
Chapter 184

Chapter 184
In later generations, this tribute courtyard was destroyed by the war in the late Ming Dynasty. This is where Li Chuang fought against the Ming army and the Qing army repeatedly.

Although Gao Wen was not the first to come here, as an examinee today, he still had a different kind of thought in his heart.

Xi'an Gongyuan is located in the south of the city, beside the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.There is a huge bluestone archway at the gate, engraved with the four characters "Tiankai Wenyun" on it.There are dragons and phoenixes carved on the archway, which are so lifelike that they seem to be flying into the sky.Unfortunately, under the dim light of the fire, it is so gloomy and frightening.

There are two big characters "Gongyuan" written on the tablet at the gate of the Gongyuan. If you look closely, it is Yang Pu who signed it.This person is the elder of the three dynasties, the elder of the cabinet in the early orthodox years of Ming Yingzong, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and a generation of famous ministers in the famous Sanyang cabinet.

However, he has passed away on the orthodox eleventh, and it has been four years so far.As a history buff, Gao Wen aspired to be an official, so it was a pity that he could not meet the famous historical figures in "Three Yang Kaitai" with his own eyes.

There are two archways in the east and west of the gate of the Gongyuan. On the two archways, "seeking talents for the country" and "seeking scholars for Mingjing" are written respectively.

Like all government yamen, the gate is divided into left, middle and right.

Scholars naturally entered through the left and right gates, and the middle gate was reserved for the grand master or used for ceremonies.In the township examination Qiuwei, the middle door was wide open, but no one dared to set foot.

Gao Wen watched the scene curiously, and was pushed in by the crowd before he knew it.

Inside is the dragon gate, and after entering the dragon gate is the examination room.It is said that once you climb the Dragon Gate, you are worth a hundred times. If you pass this level, you will be qualified to be an official.

Unlike the gate, the dragon gate has four doors.The reason why there are four doors open is particular.Gao Wen thought for a while, and remembered what Shi Linsheng had said to himself when he first talked about the rural examination: "There is a saying in "Shangshu? Yushu": Open up four gates to recruit talented people."

After passing through the Dragon Gate, there is a big hall facing you, which is the office space of Gao Linghan, the chief inspector of the provincial examination, and the outer curtain officer. The person who wrote the name is also a historical celebrity, suddenly it is Liu Ji.That is, Liu Bowen and Liu Qingtian, the chief think tank of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.But seeing his and Yang Ge's words, this trip was worth the fare.

The space between Longmen and Zhigongtang is quite large, and there is a tall building in the middle, named Mingyuan Building.It was still full of officials and soldiers, all looking down intently.Soldiers kept rushing upstairs, reporting something loudly, anyway, it was all cutscenes such as: "Report, the inspectors have selfless exchanges!"

After the crowd came here, they all stopped.Because going forward, after passing the Supreme Court, it is the examination room.All candidates must first verify their identity here, perform a body search and security check, and receive their test papers and test numbers before they can enter.

Because there are too many people, it is impossible to be first come, first served. Isn't that a violation of the rules?

Therefore, another flagpole was erected in front of Mingyuan Building, with a big lantern hanging on it, and the names of various prefectures in Shaanxi were written on it.It's your turn so you can line up.

At this time, a candidate next to Gao Wen exclaimed in surprise: "We are the first to go in!"

Gao Wen looked up, and suddenly there were three big characters "Pingliang Mansion" written on the big red lantern.Can't help saying: "It's good luck, if you go in early, you can prepare early, maybe you can make up for sleepiness."

"It is extremely, it is extremely." Everyone nodded at the same time, deeply agreeing.In contrast to Shandong and Beijing's coastal areas, the sky is already bright at Maoshi, and the sky in Shaanxi is late.Therefore, people here are used to going to bed late and waking up late, and coming here so early in the morning makes everyone feel listless.

Soon, examinees from more than a dozen counties in Pingliang Prefecture came forward to be searched and collect their examination papers.

After a long time, it was finally the turn of the Zhuanglang County students.Gao Wen was pushed forward by the crowd first, and a civil servant picked up his certificate and looked it up and down, checking Gao Wen's appearance together with the certificate in hand.

In ancient times, there were no photos. If you want to be sure that you are you, you can only use words to describe it.For example, how tall are you, how old are you, whether you have a beard, what shape your face is, and whether there are any facial features such as scars and pockmarks.

This test was easy, Gao Wen was tall, majestic, and handsome, and he stood out from the crowd of thin and small scholars.Even if he wanted to find a shooter, he couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Immediately, the civil servant routinely questioned Gao Wen about his background and hometown, and then took out a stack of papers.He took a silver mold, dipped it in cinnabar, covered it with a riding seal and threw it over, then pointed to the direction of the court, signaling him to go over and accept the body search.

Gao Wen had gone through the court examination and knew the procedure. Unlike the other people who were being searched with red faces and shy faces, he was a bachelor. He walked to the Supreme Court, quickly stripped himself naked, and stood naked in front of everyone. Open your arms.

The civil servant in charge of the search and inspection was very thin. Seeing Gao Wen's behavior, he felt unhappy and snorted: "Look at you being so majestic, you are really a vulgar person!"

Gao Wen found it incomprehensible that people would look down on him for being fit and handsome.He was praised by the examiner during the body search last time.The aesthetic taste of the ancients is really hard to understand.

However, he was so neat that the two soldiers who did it were very satisfied.

There are only a dozen soldiers in front of the Supreme Court, but there are four thousand scholars waiting in line for inspection.Even if they took turns to go to battle, the soldiers were so tired that they were sweating and their hands and feet were sore.Talking too much can also make your mouth dry and irritable, and your heart will be angry.

Gao Wen was so familiar with the procedures, and his movements were so quick, it saved them a lot of effort. After a general inspection, he waved for Gao Wen to put on his clothes, and this test was passed.

While putting on clothes, another scholar from Zhuanglang County stepped forward.

This man was about fifty years old, and he was a dull and dull person. They couldn't wake up after being called out.

Immediately, he annoyed the two soldiers, kicked him to the ground, drew his waist knife, and picked his clothes to pieces.

The scholar was also pitiful, sitting on the ground naked, his vest was scratched with blood, so he couldn't help crying.

This cry made the two soldiers even more excited, they immediately stretched out their hands to rip his hair apart, and saw that there was no entanglement.Then he slowly searched and removed the clothes, and asked the scholar to stand naked and make a fool of himself.

The scholar looked ashamed and indignant, really wanted to cry but had no tears.

Humiliated by this, the official sitting behind the Chitou case did not express anything.

Gao Wen secretly shook his head, don't look at the [-] candidates present here are all well-known scholars and outstanding people.But once you enter the examination room, you don't have any personality at all. There is no way, otherwise, it is really impossible to guarantee the fairness and justice of the imperial examination.

"You, you..." The scholar finally couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Gao Wen cried out in his heart: Oops!

Sure enough, this angered the two soldiers, and they shouted: "Stand up!"

The scholar stood up and covered his lower body with his hands.

A soldier: "Let go." Then he slapped him on the buttocks with the back of the knife.

When Xiucai panicked, he touched his egg bag with his hand, and said: "Okay, there is no entrainment, put on clothes and leave."

Xiucai was touched by the salty wet hand, and was stimulated, and had obvious physiological reactions.The two soldiers were amused and giggled: "This Mr. Wei's ball is not small, at least half a catty."

The other scholars waiting in line at the back not only showed no hatred, but laughed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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