world of planes

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
Luo Chen who received a large sum of money.

Not only has he made a significant contribution to the country's tax revenue, the key is that his empty wallet immediately bulged up again!
For this pleasure that can be mastered by oneself,

He'd rather go through a private account!
This operation has to give him a wave of 666!

Changed hands, he transferred 20 billion to the public account of Star Technology,

Let them use it to expand the production line and buy land!
As for subsequent construction issues,
Luo Chen only said one thing, he made his own arrangements.

He choked back what Ye Hua and Zheng Ming wanted to say!
You don't play by the rules at all.
Since they are in a hurry to sell formulas, and are eager to get land to build headquarters and factories,
Why are there no arrangements now?
Instead of contacting various construction companies and holding a large tender?
However, within a week, Ye Hua had completed the relevant documents and various certificates!
Zheng Ming and Ye Hua, who were eagerly preparing for a big fight, seemed to have punched cotton,
My heart is empty, a little sad without tears!

I don't know who to tell!

As for the reason, it is very simple. The company sells the product formula, but Luo Chen asks to keep it secret for the time being.

Except for Zheng Ming and Ye Hua,
Others in the company do not know the specific situation,
Only when we have recently started cooperation with big companies, and have a large amount of capital injection, start recruiting a lot of people,
Star Technology has entered the era of innovation!

This made the two of them uncomfortable for a long time before they recovered!

After Luo Chen silently won 2 pieces of land, he began to retreat!

Using a 3D printer, a set of parts of the Mark armor was printed out, and after assembly, the smart program was implanted.

Everything works, just like Tony's Mark 3, if not better!
And the basement of the villa is getting more and more crowded, like a small processing factory,
The 200-square-meter site that was opened up is full of various raw materials and parts!

Several plastic crates filled with tiny robots, this one from Big Hero [-]!

A custom-made alloy lockbox, inside which are neatly placed six Ark reactors!

There are also high-horsepower ion thrusters,

Magnetically restrained laser knives have no practical use, but are just Luo Chen's bad taste!
A box is filled with 100 smart chips, the process is 10 nanometers, and carbon crystal materials are used.

There's basically no place to stay.
Luo Chen was like a child who got a new toy, he spent the whole week in the basement,

conversion techniques, input data,

Add printing materials and assemble various parts!
Very busy, very busy!

My girlfriend Yang Shasha was left out a bit, but luckily she is a considerate and sensible girl!

After Luo Chen made a bunch of finished products, he finally came out from the basement.
Thinking of his lovely and gentle girlfriend, he laughed foolishly by himself!
"9527, suspend all tasks and enter the alert state!"

"Okay, boss!"

Then all the equipment in the basement stopped running, the indicator lights went out, and they entered the standby state.
The Mark Armor, which acts as the body of 9527, also walked to the wall and made a decoration!

Because there are 10 Mark mechs in the storage space, plus 3D printers, and the Ark reactor,
basically fills up the space,

In order to keep the secret, Luo Chen had already emptied the storage space, and threw all the food, clothes, weapons and ammunition into the basement, so as to avoid accidents, it would be better to tell the smart housekeeper!

Moreover, Luo Chen set up a lost trace formation outside his whole house for safety.

When 9527 at the door prompts that no entry is allowed, if you want to force your way in, you will be trapped in a formation where you can only enter but not exit. When Luo Chen returns, he will be dealt with harmlessly!

Unintentional people, consciousness invasion, memory modification, planting memory bombs, as long as information about Luo Chen is mentioned, they will attack, making people idiots!

Deliberately invading, there is nothing to say, and there is no need to give him a chance to live again!

In fact, at present, such an extreme situation will not happen, but what happened to Wang Hai reminded him!

Luo Chen made a mental plan in advance!
A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is long-suffering!
Luo Chen's seemingly undefended residence is actually a trap with a narrow escape!

Luo Chen drove to the construction site, where he took the land,

In the wilderness, there is only one two-lane road without even a traffic light.

It is about 20 kilometers away from Changfeng Industrial Park and 30 kilometers away from where Luo Chen lives.

About 35 kilometers from the city center,

However, it is very close to Luojia Village, less than 10 kilometers away, and you can go back to your hometown in 15 minutes by car!

With a radius of ten kilometers, except for a few natural villages, there is really nothing you want!
Only a nouveau riche like Luo Chen has appointed such a position!

I'm afraid that from the 3rd ring road to the 5th ring road in Jiangcheng, there is at least a short distance from here!

The industrial park is on the left, the residential and commercial areas are on the right, bounded by the road!

And the road will soon be widened to two-way eight-lane, connected to the national highway 5 kilometers away,

This is also the government's policy support for enterprises investing locally.

After all, these barren lands were acquired by Xingchen Technology at a cost of 15 billion.

Compared with those who develop real estate, what kind of subway and various infrastructure requirements are needed,
Luo Chen didn't even ask for water or electricity, he only proposed a road,
How could this not satisfy him well? With a wave of his hand, the originally applied for 4 lanes was changed to 8 lanes by the leader!

In fact, the leader of Jiangcheng has a deeper meaning.
A ruthless person who can pay 40 billion in taxes at a time, if he doesn't take good care of him, what if he runs away!
And this is also Luo Chen's original intention,
It is true that he has no official relationship, not because he is arrogant.

It's because he doesn't want to deal too much with the government in order to avoid a change in his mind,

After all, Luo Chen is someone who is determined to change the course of civilization, and even in the world of Tianlong, he has conducted a huge experiment involving the participation of all the people!

It's not good for Luo Chen to point fingers when something unexpected happens!

So using money to clear the way in the main world is the best choice,

If you want to take it, you must first give it!
The reason is very simple, but it is rare to be able to do what Luo Chen did!

As for the lack of water and electricity, how would his headquarters, workshops, living areas, and commercial areas operate?
Electricity, a large ark reactor!
Water, precipitation inner circulation!
In addition to the set of industrial park design blueprints for the first-level civilization,
Luo Chen also found the design drawings of the commercial area, the residential area, and the supporting infrastructure necessary for life, a complete set of planning drawings!

And as a supplement, isn't there a road leading to the city center?

Future Star Technology is not a completely closed environment!

The indispensable network of modern people can also be linked with the global network by launching its own satellite!
Even in the later stage, Luo Chen wants to be self-sufficient in all materials!
Even if there is a biochemical crisis or annihilation crisis in the outside world,
This paradise, a small intelligent city, can be spared!

This can be regarded as Luo Chen's first attempt, an experiment in closing the ecological circle!
After going to the scene to see it, although he planned to set up a camouflage jamming device,
Full use of 3D printers, and Mark armor construction!
But the occasional passerby, and the good press,
Luo Chen doesn't want them to see it for now!

"Old Zheng, your old business is here, and I have a task for you. Before the end of the month, surround the land we won with a 3-meter-high wall. Is there any problem?"

After dialing Zheng Ming's number, Luo Chen teased him.

"Huh? Let me do the math. There are still about 19 days left. It's okay. As long as the money is in place, it's just a matter of recruiting more people. And if it's just building walls, the requirements are not high, and there is no technical content. 24 hours Non-stop construction, finish small things before the end of the month!"

Zheng Ming didn't think too much about it, this is indeed his old line of work, and he talked about it in a logical manner!
"Take the company's account, is there any pressure?"

Luo Chen thought about the remaining 5 million in Star Technology's account, and expanded 8 production lines. The maximum is only 4 million, and there are still 1 million, and there is an advance payment from the customer, isn't it?
"Don't worry, I'll discuss it with Ye Hua and arrange it right away!"

Finding a good helper can really save a lot of effort!
(End of this chapter)

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