It's just that the color of the water is black and the smell is very smelly, just like a stinky ditch.

And it can be clearly seen that there are many sundries mixed in the water.

I squatted down and carefully observed the things in the ditch.

This is obviously a prison cell, the cell door is tightly shut, and no movement can be heard outside.It seems that no one will pay attention to me in a short time.I don't even know who brought me here.

So at present, apart from the prison door, this ditch is the only way for this prison to lead to the outside world.

Because I found that the ditch seems to be connected to the room next to it, which can be seen from the flowing water.And under the ditch near the wall, a kind of iron fence is used to separate the two rooms.

It reminds me of a kind of public restroom I used to go to as a kid.Under each compartment, there is a flushing septic tank. When the water is flushed from above, the water will flush the feces from the first compartment to the last compartment, and finally enter the septic tank.

This metaphor may be a bit disgusting, but what I saw and smelled at the time was really worse.The stench from the gutter was disgusting.

I held my nose and observed for a while, and found that there were still living creatures in the dark water.

Is this also a place to wash away dirt?Were the living creatures actually maggots that lived in the dirt?

I squatted there and observed, trying to find a correct conclusion.

It's not that I have a strong taste, but I feel that my current situation is very delicate, and I am temporarily locked up here. If I don't want to find a way to save myself, it may be too late.

I have already seen the tricks of that Mr. Qiu who claims to be the sage of the Gu Sect, and he killed me in a matter of minutes.In fact, if I am here, if Xiaoguai hadn't squeezed out three drops of golden liquid on my forehead, I might be dead by now.

The other party threw me here very reassuringly, and probably didn't expect that I would come back to life.After all, I was already seriously injured, and the vitality in my body was also dying little by little, so I was not given torture tools or anything to restrain me.

I smelled a very special smell in the ditch. It should not be the smell in the toilet, but more like a corpse.

This made me even more nervous. Since it smells like corpses, it means that people often die here.Moreover, it was not dealt with in time after death, so the smell was so pervasive.

I can't figure out whether this smell of corpses is coming from the gutter, or it's already in the air.

Based on this, if that little boy hadn't saved me just now, my corpse would have rotted and smelled very soon, and every element of my body would have dissipated in this world in the end.

And why Xiaoguai appeared here is also a mystery.Ordinarily, that Mr. Qiu has already seen Xiao Guai's origin, and he is bound to get her. It is impossible to put Xiao Guai in the cell with me.Xiaoguai must have found it later, so I suspect that after I was arrested, Xiaoguai did not know how to find this place, and entered the cell through the ditch and found me.

So the ditch should be connected to the outside world.But that ditch can hold Xiaoguai, can it hold me?
I have gone through the entire prison environment, but there is still no change in my current situation.

The door was sealed, and the only gutter that connected to the adjacent cell was of no use to me.It seems that all I can do is wait.

At present, I can only pin my hope on the small window on the door. If the window is used to deliver meals, maybe someone will push it open later.At that time, can I restrain the food delivery person and take the opportunity to rush out?

I sat down against the wall, and took Xiaoguai out of her pocket to have a look. At this time, Xiaoguai's body was very soft. After losing those three drops of golden blood, she seemed to be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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