
Chapter 118

Chapter 118
Zhuanglang is a poor county, and not many people came this time, only in their early fifties, and Gao Wen knew most of them.

As soon as he walked over, everyone came to greet him one after another.They all said, Erzhi, you can count on it. Before, everyone was still saying that they didn't see you.In this exam, one out of ten is chosen. We have been taking the exam for so many years, and we have long since lost our temper. This time, it is hard to let you come to support our county.

Gaowen County got the first place in the trial, as the magistrate's disciple.In order to create momentum for him, Diao Hualong printed Gao Wen's essays in the examination room and distributed them around.

These scholars have all read it, and while admiring it in their hearts, they are also proud of it.

With a high level of writing, he will definitely pass the college test this time.Zhuang Lang hasn't produced a scholar for many years, if Gao Wen can get a good grade in this exam and write a good article, everyone will be honored.When meeting scholars from other counties, he can also straighten his waist.

Gao Wen was busy and modest for a long time, and suddenly remembered that he came in a hurry, but he was empty-handed and didn't bring anything.

Especially the Four Treasures of the Study, without a pen, how should I make papers later?This is the soldier on the battlefield, only to find that he is not armed.

Feeling flustered, I hurriedly asked who had extra stationery and borrowed a set.

Everyone was taken aback, and couldn't help asking, Erzhi, how important is the college entrance examination, why do you dare to come here empty-handed, you are really confused!

Another scholar suddenly realized, and said: "You are a young scholar, handsome and unrestrained, I must have gone to have fun with my confidante last night. I lost my love for a while, and forgot about the trouble of the exam. Hey, it is a real celebrity who is so romantic!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing and said, it must be so.

For a while, there was a lot of ridicule.

Gao Wen couldn't explain, so he could only keep his head down and remain silent.

If you don't speak, it's the default. In this way, everyone laughs even harder.

Another scholar said: "Brothers, why don't you gather together a set of stationery for me. If you can pass this exam, of course, with his beautiful essays, you will definitely pass." , it’s just a question of how many places you get. Think about it, if this is the case, wouldn’t it be a good story for Shilin in our county?”

"Yes, yes, yes." Another scholar patted himself on the forehead, "I forgot about this, if brother Erzhi goes to high school under such circumstances, then he will be really good son Su Liumianhua, The young talent wins the Toad Palace."

"Hahaha, it's extremely, extremely!" All the scholars laughed so hard that they opened the test paper and checked it.In a short while, a complete set of the Four Treasures of the Study was collected and delivered to Gao Wen.

It turned out that before entering the examination room, the examinee was just to be on the safe side.Many people will prepare an extra ingot, a pen or something, just in case.Sometimes the composition is boring, and when the writing is blocked, change the set of stationery to change the mood and please the good luck.

Seeing everyone laughing like this, Gao Wen felt embarrassed: These bastards always want to make big news.

However, he was still grateful in his heart, bowed to each other, and was about to say something thankful.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The lantern is up, we in Zhuanglang County will be the first to enter, hurry up and pass by."

Everyone put away their laughter and filed forward.

It turns out that when entering the imperial examination room, a red lantern must be raised on the flagpole next to the chitou table. The native place of the candidate is written on the lantern, such as "Zhuanglang County", "Zhenyuan County", "Chongxin County" county"……

When candidates from one county enter the field, they will change to a lantern.

At the moment, Gao Wen didn't care about talking, and followed.

Soon before Chitou's case, an academic officer of the Tribute Academy took the diploma from Gao Wen, glanced at him, frowned, and suddenly had a fit: "Zhuang Lang's candidate Gao Wen, what's the matter with you, Why didn't you prepare for the exam, and just took the stationery in your hand, how decent is it?"

Gao Wen didn't dare to reply, and said in a low voice, "Master, the academic officer, it was too crowded just now, and the student's test basket was crushed. The student even fell down and hurt himself." As he spoke, he pointed The place where the tiles scratched on my feet.

"Hmph, that's ridiculous. Body search!" The academic officer pointed at Gao Wen with a stern face.

Immediately, two yamen servants came forward and groped Gao Wen's body. Even his hair was untied, and his shoes and socks were taken off, not sparing an inch.

When I touched it, I pulled out a bunch of messy things.There are silver coins, copper coins, keys, sachets for repelling insects, handkerchiefs soaked in perfume... There is even a box of rouge, naturally bought for Shi Youyi.It's just that the little girl has a thin skin, so she just gave it away, so she probably won't want it.So, keep it on your body.

All of a sudden, the air of fat and powder overflowed.

All the candidates in Zhuanglang County couldn't help but hide their mouths and snigger, thinking: Erzhi really slept with flowers in his arms last night, no wonder he had so many things on him.By the way, why is he still carrying such a big slingshot? Could it be that this thing is used in the boudoir, which is interesting and unheard of?

"You bastard, in vain you have read the books of sages and sages for many years. How can you look like a scholar? You are simply a disciple?"

Before entering the imperial examinations, they had to search their bodies, and they had to strip down to a pair of obscene pants.If you look sorry, you're going to make a big fool of yourself.For example, the few scholars who entered the stage earlier were all thin and small, they were like bean sprouts.This is the legendary "wretchedness". The literati are high-spirited, and many people are stripped naked in public.

When Gao Wen took off his clothes, his muscles were well-proportioned and his skin was healthy and shiny.Standing there, it is simply a Greek sculpture.

The sentient beings couldn't help but give a low praise: "What a dragon among people, you only have this body, and you are born with the appearance of a romantic and talented man!"

As a modern person, Gao Wen didn't think there was anything wrong.I think that when we went to the swimming pool in the summer, everyone took off their clothes and saw each other frankly.He arched his hands and saluted everyone.Then he did a bodybuilding posture for later generations, letting the biceps rise high.

"Okay!" The crowd cheered again.

Gao Wen was quite proud of his golden ratio figure.

When the school official saw Gao Wen's body, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but think, this guy has a good skin, with the figure of a Hanlin.

His impression of Gao Wen was better, but he still scolded with a black face: "I'm not ashamed, but I'm proud... These things are stored in the consignment room of the Tribute Court, and you can pick them up after you finish the exam. Enter the arena with the test paper? Gentle scum, gentle scum!"

Indeed, appearance was very important for the ancients to select officials.All you want to be a civil servant is to get good grades in your studies and exams.But if you want to be a high-ranking official of the fourth rank and first rank, you have to fight for your appearance.

If the scholar in front of me can go on normally in the imperial examination field in the future, and enter the officialdom, his path will be very smooth.

Gao Wen was so scolded that he couldn't speak, so he had no choice but to take the paper and enter the examination room with his head down.

This was his first time entering the examination room, and he naturally knew nothing about the formal imperial examinations.

Entering the Gongyuan, the inside is quite large, except for the court hall in the front, there are all low examination sheds on the side, there are thousands of rooms, large and small.If people who don't understand come in, they will immediately lose their heads and lose their bearings.

Gao Wen was also a little dizzy, so he quickly took a deep breath, looked at the paper in his hand calmly, and looked around, before he found the seat.

When entering the venue, in order to enable candidates to find the location of their own dormitory as soon as possible, the Gongyuan will issue each person a seat number handbook, which indicates the location of each brand and dormitory.

Gao Wen's examination number is "Ying" No. 16 shed, a surplus is full, sixteen is smooth, which is auspicious.

The opening of the ancient imperial examination room is numbered with the characters in "Thousand Characters", "The sky and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is flooded, the sun and the moon are full, and the days and nights are listed." Character.

As soon as he saw his test booth, Gao Wen couldn't help shaking his head, it was really too small.

There was a small wooden sign hanging at the entrance of the test shed, on which was written not only the test number, but also his name, place of origin and the name of the guarantor.

The house has walls on three sides and is open to the south.It is three feet wide, four feet deep, the back wall is eight feet high, and the front eaves are about six feet high.On the brick walls on both sides, there is a brick support at a height of one foot and five inches from the ground and two feet and five inches, which are used for shelf boards.The number board is composed of two wooden boards, each one inch and eight fen thick.Candidates can move the position of the number plate according to their needs, and it can be used as a desk for examination, or as a small bed for resting and sleeping.

Gao Wen was tall and strong, so he could sit in front of the test room, but if he wanted to sleep, he could only curl up on the small bed and was not allowed to stretch out.Answering the questionnaire in such an environment is obviously a chore.

After entering the cell, the yamen servants will come and lock the door, and they are not allowed to go out if there is nothing to do.

Of course, if you want to show respect, you can reach out and pat the sign outside, only someone will come and lead you to the gray circle to solve your personal problems.

At this time, candidates have already entered the arena one after another.Previously, these scholars were chattering non-stop when they were waiting outside the tribute courtyard, but now they are all like defeated roosters, bowing their heads and just walking, presumably because they were stripped naked for inspection when they entered the arena, and suffered severe physical and psychological injuries. hit.

Gao Wen even suspected that in the feudal society the imperial examination room asked people to undress, purely to combat the arrogance of the scholars, to give them a blow, so as to manage and maintain the discipline of the examination room.

He lowered his head and looked at the paper in hand, there was no difference from the county examination or government examination, the paper had fourteen lines per page, eighteen characters per line, bounded by a red line.

There are also a few blank sheets of paper with the seal of the government school on them, which are used to make draft paper for the exam.

Exam questions will be issued after the candidates have entered the hall.

More than 800 candidates have to verify their backgrounds one after another, search them, and then take the papers to the Gongyuan to find a seat. It will not be done in a while.After this fierce battle, Gao Wen was also exhausted, so he simply fell asleep on the number board.

This sleep, I slept for about half an hour.When he was pleasantly surprised by the sound of drums, he looked up and saw that all the candidates had already entered the hall, and the gate of the Tribute Court began to be closed.

"It's time to start the exam." Gao Wen tightened his hands and face, sat up straight, and warned himself secretly: "Gao Wen, Gao Wen, you can't make the mistake of the government exam. Now that you have entered the exam room, you can You have to put all the messy thoughts behind you. Now you can only take the imperial examination, no matter how much you think about it, if you don’t do well in the exam, then everything will die.”

(End of this chapter)

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