Chapter 9
Jellyfish is a very beautiful aquatic animal, its body shape is like a transparent umbrella.

The main component of the jellyfish body is water, and it is composed of inner and outer germ layers. There is a thick mesogel layer between the two layers, which is not only transparent, but also has a floating effect.

When they are in motion, they use the water spray reflex in their bodies to move forward. From a distance, they look like round umbrellas floating rapidly in the water.

Zhang Fan decided it was a jellyfish.

Making jellyfish is like weaving a net, and the modified cells are continuously spliced ​​under Zhang Fan's command.

Digestive organs must be present, otherwise energy cannot be digested and all cells will die.

As for the digestive organs, it is better to imitate the hydra, coelenterate.

There is no need to arrange a thinking system or a sensory system, all these tasks are left to Zhang Fan.

All it needs to do is to install a combat system, attach a stinger to the jellyfish's abdomen, the quality is similar to trilobite armor, and its tentacles are also covered with tiny stingers.

After the production is completed, I start diving. Although it looks crooked, the work efficiency is not low.

Under Zhang Fan's operation, it continuously absorbs and sprays water, slowly moving towards the depths of the water.

As we went down, the light became dimmer, and gradually Zhang Fan couldn't see clearly.

It seemed that there was no danger underneath, and the jellyfish went straight down.

Swimming, it seemed that he had knocked over something, Zhang Fan did not stop at one step, his tentacles pierced the opponent's body, and the poisonous needle in his abdomen also went in.

By transforming the cells, he quickly occupied the other party's body. Only then did Zhang Fan realize that it was a sea urchin.

However, it is more appropriate to call it a water gall in a freshwater lake. The main feature is that the body is spherical and has no arms.The endoskeleton is fused together to form a solid shell, and most species have a complex chewing apparatus in the mouth with teeth for chewing food.

The water gall originally wanted to use Zhang Fan as food, but he didn't expect to die under the poisonous needle.

With the water bladder, Zhang Fan decisively abandoned the jellyfish, it was too ugly, so don't.

Controlling the advancement of the water bladder, it can also sense the fluctuations of the surrounding water ripples.

There are quite a lot of creatures under the water, Zhang Fan doesn't like the ones that are too small, he wants to look for bigger and distinctive creatures.

After strolling around and adding some rations, Zhang Fan was a little puzzled. Why didn't he find any large creatures for so long? Could it be that they didn't exist at all?

"Impossible, this is only so much water pressure, how could there be no?" Zhang Fan searched patiently.

The water bladder has touched the bottom of the lake, and there is soft lake sand underneath, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Zhang Fan looked around, and suddenly he saw a rather abrupt stone.

The other stones were either irregular or cobbled, but this one had circles of spirals.

Swimming near the stone, the tentacles on the water bladder stretched out, injecting the modified cells into it.

Ammonite, a kind of mollusk, belongs to cephalopods. The organ of movement is in the head, and there is a hard shell outside the body. The shell is a conical tube mainly composed of calcium carbonate, with complex sutures.

Unfortunately, this ammonite is dead.

When he was studying, Zhang Fan visited the Dinosaur Museum, where he saw ammonites, so he recognized them immediately.

I don't know how it died, the main body has disappeared, leaving only a lonely shell.

This ammonite is quite large in size, with a shell diameter of about fifty centimeters.

Regardless of the ammonite, Zhang Fan continued to explore the bottom of the lake, no different from before.

The bottom of Yaohu Lake is too big, and it would be too long to explore with just a water gall.

So while exploring, Zhang Fan had already started making new water bladders.

The modified cell groups under the green algae are working hard to make water bladders, and the project is very complicated.

Like trilobites, water galls belong to the top group of multicellular organisms.

Regardless of the appearance or the interior, it must be carefully crafted, and a little mistake will waste all previous efforts.

New water galls entered the water one after another, and the first water gall captured by Zhang Fan had completed its mission and lay on the bottom of the lake forever.

There were hundreds of water gallons this time, and they landed like sea mines.

Once at the bottom of the lake, Zhang Fan ordered the water bladders to disperse.

Among them, one of the water galls found ammonite corpses again, and there were a lot of them.

Zhang Fan felt that this place seemed to be a cemetery of ammonites, with large and small spiral shells sprinkled on the lake bed.

After some observation, Zhang Fan thought in his heart: "This doesn't seem to be a natural death, there are still cracks on the shell."

Most of the ammonite shells are normal, but the large ammonite shells have obvious cracks on the body.

"Who the hell? Has such strength?" Zhang Fan's heart shuddered. A creature with such strength must be at least ten meters tall.

Such a large creature is completely beyond Zhang Fan's current ability to fight against. It is estimated that there is no way to completely poison it to death with toxins.

In fact, Zhang Fan is still a little greedy, hoping to see that monster. If he succeeds in capturing it, he will dominate the world just around the corner.

I kept searching and searching, and the number of water galls has exceeded a thousand, but there is really nothing to see except for the dead ammonites.

Moreover, the bottom of the lake is dead and silent, and there is no vitality on the surface of the lake at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan thought of the base. Don't worry about the first base, it must be a well-equipped life lake.

But where to build it has to be considered.

The bottom of the lake is definitely not good, the nutrient supply is too little, if there is a lack of water on land, the first base will definitely consume a lot of water resources.

Is it going to be built by the lake?Although some moisture can be obtained, it is already the dry season and it has not rained for several months. Who knows if the lakeshore will shrink back.

And the base in the early stage is definitely not as exaggerated as the base in StarCraft, mainly because it doesn't have that strength.

By the way, is it possible to consider the appearance of a beehive or an ant nest?

Zhang Fan thought about it and felt that this plan was very feasible.

For ant nests, pits need to be dug, and Zhang Fan's demand for land is not high at present, and there is no capable digging expert, so this plan is ruled out.

Then the hive is left. The base hive does not need to be hung on the tree like an ordinary hive, but can be hidden under the lake.

Suspended there stably by the pulling force of the creeper, all projects can be carried out inside.

The location has been determined, and after the work of Yaohu is over, we will make every effort to build the base.

Another troublesome thing was that there were more and more creatures, and Zhang Fan's control over them became weaker and weaker.

This is like multitasking. Although it is all your own body, it is a bit messy if you have too many arms, so the brain worm plan must also be implemented.

At the bottom of Yaohu Lake, just when Zhang Fan was about to quit, the foreign land suddenly changed.

 Thank you for the recommendation ticket that will be opened sooner or later


(End of this chapter)

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